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Zero-chan's Nagoya Virtua Adventures

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Zero-chan, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Well, I've been in Japan for about 48 hours, but already I have found two arcades within walking distance, bought some VF.net cards, and made friends with JP VF players. I'm quite happy with myself. (^^)

    It all started last night when I walked to a Game Center that I had seen from a bus the day before. This place is actually pretty comparitively small, but the amount and selection of games available puts most US arcades to total shame. Anyways, they have one VF4 Evo machine there. I bought myself a card, sat down, and began a 1P game after registering Vanessa to my card. I sat there just playing around for about 45 minutes or so, trying to get used to the changes in Defensive style and seeing what the new Offensive Style was like. (since I didn't have a OS command list with me I was mostly trying to see what different commands did ^^;)

    After a while, I took a break, and another guy came in and took my seat. I watched him over his shoulder for a while. He was a 6-dan Jeff player, and a really good one at that... but then he noticed I was watching him, and he invited me to play against him. I agreed, knowing full well I was going to get my ass kicked. After the beat down, he and I talked a little - I told him this was my first time playing Evo, and I'm not really that good, so I was sorry for sucking so much. He was really nice about it, and we started to talk about more VF-related things. Of course, since my Japanese isn't very good, I couldn't understand everything he was saying (^^;)

    I wound up asking if there were any other VF players around the area. He said that there were indeed a few, and invited me to follow from. So, from there, he lead me to another little arcade called Hi-tech something - which was right next door. I can't believe I had totally missed it.... boy, did I feel stupid (x_X)

    There were two others playing there: one guy using Aoi and a 7-dan Sarah and another playing Lion. The Jeff player and the Aoi/Sarah guy were teammates, so I was quickly introduced to my newfound acquaintance's partner. Anyways, I sat down and challenged the Lion player, thinking I might have a chance since he was only 2-kyu. I did better than I did against the Jeff player, but still lost both times I played. From that point I mostly relegated myself to chatting and watching. All the people I spoke to seemed impressed that I was using Vanessa - they mentioned that they thought that she was a very difficult character. I told them that it's especially difficult for me now since she has the completely new offensive style which I don't know yet. I also mentioned I had won a few items in Mission mode. The Jeff player then took my card, dailed up VF.net on his cell phone, and showed me my account. Unfortunately, the items I had won weren't visible... plus, now the card is regged in his name. D'oh! Ah well, at least I have spares I haven't yet used.

    I completely forgot the names of the players I met, but I'll be heading back to the arcade later tonight. I'll write them down once I see them again. Apparently they play pretty frequently.

    What I find interesting is how these two arcades are next door to each other and both charge the some price for a game of VF4E (50 yen a pop), but have different settings that seem tocater to different purposes. The first place (I have forgotten the name) was 2/3 vs CPU, 3/5 human, 30 second rounds. The CPU difficulty seemed set to "mildly retarded" - I was beating the game easily on one credit. It seems like it's set up mainly for people to practice and attempt Mission Mode. On the other hand, Hi-tech apparently is catering theirs more to versus play - rounds are set to 5/7. I didn't see much of the CPU play there so I can't really comment on how it was setup. (I think it might have been 3/5) Hi-tech also had slightly cheaper VF.net cards. I wish I would have known that before I bought mine at the other place. (-_-;)

    Also, at one point the Jeff players and the Sarah player just decided they were going to try and acquire some new items. Apparently the condition for this particular item was that Sarah had to do a certain number of throw escapes. Seeing these matches was highly amusing - Jeff just kept doing the basic [P][G] throw, and Sarah just kept on escaping. Repeat ad nauseum. Every once in a while someone's timing would be a bit off and damage wound up being done. Still, after all this they didn't get anything, leading us toi believe that there must be some other factor that's missing. I'm sure they'll figure it out soon enough.

    About the arcades themselves... like I said before, in comparison to other places, these arcades are actually pretty small. They're only 1 floor each and they only have one VF4E. However, only one has SC2, and I didn't see TK4 in either one. The most popular 2D fighter of the moment looks to be GGXX. All the machines are nicely kept and play well, though one of the VF4E 2P sides I played on had a really weird down input I couldn't seem to hit. (-_-)
    Also, it's obvious these places care about the players and games - Hi tech had a small bookshelf with guidebooks and command lists for many different games there, and chained to both sides of the VF4E cabinet were laminated copies of the DoriMaga VF4E feature (scans were posted on this site earlier). Other machines had command and tip sheets attached like this as well. Unfortunately, they're just a tad difficult to use during play... (^^;)

    And so begins my Japan VF4 experience. One thing's for sure: this game has helped me make fast acquaintances here, and for that I am very happy. I hope that I'll wind up with long-term playing partners for the future. But for now, I've got to start practicing more...
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the multiple post, guys - VFDC's server was being stupid again, and the public computer I'm using at the mo is really craptacular. Myke, CreeD, someone, can you please delete them for me? Thankee much.

    (BTW, anyone I owe email to - you will get it tomorrow.)
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dupe threads deleted. Have a great time over there Zero-chan and keep those reports coming!
  4. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Hey Heidi,

    Sounds great already - that you've met some friendly VFer's in Nagoya. Before you know it, you'll be playing with a 10-dan Vane and starting up a couple other characters as well.

    You realize we're depending on you to keep us abreast of all the Evo strategies and developments coming from Japan? =)

    Have fun. Eat some tan-men.

  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Well, I went back to Hi-tech last night. The 7-dan Sarah from the night before was there and recognized me immediately. (That shouldn't be hard to do, I'm probably the only gaijin who has played VF there XP) I sat and watched him for a good long while - he is an incredibly impressive player. He had a streak of about 26 wins before he finally got taken down by a Wolf in a really close match. While I was watching him, I couldn't help but think "Damn, I really wish I had a camcorder to record this." He already knows a lot of the new elements added to Sarah's play in Evo and uses them very, very skillfully. I know there are Sarah players here who would absolutely love to see more strong Evo play (hi Adio).
    Also, he managed to get a new item from the night before: Sarah's hair curlers/mud face mask ensemble. No, I'm not kidding. It looks absolutely hilarious. (^^)

    The Lion from the night before was there as well, though it seems like in truth he's mostly a Sarah user, too. Also present was a Wolf (2-dan, if I remember correctly) and a 2-dan Akira named "Risu-san". I was practically falling off the chair laughing when I saw the name, although strangely, he didn't have Risu or Usagi equipped. Go figure.

    I played a couple games against the Wolf and Akira. I did decently, managing to win a close match against the Akira and eking out some good rounds versus them both. My lack of experience is highly evident, but at least I don't completely suck - I managed to find several strategies my opponents weren't really accustomed to. The Akira player, Risu-san, surprised me a litte - he didn't really go in for the rapid hard hits and combos like so many of the other Akiras I've seen and played against did. He seemed much more passive than what I was used to. It's very interesting seeing a character used by different people in such distinctly different fashions.

    I now remember why I had forgotten the Sarah player's name - it was written in this weird JIS wingdings that look like Greek/Russian letters. However, when I asked how to pronounce his ring name, he told me it actually wasn't his - he uses J-phone, and since Evo VF.net isn't yet available for that platform, he has a friend (who is a Jacky user, it seems) edit his card for him. (BTW, are there any movies out there featuring someone named "A"NE written in those weird scripty letters? I seem to recall the name from somewhere... if so, that's the guy's friend) Later on, I saw him using a Lau that hadn't been regged (the card was No-name). He has a pretty decent Lau, but it's obviously not up to the same level as his Sarah.

    I also got invited to join the area team once I manage to get a cell phone. Frankly, I'm flattered by the invitation, but I am still a pretty weak player, comparatively. I'd hate to drag the entire team down (^^;)

    Since I use Sarah as a secondary character, I think I'll sit down and ask these guys to teach me all the new elements added to her play in Evo sometime. Probably on the easy-setting machine at the arcade next door...
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Awesome, cant wait to hear more.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I think you'll find that the VF4 community is quite friendly -- even to foreigners, and I'd assume even moreso in Nagoya than a place like Tokyo, where your grouped with the 'bad' Gaijin.

    I used to live in Shizuoka, which is a bit smaller than Nagoya... but I still think some little kids will point at you!

    Are you studying or working? Working is much better, as VF4 can drain your wallets. There's only one 50 yen place that I know of in Tokyo, and it's got no connection, so nobody really goes there.

    Also, dont' feel bad about being on someone's account -- all of my cards have the ring name "Mossa" right now -- just doesn't match me. I'm really getting sick of this no J-phone crap.
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Cheers for the shout out. It's good to hear that you're having fun. If I may be so bold, might I suggest that you stick with Vanessa rather then dabble with Sarah. Evo Sarah is quite different from her pre Evo state. I'd say that in the time it takes to get to grips with her new moves and the ones she's lost you'd probably have an equal if not greater grasp of Vanessa's <font color="red">Offensive</font color> stance.
  9. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Seems you're really having fun /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    Reading your report was really fun!

    BTW, did you get used to speak VF gameplay in japanese?
  10. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Very nice info.=]Keep it coming Zero-Chan /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif and have a nice time in Japan.
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    GP: Just studying for now... though if need arises I supposed there is always the tried and true path of English tutoring.
    BTW, do you know of any store chains that stock a healthy supply of game music? I've been looking for the Evo OSV all over and have yet to find it.

    Anyways, I've already started to notice my play improving by leaps and bounds. Moving from mainly CPU to human play will do that to you. I've had great matches versus some Aois, Sarahs, and Lions in the area.

    Also, on Friday I saw a 3-dan Brad for the first time. I didn't really have much trouble with him at all, though he did do a lot of things I found surprising. (He has a throw-hold similar to Vane's, for instance) One thing is for sure: he is hella boring to watch and to fight. It could just be because he's new and people can't really use his techniques too well yet, but he just strikes me as being a character that isn't very interesting at all. There isn't too much variety in his moves, plus his whole "character attitude" is grating. Brad is the sort of character that, if he were a real person, you would wish someone would beat the crap out of (if you didn't do it yourself).

    Saturday was a fun day for me, as a few skilled Vanessas were playing at Yagoto. There was one who managed to rack up a 16-win streak. I was surprised to find that she wasn't his main character - he was actually a Kage player. (o.o) Still, these guys were more than happy to show me a few tricks and new commands. I really should spend some time practicing OS in solo play... once I can utilize it better, I think I will improve considerably. I can already feel a bit of restriction with just being stuck in DS for most of the time.
    One thing about OS though... you don't have [G][8_] or [2_][P] available, which is hard to get used to, as they were in the old MT. I guess they figured having that defensive option in both stances was a bit too much.

    I wound up playing against one of the other Vanes later that night, and had one really great match in particular - our final round ended in a throw which didn't complete execution by the time the clock ran out, leaving us with the same amount of energy left and going into Sudden Death! I managed to clinch the victory off that one... but damn, that was fun.

    Of course, not all the VF people I have played here have been friendly. I've encountered a couple jerks, too. Some players seem to view me (a young gaijin female) as an easy target... but I try not to let them spoil my fun. The friends I've made in this short time make the few bad people seem insignificant.

    I went to a few more arcades, as well. There's a big Sega arcade called Kanayama Sega World that's three stories high. On the top floor, there is a row of about 8 VF4E machines, plus a big monitor showing a random match. I didn't play any VF4 there, though, because my time was limited and I had come there with the intent to play FV2 with the area regulars instead. And that I did, but that's the subject for another post entirely. The atmosphere of VF4 at that place seems a lot more competitive and less friendly than at Hi-tech Yagoto, plus it's more expensive (100 yen as opposed to 50). I think I'd rather learn about all the new stuff in Evo in a more friendly, casual environment like Yagoto before moving up to this level. Still, they do have a neat little deal where you get a little VF character portrait keychain whenever you buy Dr. Pepper there. So far I have six: Brad, Gou, Wolf, Kage, Shun, and Dural. I'm gonna try for a set. XD
    I also went to a game center in a big shopping area here called Oosu Kanon. I didn't care for this particular arcade at all... it was dark, smoky, and seemed rather dirty. Admittedly, they did have 3 VF4Es, each set at different difficulty levels (and marked accordingly). Still, I doubt I'm goingto go to that place regularly.

    And it continues....
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I'm currently relearning Vanessa as well. It is definitely a task. Most people I see are sticking to Defensive mode, namely b/c you've got two great sabaki's & much stronger throws. ([6][P]+[G] in OS does what? 20 - 25 damage?). Not having the elbow drop in OS is a bummer when you're playing with her, but is nice when playing against.

    Anyways, sounds like you're having fun. Didn't know you were a chic until I read your last post. I think the wankers you're referring to aren't necessarily assholes or anything, but there are a lot of people in Japan that are just quite and don't have many people skills, and come off that way.

    Also, I think it'd be a great challenge to find a non-smokey game center in Japan. While the level of seediness can definitely vary, the smoking thing usually doesn't.
  13. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member


    I will probably get my first taste of evo next week, provided the machine at sunnyvale is still there. Is there anywhere with a good summary of the major changes to Vanessa? Or better still, it would be great if you can tell me a bit on which moves the good players use the most often.

    I only site I know that has vanessa's movelist is http://www.sega-am2.co.jp/vf4evo/ but is is very brief with no description.

    Is there a better site, prefably with combos and some description like is this move good or bad?
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    That's the official site, and is the complete move list. Also tells properties of special moves (Sabaki's, etc.) I've started a translation of it for my own use, mainly b/c if I print out their version it's like 10 pages. Would like to do it on 3. I'm only about halfway done.

    Anyways, the most drastic changes I've noticed in the few times I've played with her is the lack of moves that used to be in both stances, that are now only in one.

    -As Zero-chan mentioned, OS has no [G][2_][P] or [G][8_][P] (or the other variations from what I know.
    -[1][P] is only in Defensive. Command was different in MT, but with the same properties. It's gone altogether from OS.
    -[2][K][P][P] is not in DS, so it can't be used as a round starter. There's a similar DS alternative, but doesn't do quite as much damage
    -OS throws seem to be weak, but I've only done a few. One OS throw has the same animation as DS [6][P]+[G] but does about 1/3 of the damage.
    -Takedown only available in OS ([6][6][P]+[K])
    -MOre moves that lead to Takedown, but require a hit.
    -More options on Takedown.
    -Quite a few hit throws added, but require a counter hit.
  15. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    I have never played evo and has bad japanese skills so the following info from overweight board MAY NOT be accurate.

    Offensive stance
    1) f+p+k now hits mid
    2) f+ppk the second p hits high, really BAD
    3) b+p (new move??) gives vanessa initiative when blocked.
    4) f+kkpp is a chain when you connect crouchers. I guess this the the old kkpp... wonder if which moves are special high
    5) d+k,p,b+p into low throw?? probably not a combo but a tactic
  16. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    I know GP was just going on in another thread about female folk
    in the arcades, and getting beaten by them. I'm a big proponent of
    women getting involved in anything I find cool (1970s kung-fu movies,
    Toshiro Mifune, Jack Kirby, Hellboy) so it's obviously great to find women involved in this game. There's something
    enthralling about a woman, particularly a hot chick (and I say that
    because I've only seen one woman play the game in person,
    and she was the love of my life), getting downright nasty with a
    character. And I'd prefer to lose to a woman than another
    hardhead any day. All that to say, thank goodness for Zero-Chan's
    articulate enthusiasm and counterbalance to all the testiculation
    in the genre.
  17. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    [4][P] is not a new move, and has always given Vanessa the advantage when blocked.

    Lau Fists:
    Well said. I'm always up for someone to disrupt a good sausage fest. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif One guy I know that's really good ALWAYS has his chic w/ him as his counterpart. She's no high level player by any stretch, but she still plays every now and again. She's definitely no eye-sore either.: )
  18. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    I might be a male chauvanist in other respects, but I would really love to meet a girl who is good at fighting games.
    And as of this moment, I've never met any who is an ethusiastic fan of any fighting game. Altho I have managed to force some of the girls I know into playing with me (yes, i'm still talking about videogames), they just jumped around aimlessly and mashed.

    Is it really a coincidence that they all preferred DOA2:HC to Tekken Tag?( I havent had them play VF4

    Yeah, that would be awesome. I totally support the fact that girls (esp the hot ones) play virtua fighter.

    WOuldnt it be like the perfect date with a hot chick? Just ask her over to come to your house and you two just play VF4 all night? well some of the night if you're like me..hehehe...it'd save u so much hassle of taking them to dinner, movies, dancing, etc...
    Life would just be so much easier...

    ...sigh...until that day, i guess i'll be playing with myself...wait, that didnt come out right...
  19. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    I know about the b+p in DS but I dun think there is a b+p in OS....from what I read it seems that there is some sort of b+p in OS that gives initiative when blocked.

    anyway, I dunno but about evo.... it seems that OS is completely changed...
  20. Hyun_

    Hyun_ Well-Known Member

    Now I must ask, can you guys pretend to be any more delusional. I ask you: Would you be fully willing to follow your girlfriend to NSync concert or the latest Meg Ryan movie derivative and love every minute of it? You are making an example of being a chauvinist when you want to see girls following all the stupid male hobbies.

    Sure there are girls who can play VF or Starcraft or Checkers or whatever and kick your ass. But they are doing this for their own enjoyment. Not to fulfill your fantasy.

    Freud talked about this narcistic identity when he talked about all these people wanting to be grouped with the people who share common interest. Whether it's those teenage girl mob at the NSync concert or these smelly fanboy mob with Sega Dreamcast, the idea applies. You want to assure yourself that you are not the only one with these stupid hobbies.

    If you have a stupid hobby that you enjoy, just enjoy. No one is going to fault you. Just don't make other people miserable by trying to force uninterested party to see your way, especially your love interest. (This applies to both boys and girls.)

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