Woohoo, more movies :)

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Chanchai, Oct 16, 2000.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    http://www.fsinet.or.jp/~kura/ has cycled in three movies this time.


    Spod Me Pls: would you do the honors of announcing the players and background info on the movies? Thanks for posting the site in the first place, so greatly appreciated (and was the sole reason I found most of the other movies).

    BTW, what is the name of the site (I just call it Kura's site :p)?

    So far I'm seeing a sort of highlight clip of a Taka player, guess he might go by Kashin?

    Anyways, for those interested, more arcade movies (three this time), and more insane screaming Japanese (which I swear sounds like they're getting tortured or something in the background).

    I think from now on I'll let Spod me Pls continue to cover the clips on this site, he actually knows what's going on hehehe/images/icons/smile.gif

  2. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Thanks Chanchai :)

    As for the screaming japanese I just assumed that it was a commentator as one guy in the background is always much louder than the others, has anyone seen a Japanese tourney? Do they have commentators?
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm just joking about the screaming.... it's just ear blistering or something... heheh

    Just about all of these, if not all of these, were videotaped on October 1st, so I figure it may be a tournament or something.

    Does anyone know what the rest of the name of the player "Mask" is? Maybe my Katakana is off (it just gets confused on some characters), but it seems like "Mask Do Hi-Ji-Te-Tsu" did I get that right? That would be in the "Mask vs. Sam" clip.

  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Mask the Elbow!

    hehe masuku do hijitetsu - always thought he had a weird handle :) In English it's meant to be "Mask the Elbow". hijitetsuku is Japanese for an elbow (the verb).

    He's the Jacky player I ranted and raved on about years ago when he came down to Sydney, along with Kurita and two other Japanese guys to compete in the Segaworld Tournament, sponsored by Java Tea. Mask the Elbow won that tourney, with Kurita coming 2nd, and myself in 3rd.

    Kinda off topic on this thread, but related to the "Who wins" thread, and GodEater's post about high-end play. That Sam vs Mask match is typical of what some high-end games have degraded to. Mask was way more cooler and stylish the way I remembered him from years back.

    Anyway, just as I was getting in the swing of movie capturing, I was going to share some beautiful movies taken from that tournament (especially from Kurita's play). But it seems that the tourney tape is missing according to the last person I lent it to *cough*Junior*cough* :)

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  5. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: Mask the Elbow!

    hijitetsuku is Japanese for an elbow (the verb).

    Ugh...no. "Hiji" is elbow, "tetsu" iron, and are both nouns. Combined "Hijitetsu" thus means "iron-elbow" and is a noun also. The word is semi-slang and may not be found in a portable-size dictionary.

    Hijitetsu spells his handle as "Mask de Hijitetsu", which is a strange combination of English, French and Japanese.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Mask the Elbow!

    Sorry, my mistake. I was thinking of hiji de tsuku (elbow strike) and got it confused with hijitetsu (iron elbow).

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    oh yeah! dont you love the Daikokucha's Shin-sodan?
    that was some great stuff to watch :)
    Kageo's site is called "Manchu-boJackey's" which is his vf clan-name.(
    about the video clip,first one,Taka(Kashin) didnt know
    that 6P(elbow)-hit-64P+G-3K(foot pounce) is NOT guaranteed
    so the crowed(mostly his friends I think) started to mock
    him,saying "fume! fume! fume!"="pounce(3K) him! pounce him!"

    clip2 Daikokucha(Kage) vs Sam(Jackey)
    subtitle: watch for Sam's 6PK which he reacted to
    Daikoku's E(twice in the earlygoing).

    clip3 Daikokucha vs Ema-ru
    subtitle: final round
    "sa- korede douten ni oitsuku-"="so now he has tied the game"
    "sa- kita kita-! mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru-"="there he goes, roll roll spinning whoohoooo" lol
    "kore wa kichi-"="this is tough-" sort of...
    "owa-toe Wrist-Lock-!"="wohhh Wrist-Lock-!"
    "maniauka-? maniauka-?"=" can he make it? can he make it?(in time)"
    this is pretty much it.I hope Kageo'll continue this video
    clip update :)
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest


    just correcting
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Degraded Play

    recently, i have began to suspect when a jacky faces a strong opponent, sometimes u really have to just defend, wait for an opponent to stuff up, then go for the elbow heel kick stomp combo.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying how good I am or anything.

    I just hope I never have to come to such a stage where elbow heelkick stomp becomes my primary offence technique.

