Comments on Profile Post by Tha_FeauchA

  1. steelbaz
    ROFL you do realize you can swap out the hard drive in the X1 with a 2TB or 3TB HD and it will in fact run the system much faster than the stock HD's they put in the X1's right? You can also attach am External HD via usb cable as well. I own the x1 and love it, but anyone can add in a larger & better HD into an X1.
    Jun 16, 2015
  2. Tha_FeauchA
    Oh word? Nah, I didn't know you could buy harddrives. I thought you just had what you got with the console.

    I still don't like getting consoles early. They always seem to upgrade them a couple years down the line. I'm glad you love yours though and find the games for it to be worthwhile of having it right now. I'll have mine eventually.
    Jun 16, 2015
  3. steelbaz
    It is better to wait if you can for sure, but atleast with PS4 and X1 you can swap out HD's. X1 is harder to swap the internal cause you have to format it first, PS4 you can just swap them out and run a ps4 file to format it from the PS4 itself. Tiny external HD that connect with USB for X1 is super easy though can add 3TB to it like that and the drive is really small.
    Jun 16, 2015
  4. Tha_FeauchA
    Nooice. That's definitely a breath of air for me with the Xbox and PS4 HD's. Only ads or news I've seen for bigger HD's for em is with the Xbox that has the upgraded controller.
    Jun 17, 2015
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