Wait, are saying that you miss 1F links (Cuz I heard in 5 they're gone? Correct me) I didn't have an issue with it but seeing as where the direction SFV is going, (Online) 1F is a bit too much. PS4 netcode is crap I hear. DOA5 on ps3 has better netcode than ps4 ver
PSN is a joke and yes I enjoy 1f links more than SF5 masher combos and target combos into mashed super cancels. I also enjoy 2f links and cr.light confirm combos which aren't in SF5. I enjoy challenging execution and don't think anything in SF5 is challenging or fun execution wise.The gameplay is very BORING and PrRog and other top players say it's insanely boring and aren't bothering with the BETA's.
Wait wait wait you ate saying that V is flat and poor???
I remember when during a BSTAR stream I told you and BStar the same exact thing and you guys were super hype with SF5 >>>> ALL and you all told me I was dead wrong...
Don't worry Baz I still luv u XD
BTW I think that as it is RIGHT NOW is quite flat and poor, let's see if they'll change/add some universal mechanics
I have no problem admitting when I am wrong or if i've blundered (I was wrong about SF5). SF5 is very boring and flat and they have went even beyond that an removed more moves and tech from the game recently, along with censoring Mika and Cammy in game. Capcom came out and officially said SF5 is a game for little children so...
I could see 2f into lights coming back tbh just depends if the character demands such. Though tbh, I thought something fishy when chun HCB K was not there anymore and changed to a normal instead
People thought the same about IV and ultras/focus attack too. That it's childish. Look at that huh Makes sense PR said that about 5 and he lost to that scrubby ryu. I saw it and was like, why did you let c. Lk hit you under hado? right now, I think we need to find what makes sfv challenging when deeper tech gets thru and mashing buttons won't help
Ok so Sabin aka Aurturo a SF'er player for decades and hardcore franchise veteran and top U.S. Sim player loses with SF5 Sim to random masher Ryu's who are casuals and new to SF'er. So when you have a game where 15 and 20 year vets are getting rekt with their mains by scrubs who don't play SF'er there is some issues with the game.
I don't take that as a sign of a scrubby game. I mean it's a totally new game, sim is from a parallel universe compared to its former versions so doesn't mean anything at all. 2 frames link vs 3 frames links it's not important too.
In this version hit confirming is much much more difficult than in 4 (cr. lp > cr. lp > cr. lp > cr. lp > ...) and now you have to react way faster.
The game is flat and boring because there's no metagame defensively but just block or mash
You are absolutely correct it is boring and the block and mash is what's offered. Hopefully they add more too it but who knows. VF5FS is much deeper than SF5 and currently has harder exe SF5 needs a bit more to it.
You would think hit stun would make hit confirming more easier. Also, I kinda was joking when I mentioned Rog losing to that ryu. I think the pros just had an online, I am cocky moment. Very same thing could happen in 4 They are quick to feel like the feat are to their adv bc they are pro. 4 just had everyone babied and in turn, when certain feats aren't there, they wont admit they themselves neda learn.
Doesn't excuse sfv havin certain issues.. but I am sure like god3l said, it, won't be that way for long.
Nov 11, 2015
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