Comments on Profile Post by og23

  1. og23
    This would be offline of course, I'm also thinking of maybe running weeklies that may or may not be able to be streamed, I'd have to talk with the main T.O about setting that up, would you guys in VFDC watch our stream if it was primarily offline tournament footage?
    Dec 2, 2015
  2. steelbaz
    I'd be interested in checking youtube replays of the offline for sure, it's my preferred format.
    Dec 2, 2015
    Dark Nova Void and og23 like this.
  3. Kamais_Ookin
    Love your profile pic og, very pleasing!
    Dec 2, 2015
    og23 likes this.
  4. Dark Nova Void
    Dark Nova Void
    I say youtube will be better and you should definitely upload offline matches.
    Dec 2, 2015
    steelbaz likes this.
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