Reguarding Kagemaru: I can't believe no one mentioned Ninpo. From what I've read, Ninpo was the Fighting art used by the ninja. It was a mix...
Shadowdean: I used Thanks for the link FeixaQ Thanks for the suggestion CreeD
call me stupid, but how do you get in to TBzone? The page loads up with some kind of flash interface, but I can't find any links to anything??...
so, it worked at random? I have tried ThePlaya once and it didn't work. Ok so at least I know there's no new codec to download.
I down loaded a jeff_Wolf vid from the Random Recent VF Movies section and it won't play. It can't find combination of filters. I have divx 4.02...
Re: can't play "hk_akira_vs_lei" video? Thanks:) Kenshiro da.. Oboeteoke!
can't play "hk_akira_vs_lei" video? Sorry if this was said before, but I D/Led the vid in question and It required a codec I don't have. I have...
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