VF4FT Sarah Arcadia Issue 52
Use her refined leg techniques to deeply confuse your opponent!
Increase the number of moves from flamingo(top)
Amongst her changed moves, as you'd guess the basic attacks ofand
to throw if used well form a powerful nitaku. Also, a move that is easy to take the initiative with is her
. The third hit is a fully circular special high, and on normal hit a elbow throw is an effective mixup. The fourth hit gives guard advantage even on block, so pressure from flamingo. It's a convenient move that you can keep on attacking with until the opponent avoids it with a crouch guard.
The main juggle move that she has is her dragon smash cannon (), which can be countered with elbow class attacks on guard. Also, the refloating during air combos has been removed, so you should use
combos when the dragon smash cannon connects. The serpent cannon (
) is now throw counterable if the first hit is guarded. Combos connect fairly much as per previously.
Increase the number of attack options from flamingo(top)
You want to add the reverse high kick (flamingo) to your attack option for when advantaged in flamingo. The first hit is a full circular high attack, and is particularly strong against sabaki attacks. It can beat out middle weight class punches when used from the normal flamingo advantage (+4). Also, the properties on hit are pretty much the same as the combo reverse high kick (see above.)
About the Change Moves(top)
Choice A's spin edge kick () is at medium range a easy to use defensive action. The cresent heel can quickly change to flamingo stance by guard cancelling, so you should use it as a main attack.
The B choice spinning scare crow () is easy to use a sweep after guard getting guarded, where as the fully circular mid hitting spin kick is easy to pressure with okizemi after a hit.
- The dragon smash cannon's launch is essentially the same as in the last game. But you have to reassess combos.
- The cresent heel is an important move, as it can switch quickly into flamingo with guard cancelling.
- If you focus on okizemi, then the spin kick is recommended.
Details on the combo reverse kick - if the second hit counter hits, it combos into the third hit. The fourth hit will combo from the third, even if it is delayed to the maximum. Also, the fourth hit, if it counters or better will combo into a cut-in chop (flamingo) or a back knuckle (flamingo
Posted by noodalls on 22/08/2004
Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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