VF5FS Aoi Strategy
In FS, Aoi is the character with the most complete defensive tool set. Thanks to her sabaki attacks, parries, and reversals, she is particularly good at inflicting damage with her defensive capabilities.
Basically, she's the character who can shut down your opponent's basic/best options and forces him to play differently, mostly by implementing anti-Tenchi moves and strategies.
Tenchi is a very good defensive stance when used sparingly. It will confuse your opponent and make him hesitate to attack her right away. However, the downside part of such a defense-oriented character is a somewhat limited strike game, while the overall damage she can inflict is low. Her light weight doesn't help either: a single mistake or a combo really hurts her, not to mention her punishment options are weak.
For this reason, Aoi needs work and setups (mostly to land throws, one of her main strengths) to get damage.
She can be difficult to use because of the sheer amount of tools she has and the knowledge necessary to properly adapt between various players and characters. She's a good average character, who can be strong in the right hands provided you make the right decisions and guesses to turn the tables.
Poking & Offensive Game(top)
Although Aoi's offense is not her best strength, her poking game still allow her to attack safely, while pushing her opponent to possibly make a mistake.
Create advantage with her 12 frame punch (), then follow by
or her elbow
(her fastest mids) and mix with throws. These two moves provide good advantage on CH or crouching opponents, allowing you to keep attacking.
Her other fast mids at 15fr are, very safe with good advantage on hit, while
has better range but leaves her back turned, which is not good on block.
is rewarding too, with combo potential against abare.
are her main strings that can be cancelled and delayed.
Even though the last hit is unsafe, it gives a knockdown on hit, but it's probably better to stop in between and react properly (with a guard, cancel, or evade) in case the string gets guarded.
As you can guess, using Aoi's strings requires good hit checking skills. Play with delay & cancel or stop in the middle of the string to confuse your opponent!
Now that you hit your opponent and score a knockdown with the combos or the strings,, or
, apply your okizeme options to pressure him.
is fast and has a good reach for a poking move, however it loses to a crouch. Make sure to use
to dissuade them from ducking too much.
Most Aoi's key moves can be evaded to her back, usingcan solve the problem. Along with
, it helps Aoi to close the distance safely in order to apply her offense, better at close range.
You may also trywhat leaves her back turned, only -2 on block, and allows her to use her BT
, a 11fr low punch what need to be crouch guarded.
It's very important to hit check if the first part of the strings,
have landed successfully or not, since the follow up is punishable (on guard or when ducked).
takes care of back dashers,
launches them for a juggle but is unsafe on block.
Take a look at the Move Analysis section for more details.
We can't do damage without combos, here is a quick list of Aoi's combo starters:
-safe, but slow. -> best for meaty/okizeme / crouching foes
, unsafe (-13) -> best for whiff punishment and guaranteed situations,
-a very evasive move which can avoid moves at disadvantage
all safe but require CH -> best at nitaku
are sabaki attacks -> best at disadvantage
See the Combos section & Combos List for more details.
Cancel Techniques (also called Sundome) are one of Aoi's greatest abilities, and a good way to set up another one of her greatest strengths: her throw game. In FS, Aoi has now the ability to cancel some moves and go immediately into a mid knee (Sundome) or a high hit throw (Sundome
Confuse your opponent by following with the Sundome moves, or just guard / evade, or throws.
(Sundome)is one of her best addition in FS: mid, safe, advantage on hit, staggers a crouching foe.
Then you can cancel and throw to defeat your opponent's guard once he learnt to respect Aoi's cancel game.
(Sundome)is a high hit throw and can catch people who don't cancel their evade.
Some examples on when to apply cancel / sundome options:
-in a string if the previous hit landed on CH, likeCH
-at advantage, by cancelling a single attack like~
-to close the distance with~
See the Command List to know what move you can cancel into Sundome
What to do when you have advantage ?
- At +1 to +2,beats
, high punches & any high moves, as well as crouching position.
- At +2 and more, basic elbowdoes the job, but beware of EL/P sabaki and 11fr
- From +4 and more,&
provides a combo,
a stagger.
- From +5 and more,gives you a juggle on CH, even against backdashers.
- Use her kneefrom +6 to juggle. Good against characters with EL/P sabaki.
See the nitaku situations section for more information.
However, crouch fuzzy guard allows your opponent to beat the mid / throws mix up from -5 at worse.
Time to use one of her 3 crouch throws,
Sundome into throw, along with delayed throws are a good way to deal with it too, although risky. Unfortunately, she doesn't have good lows to use against yutori (or lazy throw escape) and fuzzy guard, using,
can chip some damage but put her at disadvantage again, not to mention they are vulnerable to low crush / jumping attacks. OM and cancel/Sundome can also be a way to deal with those defensive options.
