VF5FS Goh Strategy
Short blurb about this character's strengths, what makes them unique or sets them apart from the rest.
What's this character's nitaku, or two-choice, guessing game?
What is recommended at different advantages?
Nitaku is a situation that starts when the opponent is unable to fuzzy guard under a throw and has to gamble between getting thrown or getting hit by a mid attack if trying to attack through the throw.
Throws become unfuzzyable at -6 (or -5 for Taka) so let's look at the options available at these situation.
Across all the moves in the game this is the most common frame advantage that occurs when blocking a move from the opponent. You also get +6 if you get a normal hit with 6P on a crouching opponent.
Uninterruptable at +6 (unless the opponent has a 10 frame move) which is a good thing since it's his scariest nitaku mid. It is safe on block and on counter hit leads to some of the most damaging combos in the game. This moves only downfall in nitaku situations is that it is heavily punishable if evade so remember to use Goh's throws to prevent them from doing that. -8 on block. - 19 if evaded.
Not a mid but this high, high strings first hit cannot be ECD'd under at +6 so it becomes an effective way of preventing the opponent from evading towards his back. Remember to counter hit checkas the second hit is only guaranteed on CH. The first hit is -5 on block, the second on is -7. The first hit is -14 if evaded. The second attack can interrupt the opponents slower retaliations if it's delayed a bit; it does not do that if done as fast as possible.
21 frames (efficiently 22f because of dash input). It's full circular and cannot be ECD'd at all. This is a hit-throw that allows for a combo on hit. Unfortunately it can still be blocked by EDC, so watch out if your opponent starts doing that. As this move is very slow it can get interrupted if the opponent chooses to attack.
This 18 frame low can prevent evades towards Goh's front. It doesn't do a lot of damage and only gives you small advantage if you catch an evade with it. But unfortunately it is Goh's only reliable strike attack that cannot be ECD'd or EDC'd towards his front. On the good side from +6 it interrupts any attacks that are 12f or more or don't jump over it. This move is very punishable if it gets evades; at this frame situation it's -21 on evade.
Theoretically this move is available at +6 but since it would require perfect buffering it's going to be discussed at the +7 situation.
This is what you get when getting a counter hit with Goh'sor
The above options are still available
--19 -> -18 if evaded, not interruptable by even 10f moves anymore.
--14 -> -13 if evaded towards front
--21 -> -20 if evaded towards back, not interruptable by 11f moves anymore.
-- Still functions exactly the same.
-- A new option becomes available at +7 though 11f or faster moves can still interrupt it. Like
this move also covers Goh's back but this one is a mid. Also because it's a mid you can use it instead of 6K as a nitaku mid. It does not give a combo opportunity on CH but it has other benefits (half circular, fuzzy safe on block, at bit safer than 6K if evaded). On this move turn the opponent sideways on any hit and on CH it leaves Goh at +9, not the nicest place for the opponent to be in. This move is -16 if evaded (-15 if you can make the perfect buffer with no dash frame)
This is a situation that happens most when acounter hits or Goh's
hits a crouching opponent. Some rare moves are also -8 if blocked (like Goh's own
--18 -> -17 if evaded
--13 -> -12 if evaded towards front
--20 -> -19 if evaded towards back
--> cannot be EDC'd anymore if perfectly buffered
--16 -> -15 if evaded towards front, not interruptable by 11f moves anymore.
-- A new option becomes available at +8 as this high half circular cannot be ECD'd under anymore. Like
this move prevents evades towards Goh's front while offering a knockdown and better damage. This move carries a ridiculous amount of risk for it's reward, however. On block this move is -15 so it's pretty punishable and on evade from +8 it's -40 and recovers backturned. Truthfully however the amount of punishment most characters can get in that situation is about the same or even worse as they could on 1K on evade. For comparison Goh himself can punish 1K evaded from this situation for 96 points while he can get 94 on 4K+G. Wolf can get a Burning Driver for 120 points if he evades this move!
Goh's only moves that give him +9 also sideturn the opponent and that is different from a regular nitaku situation so for him you can only get at +9 for blocking some rare moves that are -9 (like Goh's own)
-- 17 -> -16 if evaded
--12 -> -11 if evaded towards the front
--19 -> -18 if evaded towards the back
--> cannot be EDC'd anymore
--15 -> -14 if evaded
--40 -> -39 if evaded towards back
- As you can see from the above frame statistics Goh is not only disadvantaged but very likely to get hit by a big lauch if his nitaku options are evaded. Watch your opponents habits and remember to mix in your throws.
- There are some other moves likeand
that theoretically could be used in nitaku, but the are punishable on block and even worse on evade than
while they lead to less damage. They are mostly used for whiff punishing purposes. Possible kick sabaki attempt also get beaten by all the other options available and there's some highs and lows in there that can take care of mid reversals.
- One less damaging but by far one of the safest options is to use/
for nitaku. First hit is only -6 on block and only -13 if evaded from +6 (-10 for +9). The follow-up hit can be hit checked on counter hit and causes a knockdown. Also while doing so is very risky it also has some extra safety when evaded as doing the second hit will interrupt the opponents moves.
- Another option that is always available is to simply use Goh's 6P elbow. It does not offer much in terms of damage, but it's fuzzy safe on block and totally safe on evades at nitaku situations (-7 if evaded at +6, -4 if evaded at +9). On counter hit it gives enough frame advantage for another nitaku situation.
What can you do to defeat a Guarding Throw Escape? (e.g. guard breaks)
What can you do if you anticipate an evade in any or a particular direction?
Side Turned(top)
What are this character's options for side turning the opponent with an attack or throw?
