As Vanessa? Do you really need to? People do not crouch the woman when she's in defensive anyway, too many mids. Her P,P,K string blows up fuzzy guarding after her jabs, and a successful 46KP sabaki put you in nitaku anyway. They have some application since they can blow up evade dash cancel, but she already has 2K+G and 66K for that, what's the point of low throws outside of hard reads?
Well, firstable yes she need it, low throws is a strong option for such a good damage as punisher until -15 or even vs fuzzy guardin. I m not a fan of ppk string, on block it s -18 on st it isn t even a 3 hit combo and the damage doesn t earn the risk. Vs a jacky or wolf or even on mirror it cost a half life bar. 46kp is 2 highs punishable by crouchin etc... the only real deal is low throw and wsP imo
Other point, i have respect for kbutsu shark but they aren t star players at all and i don t see them winning a lot of tournament. Take kanzen nitaku wolf s star player and see how effective are low throws. See really good players how they play with another char and apply to ur char is the deal as van player coz our "star players" isnt that strong. Even if i like them that s the truth
Fair enough, just a few things though, PPK is extremely hit confirmable, if I'm playing solid, I'm hit confirming it all the time. When they crouch, the second P staggers, and you can confirm into the K pretty easily. You're right about low throws as a punish though, so I can't say much about that. but PPK is some pretty cheap shit when you hit confirm
From my part, online i can t hit comfirm it. I try pp stagger then wsp for float if possible but even that i maybe tried it 4 or 5 times. If u can hit comfifirm ppk it s good it can lead to wall lil splatt and wall extension...
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