Against players who like to evade,&
cover her front, while
cover her back. And of course, her sweep
, though quite unsafe, but the block stun can be cancelled into Tenchi to avoid some heavy punishment. Honorable mention to
, a 17 frame full circular high punch.
But keep in mind that the last two ones can be ECD and EDC at proper disadvantage.
As you can see, Aoi's offensive game relies a lot on CH to be effective, and is pretty safe. Once you dissuade your opponent from attacking at disadvantage, you can start using Aoi's throws to break his defense.
Unfortunately, most Aoi's fast offensive attacks can be backdashed and punished, so be careful.
You also have great advantage when your opponent is staggered because he can't really have the time to backdash if he's trying to struggle out of the stagger induced by( staggers on CH and crouching ) ,
and sudome
( staggers on crounching ), so theses are the perfect situation to mix up your offense without the risk of being backdashed
Moves what give nitaku advantage:
CH (+7),
CH (+8),
CH (+7) and crouching opponent (+6),
on crouching opponent (+8),
CH (+6),
CH (+7), (Sundome)
CH (+8)
In FS, nitaku start at +6, and allows Aoi to usefor a crumple combo on CH against abare.
With a execution of 16fr, she need at least +4 to beat a low punch, and +5 to beat 11f punches.
is also a good choice, you can CD fuzzy guard on block, input it as
if you are standing. You need a CH to start a combo.
Replace withto beat characters with a good punch sabaki.
All those 3 options are safe and provide a combo on CH.
Don't forget about, a semi-circular and special high kick, fast at 16 frames of execution and provides a stagger on hit.
Against players who like to evade to her back,is also a good choice, especially if they have their back towards the wall.
Using her sweepat +8 is a good choice to beat evaders and low punch.
To punish players who crouch, use her safe hit throw!
for a nice 55 damage.
Once your opponent stop pushing buttons, you can use Aoi's great throws game to beat his guard & evade.
You can guess that Aoi doesn't do much damage, and it's even worse when fighting a heavyweight character.
Her combos are rather simple to execute, and most of them provide a good okizeme game.
Usingin a juggle cover a good distance, and can possibly lead to ring out or for wall carry.
Not to mention that string can be done after most of her launchers / combo starters. Add an extrabefore it whenever it's possible.
for potential ring out or wall slump even when off axis:
Whenever the opponent is lifted in the air with a launcher attack (,
CH or
CH ), or whenever the opponent is floating/jumping in mid-air close to Aoi at an area of the ring near a wall, then
can be done as the follow-up string to lead the opponent into a wall to possibly cause a low wall slump animation.
A wall slump can occur when the opponent is knocked backward into a wall like after you hit him with, and can also occur when the opponent is knocked into a wall at an angle.
Follow with herto optimize damage.
After herBound Move in juggle,
can push your opponent quite far away.
In Aoi's stage, you can ring out him after a crumple by usingto end the combo.
Combos requiring a 1 frame kill (Note: the following counter hits refer to the second part of:
Counter Hit->
or Counter Hit
Defensive Game(top)
What would be Aoi without her great defensive options ?
Along with the basic defensive techniques of the game such as fuzzy guard, evade dash cancel, and abare, it'll make your opponent's life harder, since it will limit his offensive game and options. Also, Aoi's sabaki attacks and Tenchi Stance are essential for getting damage.
Sabaki Attacks
Your opponent can't use carelessly his elbow / punch attacks at small advantage (+2 to +4) due to that sabaki. It leads to a crumple combo for 62-72 damage.
As opposed to the previous sabaki, that one takes care of knee and kick attacks, for a 50+ damage combo.
Although the combo possibility after that sabaki is kinda limited, the move itself is not too bad, since it knockdown on hit, and has a surprisingly good range.
Only works at advantage and at 0 and -1 situations, against generic low punch and high punch, so it has limited use. Nice damage on successful sabaki though.
Tenchi In'yō
Aoi can enter her Tenchi Stance by( can be held )
Best Defensive Stance of the game, it deflects high, mid, linear or semi-circular punches and elbows and kicks and knees, allowing her to land guaranteed moves, depending of the types of the moves parried.
-> against punches, elbows, and side kicks:for a knockdown, or
for a +7 advantage on a side turned opponent
-> against knees and mid/high kicks: guaranteed launcher on a side turned opponent,or
As you can guess, Tenchi can parry a large proportion of a character' s moves set, and will make your opponent think twice before using attacks vulnerable to parries. This plays a crucial role in the Aoi match-up.
Basically, we can have 3 categories of characters, sorted by how much Tenchi can affect their gameplay or not.
