My point this days is simple: VF is dead, in EU completely, in US almost. Unless Sega announce VF6, all we see now is but twitching of dead body who just do not know it is dead already.
And yes, it piss me a lot... But can not see what can be done by us to revert this. We can slow the process down - using things like you mentioned for example - but we will still sit on. dead community with maybe dozen active, hardcore players. People are not attracted by 10 years old game with no future and I doubt we can change this:o(
I understand your point and even agree with it. The only one that can really push things forward in all honesty is the publisher (SEGA in our case). If they don't push their own game, noone can save it. The Capcom FGC of north america between 3rd strike and SF4 era now is a good example.
Back then, having 500 people at EVO was a huge accomplishment, compared to now where 2000-ish people come to EVO for Street Fighter alone (not even counting the thousands that come to EVO for not-SF).
That being said, what caused this huge boost in numbers? SF4, right? Right. Well, what caused SF4 to even happen? Capcom just felt like bringing back (and taking a gamble with) a long dead (in corporate eyes) franchise after 8 years?
No. I'll tell you what brought SF back with SF4, which also revitalized and blew up the entire FGC.
Fans. The FGC. The extremely small group of fanatics (like us) who showed they loved the game by playing it non-stop, travelling to their own grassroots tournaments, and bugged Capcom non-stop for nearly a decade until they finally caved in to the idea of taking a risk on losing money on a 'dead' genre.
So, in the end, what not only saved the FGC, but blew it up to greater numbers in history? Capcom? SF4? No, it was the FGC; guys like us.
So in the end, what will bring VF back from the dead? SEGA? AM2? No, it will be guys like us. Even if VF6 comes out, it will fail if we are not out pushing and supporting it.
Nah it was a nice read :) But if youre right, then what we need to do is not to "sponsor" our 10-men tourneys with money prizes. We need to have them; but mainly - we need to kick Segas butt with our "VF6!!!" spam. Spam that will not come from one person, but from as much as possible.
Also it may be worth it to "annouce" each and every of our tourneys to Sega, no matter how small or irrelevant. It may help them to understand VF lives; and VF lives outside of Japan.
Just make a topic. Dont worry about trolls like Shang (Shang has been IP banned from VFDC for at least a year from what i hear). Let them comment and after a proper debate, the truth will prevail
Jun 3, 2015
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