the most damaging combo after a back stagger is, b,d/f+p--f+k,k--d/f+k--f+k--F+k,k--d/f+p+g--d/f+p (about 80%, against light weight, reverse...
as far as I know, each character has 5 win poses. three(p,k or g) plus two(p+k or p+k+g) to do p+k or p+k+g win poses, you must have a card and...
I'm still not very good at interrupting rising kicks, do you hit them early in the animation or late? I'm not good at it either, but I think that...
Great post, and these analyses are pretty much accurate as far as I know. Here's some I know about her moves in addition to Doomboy's post....
Re: Lion d/f P,P as float combo?? You cannot TR after the d/f+p,p and the d/f+p ground punch is guaranteed, but you can escape the u+p pounce.
It's not a new move and useless, she just does her ppp combo towards away from the opponent with her back turned. BTW the ground grab after...
Moves you listed above sure does sabaki low punch. and in addition, Akira's d/f+P+K+G sabaki high punch also Kage's f,b+K sabaki low attacks
Also you can do b,b+p, u or d+p+k,p,f+p,p. I think Aoi is the only one who can do these in VF4.
That reverse crescent of Pai's k,p,k or d/f+p,k, is a high attack which is charge-able and it hits mid when it's charged. And even if it's not...
does it really beat any high or low throw? -Yes, but I'm not sure that if it beats Venessa's catch-Lts. what is the recovery on whiff? i assume...
How does Chibita jump away from his opponent when he has his back turned to them? By doing a u/f+P(hold p) for pounce, he'll just jump away in...
Hey, Akira Aoi's b+k+g evades any high attacks and hits, I think. If it's hit MC, pounce, d/f+p+g or d+k+g are guaranteed. f+k,k also hits and I...
I see you use Pai, so that maby it's easier to say this way. YY stance reverses any attacks that Pai can reverse.
Re: lion stuff... If the opponent tech roll the f,f+P+G, can I interrupt him with his back turned?? I think I read somewhere that a face down...
Re: lion stuff... as Feixaq say, these KDs are un-struggle-able, and it's also un-tech-able(unless you follow up with other moves) There're three...
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