-characters who will have to rely on more risky/less rewarding moves to beat Tenchi: Jacky, Sarah, Kage, Jean, Jeffry
-characters with their poking game/offense limited by Tenchi but still have good & safe anti-Tenchi moves: Vanessa, Lau, Akira, Lei Fei, Brad, and Goh
-characters with natural anti-Tenchi moves in their bread and butter moves: Pai, Eileen, El Blaze, Lion, Shun Di, Wolf
Using Tenchi can be really risky against certain characters or players, but your agenda is to make them think you are going to Tenchi and bait/force them to play differently, allowing Aoi to control the flow of the match.
Usingbecomes useful if you start using, for example
: it cancels the generic blocked sweep animation.
If you get thrown out of the Tenchior
evade, it'll probably be side throw, so buffering in the throw escape is worthwhile even if you're doing the attack from the stance.
The thinking behind using Tenchi like this isn't to use the inashi reversal of the Tenchi. It's to create a semi-safe situation against any attack that can be parried by Tenchi, particularly after Aoi's sweep. It's not completely safe, but it narrows your opponents options and gives them another type of controlled guessing game.
You can try also to do a Tenchi stance + Throw Escape. The YY stance will still be effective for 14f even if you don't hold the buttons. But the overall frame is longer than a reversal + Throw Escape. The upside of it is it can inashi high and mid attacks. However be careful about the moment you decide to enter a throw escape withor
since it will also make Aoi use her new Tenchi movements
at the same time.
Aoi has the unique ability to reverse everything in the game, as long as you guess the level of the incoming attack: high, mid or low.
She will retaliate with a specific throw, and can follow with a light down attack or a free ground throw attempt for extra damage.
However, reversing some moves like a jumping attack, or a double legs attack will only result in a spinning evade with no damage, but frame advantage.
Against circular attacks, Aoi get even enough advantage to land a launcher.
Implementing and using reversals in your game can be risky, but in case of success, it can really throw your opponent off, a good alternative/complementary tool against attacks what can't be parried with Tenchi. Also, it's essential to buffer a throw escape while doing a reversal when you opponent has nitaku.
"Crush" Moves
Note: The term "crush" properly refers to the ability of an attack to beat one of lesser damage when landing simultaneously, but is here used colloquially to refer to the ability of an attack to evade moves of various hit levels (high, mid, and/or low).
has the ability to avoid high attacks as well as short range mid attacks, at proper disadvantage
For example, after you get hit by Kage, if he uses his elbow after, you can avoid it with
, and get a combo that does around 75 damage!
Be careful, Aoi is considered backdashing during its execution, so a side kick from your opponent will stagger her and leaves her wide open for a damaging combo...
goes under high attacks, like a low punch
does, but is a true mid attack.
goes under high attacks and even some mid attacks, at proper disadvantage situations. Refer to this thread for some examples:
can go under high attacks at its late frames, so at advantage only. Not really the purpose of the move.
Punishment options(top)
Unfortunately, Aoi has a poor punishment game, so don't miss any opportunity and know your opponent's punishable moves !
Standing moves
Low moves
(-18) or
Wake-up Strategies(top)
When Aoi scores a knockdown, make sure to use her high / low throws along with her middle key moves to keep pressure on your opponent.
Baiting and punishing whiffed rising attacks can be easily done with&
after back dash thanks to their long range.
You can also just reverse the rising kick: most of the time it will be circular, so you get a free juggle afterwards.
Reversing low circular rising attacks give you a free,
while the mid circular one gives you a free
Don't forgetif they're near a wall, for some juicy wall combo opportunity !
Depending on his position on the ground, your opponent's mid rising attack may become half circular, making Tenchi orsabaki useful in that situation.
If you can time it right,,
can beat the rising attack since they do 21 damage or more.
Blocking rising attacks after a back roll gives you +15, punish accordingly with,
-> Meaty
When your opponent decides to tech roll after they got knockdown or after eating a combo, you can use a well-timed attack to hit him if he does anything else but guard ( like evade, attack, sabaki ). The ideal meaty is a safe mid attack with low risk / good reward.
is a safe combo starter.
is an universal meaty attack for almost every situation. Provides you +8 to +10. At +10 you get a free grab.
causes a stagger.
a little tricky to use since you have to buffer
without confirming if your opponent have teched or not.
ideal to push the opponent back the edge of a ring or a wall.
into (Sundome)
can also be meaty and gives you a stagger.
Jump While Descendinggives you a free low throw attempt.
forces crouch on hit, +4 up to +7 depending on which active frame hits the opponent.
an option select with her light down attack.
is a safe low.
safe mid, +6 if lands successfully.
Keep in mind that the timing of a meaty attack can change / may not work, depending of the weight of your opponent's character, and the timing of his tech roll (perfect tech roll or not).
-> Ideal attacks for pressure
When your opponent techs in place or quick rise after a KND or combo:
and cancel
and cancel
(back turned)catch throw and (back turned)
Option selects between attack or down attack
A common situation is afterknockdown and
knockdown, you can OM then
If the opponent tech, your blocked mid attack leaves you at only -2, but if he stays on the ground, you get a down attack.