Aside from escaping the opponents throw or using OM Goh has 3 sideturning attacks:
-an 18 frame (oftenmost 19 frame because of the dash input) halfcircular mid punch
-a 20 frame fullcircular high crescent kick
- BTa 16f halfcircular mid punch
What are the optimal follow-ups when the opponent is side turned?
Do the options vary due to ring position?
What are the optimal follow-ups when you successfully evade an attack that recovers standing or crouching?
Unless you can get a launch withfor straight guaranteed damage, Goh's
gives a pretty strong mix-up when it hits on the side. Both BT
and BT
get much stronger rewards on CH and BT
can't be backdashed out of. The mix-up can still be fuzzy guarded against but you can simply delay your BT
slightly in this situation to make either hard or impossible to do that. If the opponent simply starts crouching BT
is the stronger option but keep in mind that you don't have to enter BT after
so you can apply your other mids or even low throws too.
Most attacks that recover low have enough recovery for Goh to landif evaded. Evading a low recovering move with a long recovery often allows Goh to punish with
for big damage.
Any additional notes about combos (e.g. favouring one over another due to ring position)
Most of Goh's combos end withand have good carry potential and leave you enough time to harass the opponent as they're getting up so it's usually the way to go.
Alternatively ending withknocks the opponent down right in front of Goh and allows for
as follow-up unless the opponent techs it. Goh only loses a couple of points of damage compared to
ender even if they do tech so testing the opponents ability do that a few times might be a good idea. This ending doesn't carry the opponent as far and gives Goh less advantage to mix the opponent up after their tech however.
shoves the opponent just a bit towards Goh's front and
(if you can make it somehow connect mid-combo) shoves them just a bit towards Goh's back so using these options early in a float might be a good idea if the rings edge is very near on either side.
Ending a combo withmakes Goh backturned and you can buffer
to make him dash towards the opponent while staying backturned. If they techroll you can try mixing his inescapable BT
catch throw with his BT
which hurts on counter hit or BT
which sideturns them on any hit.
Discuss techniques that can be used for 1 frame delays
Goh's most commonly used 1 frame delay is his, but there is some need for a couple of other moves in some of his combos too.
can be one frame killed easily by either
input. This is his most common one frame kill.
with one frame kill is used in some rare combos. There's two ways to 1 frame kill this move:
needs to be one frame killed only in one particular combo versus Taka-Arashi. It's done as
Wakeup Strategies(top)
Baiting and punishing whiffed rising attacks?
Some of Goh's throws allow him to easily step away from a rising kicks range while some others leave him in a position where he's able to evade and punish a mid rising kick, making it a very risky option for opponents to go for. These properties are broken down on the move analysis page throw section.
hit-throw and
air hit-throw also plant your opponent to the ground not allowing a tech. These options unfortunately leave you so close to the opponent that the best option is to try to react to how they get up from the ground and guard appropriately. Remember that guarding a rising kick gives you nitaku advantage and Goh's options in this situation are very damaging.
Same goes for:
hit-throw but it does have the added benefit of allowing Goh to jump over immediately done rising kicks and land an attack to the opponents back.
If you jump over the opponent after one of Goh's throws or hit-throws the best options are BT 2P and BT P+K. Neither do a lot of damage on their own but both give you good mix-up opportunities when hitting an opponent in the back.
BTon back hit makes the opponent sideturned and gives a nice +8 advantage to work from. You are left on "the better side" as
hits from here force the opponent backturned once again.
BTleaves the opponent backturned and forces them crouching. This gives Goh a damaging 50/50 mix-up with a low backthrow and
. Opponent can't use evade on
from this situation so it's totally safe. The opponent can still buffer a dash or start turning around with
to avoid the low throw and only get hit with a normal hit from
. If your opponent is using these options you can start mixing in standing throws as well.
Guaranteed punishment after blocking certain rising attacks?
Rising kicks after backrolls are punishable on block so if your opponent decides to do one remember to make them pay.
-is guaranteed after blocking a backroll mid rising kick.
-is guaranteed after blocking a backroll low rising kick.
Ideal attacks to pressure with?
Option selects between attack or down attack?
Ring Position(top)
Wall Pressure(top)
How to induce, and follow-up, wall staggers?
How to induce, and follow-up, wall side stuns?
Ring Out(top)
Ideal ways to ring out over half fences?
Goh doesn't possess very reliable ways for ringing out over half-fences. Hisand
when done with a little distance from the fence can ring out straight, especially on counter hit. Light and midweight haracters can be RO'd from a bit further away by continuing the combos without using a bound. One of the most reliable ways is to just do
afterwards. Of course the higher the float the easier this get's.
floats higher than
. Counter hit floats higher than normal hit. Light characters float higher than heavier ones.
Ideal combos that carry good distance (for ring out)?
Most of Goh's combos ending ingive him the best possible carry so there's not often a need to make changes to his combos for better carry.
Like mentioned in the combo section hisand
have some limited ability to ring the opponent out towards the side if the rings edge is very near. Getting
to connect on an aerial opponent usually requires you land bigger launches however (
Goh doesn't have any unique stances but he does have pretty good moves from backturned. He also has an additional grapling art called Tsukami. The entries and follow-ups are listed on the move analysis page at the end.
Anything else is unique about the character?
Goh has the unique ability to sabaki throws with his Tsukamigaeshi. This is performed by pressingwithin a 2 frame window after the opponent has grabbed Goh. This can be performed on standing throws, sidethrows and wallthrows. It does not work against backthrows, low throws or catch throws.
Goh also has other sabaki moves that can really make the opponent second guess their choices.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM