Comments on Profile Post by EvenPit

  1. Kruza
    Me? What did I do? *evil grin*
    Sep 3, 2015
  2. Craigbot
    I hope it doesn't have anything to do with last night ;)
    Sep 3, 2015
  3. Libertine
    You're banned from having a blonde bun after last night!
    Sep 3, 2015
  4. Craigbot
    Wait, you were watching last night?
    Sep 3, 2015
  5. Libertine
    I am always watching. Always.
    Sep 3, 2015
  6. Craigbot
    Oh, I didn't know that. Now that I know, I'll give you a show next time. What did you think of my performance by the way?
    Sep 3, 2015
  7. Libertine
    I was mostly picking on EvenPit. LOL. Once the stream is on YouTube I'll watch it again and comment.
    Sep 3, 2015
  8. Craigbot
    Lol, ok cool.
    Sep 3, 2015
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