Comments on Profile Post by MakiLeSushi

  1. Chief_Flash
    maki, learn to read English. 1fk said 2p at -4, your P,K hit is -4 for him. You tard.
    Jun 2, 2015
  2. MakiLeSushi
    Anyway i m french. He s funny... tell him pls to keep on writin. I love haters words, that feeds me :)
    Jun 2, 2015
  3. Unicorn
    Yeah it is actually funny how much 1FK is obsessed with certain people. 1st Tricky, but he was able to at least win over Tricky. Now you, but OH SHIT! I CAN NOT WIN *salt everywhere* I NEED TO DODGE MORE THAT TRICKY DID AND I NEED TO TRASHTALK MORE THAT I EVER DID TO COVER I GOT RAPED OUT OF MY OWN CHALLENGE! :oD :oD
    Jun 3, 2015
  4. MakiLeSushi
    As i said uni, he cannot beat me, so how to cover it, trashtalk...
    Like for flash, it will never cover the fact that i kicked his ass, or with his word, i raped him. I read all the post yesterday, i understand him, it should be frustratin to hate somebody but cannot beat him at all, i felt so much salt in this posr, he really hates me. come on be nice uni, give him some advices =P
    Jun 3, 2015
  5. Chief_Flash
    LOL ^^ look at these scrubs licking each others balls
    Jun 3, 2015
  6. MakiLeSushi
    Lol the only fact i retain in ur post is that uni and got balls bro. 1fk would surely lick urs but he can t find it anywhere. Van stole it in ur last rape. Lol stop it flash u re becomin vfdc's bitch
    Jun 3, 2015
  7. Chief_Flash
    dude you need to start smoking're one angry frenchie LOL
    Jun 3, 2015
  8. MakiLeSushi
    Man i m peace. I m laughing at u, ur salt, and ur frustration being inoffensive vs me. 18-5 and i used only ds. I ridiculised u in front of the whole community. Now u try to keep ur head high lol go to sleep
    Jun 3, 2015
  9. Chief_Flash
    WOW! 18-5 vs lag abuser! what an achievement! the rodney comes and rapes you twice LOL. dude you're not that good. you haven't won anything lol
    Jun 3, 2015
  10. Chief_Flash
    honestly, nobody likes playing you. you're style is built for lag, and that's great that it works for you, and you can count your wins <-- LOL. how bout you count how many times you won an offline tournament? oh yah, ZERO. hahahahaha
    Jun 3, 2015
  11. MakiLeSushi
    Ok 2 things. First 20-15 isn t a rape, and rod is stronger i always said it. where did u see me claim i m good or strong or the best? I m not like u, i doesn t have this big mouth. I m an average player just strong enough to humiliate scrubs like u both of nwo are... not more not less.
    Jun 3, 2015
  12. MakiLeSushi
    2nd point, tell me who like to play u at all? Ebody hates u here coz u think u re such a god damn wolf but in fact u re under the average lvl. U got only ur mouth. About tournament there is something u forget, i started to play end ok 2k12 so comparing to old players like kingo or chibi i m still a new starter.
    Jun 3, 2015
  13. MakiLeSushi
    I can t pretend that i ll win someday 1 (yes my mouth is little comparing to urs) finshed in top 8 in sce 2k13 was for me amazing enough, knowing that there were 4 jp players and around 50 euro players with the elite except pana and less of a year playin under my belt. However i m not that good but once again good enough to kick ur ass :)
    Jun 3, 2015
  14. Chief_Flash
    LOL I didn't even read. post 3x in a row. calm the fuck down dude. LOL have a cig
    Jun 3, 2015
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