Side Turned game(top)
Situations that leads to a ST situation:
_After you escaped most of throws
You're usually at +6.
_After you throw with, then
Mostly used for ring positioning, or to put the opponent near the wall or out of the ring.
is always guaranted after thoses throws. When your notice that the other player will always escape
when you're both near walls, use
throw for damage !
_hits an evader
Aoi has +9:
->can't be blocked with a standing guard ( but opponent can abare with
, or crouch under the punches )
->can't be guarded, but can be beaten by instant cruching low moves
-> mix your options withfor a crumple combo if your foe tries to abare or crouch, use
for a stagger ( harder to shake when it hits a ST opponent )
_ After you evaded a long recovery move
Depending on the situations ( your disadvantage before evading, the opponent's move total execution frames you evaded ), after your successful evade, you will be on your opponent side, with possibly free guaranteed punishment options:
->for a KND + okizeme options
->if the opponent is recovering crouched after his move, you will be at +11. That advantage on a side turned opponent gives you several options:
can' t be guarded ( but can be crushed by a low punch for example ) + KND and oki options
is unguardable for +6 advantage, opponent remains side turned
is guaranteed and leave Aoi +2, opponent still side turned
free side throw attempt but is easily escapable ( but Aoi has still advantage if her side throw is escaped )
->becomes a true combo
->the string is fully guaranteed and leaves you at 0
->gives you +7 on a forced crouched opponent for a free low throw attempt if he keeps on guarding.
In a ST situation, some Aoi's moves give an advantage on block:(+1),
While some of her moves becomes very safe on block:(-1),
Ring Position(top)
Aoi has the ability to throw the opponent towards the direction she wants after herfollowed by
, in order to apply wall game or ring out pressure, or simply for better positioning.
Those throws do no damage but you get guaranteed strings such as,
Choose the right string depending on the situation (wall or ring out potential).
switches position while Aoi throws her opponent behind her.
On the opposite, with her neutral throwAoi pushes her opponent a little toward.
Wall Pressure(top)
How to induce, and follow-up, wall staggers ?
Aoi has some dangerous moves to apply pressures near the wall. Her Tenchi parry against punches and side kicks can put the opponent near the wall, along her throwfollow ups.
-> What to do when opponent is back to the wall ?
Poke with low moves !
becomes a true combo if the low kick hits a opponent back to the wall
gives you advantage now.
Pressure withand
strings !
It's time to use sundome afterstrings because if they don't guard until the last hit of the strings while their back is sticked to the wall, they'd probably eat more combos. Risky options for better rewards, make your choice.
Herbecomes a 70 dmg wall throw, mix with her
throw to mess up with your opponent's mind
-> Key moves for Wall stagger :
CH(second hit)
( no sabaki)
Jump,( the low kick )
a simplewhen your foe is side turned against the wall
Tenchi( the low kick )
Follow withor
for a wall splat into a wall combo !
-> Key moves to induce Wall splat :
CH ( at the right angle ),
-> How to induce, and follow-up, wall side stuns
Aoi's stomach must be facing the wall :or
. Then get your free launcher
At the right angle near the wall, the last hit ofor
can produce a side wall stun too. Free
If you react too late to the side wall stun, go for, the whole string is guaranteed for decent damage.
Aoi can inflicts more damage after your airborne opponent hits the wall, rather than the usual.
For example, after Side hit, she may have her full
Same thing afteror
( opponent hits the wall at the right distance ).
So it's always important to be aware of the distance beetween your opponent and the wall.
Ring Out(top)
Ideal ways to ring out over half fences
Ideal combos that carry good distance (for ring out) :
simply useor
, this aeral combo will do perfectly the job.
Anything else is unique about the character?
Aoi has a ground reversalwhen she's on the floor in a face up position, that can make your opponent think twice before using a down attack on her. A successful reversal results in a free
launch on a back turned opponent.
Her BT evade allows her to avoid some "guaranteed" moves after some characters put her BT with their specific throw. In case your opponent is aware of that option, the situation will become a mix up.
Why would you play Aoi ?
- She's cute
- Best defensive game of all characters.
- You like to guess, to lure, or messing up with your opponent's head.
- Complete set of throws
Why you shouldn't play Aoi:
- She's weak, vulnerable to damaging combos, the risks are high if you misread your opponent.
- Her punishment game sucks.
- Most of her good attacks suffer from lack of range and can be back dashed.
Aoi is not really a character for beginners, as the player need to be familiar with the VF system and the others characters' abilities to fully exploit her. But she has the tools to screw with your opponent's mind, so observe and weed out their habits. It is essential to a yomi heavy character like Aoi.
On offense her returns can be somewhat small compared to other characters but she is particularly good at inflicting damage with her defensive capabilities.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM