XFPS 360 Pro converter

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by sontawila, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    I have the above mentioned converter and use it to connect PS2 controller.

    I've tested it and let other friends tested it and we all noticed no lag whats so ever.

    I've tedted it with the SNK joystick and it worked fine.

    I dont know if that will help those who wants to use PS2 sticks with 360 but I figured I post anyway.

    Have fun /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    That sounds awesome man. Got any links to online stores that sell it? How much did you end up paying for it?
  3. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

  4. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    I'm being told the NORMAL XFPS 360 converter has lag. But you are referring to the "Pro." I might get this (Pro) if there is indeed, no lag. How did you guys test it?
  5. Huzza

    Huzza Member

    The sniper is an updated version that is said to have fixed the problems of the pro and other versions. So, that could explain why it is working so well for Sontawila.

    This is the first thread I've read where someone has tried the new Sniper version and reported back on it.


    Could you go into training and do say fastest input throws like Wolf's without problems? We need some proper testing of this.
  6. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    The cost of that adapter is just too high for my liking. With the possibility of lag or something not working, I'd be better off buying a new custom stick at that price range, no offense.
  7. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Wolf is one of my mains. Define problem? I played both VF5 vers: PS3 and 360 and as far as executing commands goes it's identical (and since our ring have both the pro and snipers versions of the converter, I tried both and they are all the same except for FPS) and I can do wolf's fastest inputs throw by a ratio of 3:1 and it was the same with PS3 ver. It's more of a downside of using a pad not a stick.

    Having said that, the converter do suffer from minor glitches every now and then but that to be expected since it's emulating the 360 controller.

    It's more than bearable and it beats using the stupid and useless 360 pad any day.

    Bottom line: we are a bunch (5+) of competitive friends; all using the converter and think it's more than enough till something better comes around which doesn’t rely on hooking up a wired controller to emulate it.

    If there is more you need to know, let me know.
  8. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Non taken /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif. However consider this:

    1- VF5 is THE reason I picked up a 360 (even though not enough player here in Saudi Arabia to go online for /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif ).

    2- I enjoy playing multiplayer FPS on PC and the lack of support for Keyboard & Mouse prevented me from participating in any great multiplayer console FPS such as Halo 3.

    Although the price is a bit high, But I get a 2 in 1 deal. It's not THAT bad. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  9. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    The problem is that even if you use a mouse (and keyboard) with your FPS on your 360, the games won't respond to it properly. The sensitivity of the games was especially tweaked for the Xbox 360 pad. Playing with a mouse (via FPS) won't get you an advantage. Rather the contrary is the case - it gets unplayable.
  10. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    The problem is: I've never used a pad to play FPS. I tried with Halo 3 but failed. This does suffer from sensitivity issues but you can adjust BOTH the converter's and the game's sensitivities to a more playable scheme.

    BTW: The sniper is a welcome enhancement over the old versions.

    Anyway, I don't want to avert from the thread’s subject. However I'll be glad to answer any question you have regarding both functionalities.
  11. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member


    you're just the guy I was looking for. Would you be able to tell me how the Sniper version (or even the "Pro" version) or the XFPS 360 works with PS2 compatible arcade sticks? I'm not at all concerned with it's uses for FPS games using a keyboard and mouse. I just want to be able to use my MAS arcade stick on the Xbox 360. Is the Sniper version better than the Pro version for PS2 controller/arcade stick compatibility? Any lag??
  12. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    How does it work with a PS2 pad? are there a "dead zone" ?
    My PS2 pad misses me so much v_v
  13. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    come on dude, answer our questions! If you're not sure, at least tell us. Don't leave us hangin /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    I just got one a couple days ago.Unfortunately there is a slight dead zone(character moves forward on it's own) in it when using non dual shock controllers(from what I tested so far).This only lasted a second though and has yet to ruin a match.I expect that getting a messed up input on the 360 analog or directional pad to happen more often than this dead zone imo.

    When it comes to input lag,I have yet to notice any at all using the PS2 dual shock and my Street Fighter Anniversary pad.To me this converter may have been a hard hit on my wallet but being able to crouch dash,evade and throw escape as fast as I could on the PS2 pad is a godsend. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    I'm unable to comment on the keyboard/mouse support since I have yet to actually give it a go.I'll let you all know how that turns out when I get the chance.
  15. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    So finally I get the xfps 360 3.0 sniper.
    No lag when using a PS2 controller BUT ( there is always a but) once per round, my input is simply not registered...yeah.
    It is very annoying, it's like you input nothing during this moment, like you miss an input. Problem is I didn't, it's the xfps!! I tried 2 different ps2 pads, a ps1 dual shock, and a PSX pad: always the same problem. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
    Now I'm going to cry ... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  16. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    chave you tried playing halo 3 or any other fps games on it let me know how is it
  17. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member


    As I mentioned in my previous post.. I tried both pro and sniper using PS2 pads and the SNK stick.

    There are no difference in performance (or bugs in that matter). There are no input lag whats so ever, BUT as Caj mentioned it suffer from some minor bugs such as the one he mentioned. Small price to pay for using a PS2 pad instead of the crappy Xbox360 Pad.


    I use the converter to play FPS (Halo3 and COD4). The keyboard and button customization are PERFECT. However, the mouse still needs some work (or let’s say: getting some used to). Again, there are no comparison in using a KB/Mouse or a 360 pad, especially if you are used to playing FPS on PC.

    Even though the converter requires a wired controller to emulate and some minor bugs here and there, I find it very well worth its money and hope they fine tone it to get rid of those annoyance. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    If you like I could detail exactly what kind of bugs I encounter and what need to be fixed when using a mouse.
  18. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Has anyone actually tried it with the VSHG?
  19. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I just bought the sniper today so I can use PS2 controllers on VF5 from what I here it is pretty good based on what you guys are saying and I really hope it gets to me as soon as possible. I have been playing the crappy 360 controller for this whole time and actually play a decent game up to this point but I am still limited to what I can do. I would bought the sniper earlier but I didn't have any money available at the time.
  20. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    My advice is:

    -use an official PS2 pad and...
    -use an official xbox360 pad too

    Because the first time I plug my hori 360 pad and some input wasn't properly registered like I said earlier in this thread, but after I get a microsoft pad, it works almost fine.
    It is not perfect, because if you input 4 right after the G boutton, the 4 simply doesn't come out, you have to wait a little bit. So buffering 4 while you use the G boutton doesn't work, that's the only default I find out for now.

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