    SummErs's FASTER THAN LIGHTING!!!/images/icons/wink.gif
  10. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play

    >i have began to suspect when a jacky faces a strong >opponent, sometimes u really have to just defend , wait >for an opponent to stuff up

    oh definately. because as we all know, jacky is pathetically weak and has to rely heavily on those sorts of "techniques" if he ever wants to win.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play

    bottom line
    it depends on the player itself

    Personally,as some people here can attest to it, I've always chosen not to depend that move and hardly ever use it

    SummErs's FASTER THAN LIGHTING!!!/images/icons/wink.gif
  12. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play

    Well that's your perogetive,I guess Mask HAD to change and adapt his style if he wanted to survive the oh so machi world of Japanese tourney play,I know we all mourn the loss of the fancy pants VFer but would you not change your play style if it allowed you to win tournaments?.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Winning tournaments

    Not really..no
    Cause if i do it, where's the fun in it?
    To me, winning is not important.
    Sure, my style of plays leads me to TERRIBLE LOSSES 1/2 the time or battles which i SHOULD have won.
    But at the end of the day, if I had fun, that's better than winning.
    The rest is just gravy.

    SummErs's FASTER THAN LIGHTING!!!/images/icons/wink.gif
  14. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play

    >I guess Mask HAD to change and adapt his style if he wanted to survive

    he didn't HAVE to.

    but that sort of is the kicker with machi. the best way to fight machi is with machi.

    anyone at NYG2 may or may not remember a few of my matches with rodney. the sort of play he used disgusted me, and i did not want to play his game. so, i said, "fuck this". and i held G at the beginning of the round and waited. and waited. and waited. the resulting matches looked very much, almost identical to that pathetic japanese kage vs kage round.

    this is what's meant by degradation of the game. that kage match and my matches with rodney were the grossest illustrations of it.

    and i refuse to believe that words like "evolved" and "subtle" can put to that sort of play. it's not. it's fucking lame.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    and i refuse to believe that words like "evolved" and "subtle" can put to that sort of play. it's not. it's fucking lame.

    ooh boy. Machi. I will never begrudge anyone playing
    safe as I've had to do it from time to time. Back in
    OB I had little idea how to combat P, elbow wars (I
    was Jeff) and learned to wait for a screw up. That
    would be machi.

    However. I have played against people whose sole
    game plan is to twitch or do nothing. It does bother
    me and I'll tell you why. I'm already wasting time
    by doing nothing (I'm playing a video game for pity's
    sake) why do I want to waste time by doing nothing
    inside the game as well as without? Odd's blood!

    I don't think Machi is cheap or unethical play I just
    think it's a dumb waste of fifty cents (or 30 seconds
    if you're playing on a DC).

    I've fought in Karate tournaments where my opponent
    did very little else but bob up and down, waiting
    for something to counter. It's an interesting way
    to go about a fight and undoubtedly favours the
    bobber since he stays out of range and forces the
    opponent to come in (read vulnerable). You can beat
    it with fakes. I've also fought against losers who
    know how to roundhouse kick and do that all day long
    hoping their long legs will keep the opponent away
    and maybe score a fluke hit.

    I just don't understand it because they're there to
    "compete". Compete at what? Waiting, I guess. I'm
    not here (or there) to dictate play or define a fight
    I'm only saying that it seems at odds to play a game
    by observing. It's like living life by watching
    tee vee all day. Get in there and mix it up. what
    have you got to lose? And in a video game is what you
    have to lose so important to you?

  16. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    [However. I have played against people whose sole
    game plan is to twitch or do nothing. It does bother
    me and I'll tell you why. I'm already wasting time
    by doing nothing (I'm playing a video game for pity's
    sake) why do I want to waste time by doing nothing
    inside the game as well as without? Odd's blood!]

    THAT IS SOOO TRUE! especially the part abt wasting time.
    This is why i prefer to play with only those I know who won't play machi!

    SummErs's FASTER THAN LIGHTING!!!/images/icons/wink.gif
  17. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Re: Winning tournaments

    point taken,I guess I often play a safety game but to me doing so just makes sense and though it may be seen as boring by some I'm not about to take foolish risks if I don't expect a BIG pay off,having said that I am nowhere near as machi as the guys in the kage vs kage clip but to me the wolf vs jacky clip is very interesting to watch BECAUSE of the fact that they are both using non counterable moves so countering them becomes that much harder (wolf getting low throw after jacky whiff low punch was cool).
  18. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    Gosh GE you should put the last two paragraphs from this in an email to those two kage players I'm sure that would fix them right up,:) failing that we could send them all the posts about how lame machi play is and I'm sure they'll turn over a new leaf.:)or retire from the VF circuit out of guilt
  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    hururhm....I suppose that was sarcasm. I
    admit I'm not very good at interpeting

    Whatever the spirit, I'll address it. It
    will never be my intention to make anyone
    change their play style. that's why it is
    *their* play style. Back in the VF2 days
    I got into a huge shouting match with
    some loser who thought it was cheap that I
    would ring him out and punish him for rising
    with an attack. This guy was indicitive of
    the group of players I like to call "fuck-heads".

    They can't play, won't listen and blame you for
    the fact that they lose. These are the kind of
    guys that *demand* mercy rounds (gah?). They
    try and dictate the way the game should be played
    (and what a surprise that it should work out in
    their favour).

    As much as I don't *understand* machi, I would never
    try and browbeat a person for doing it or try and
    remove it as an option in strategy.

  20. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: Degraded Play (here's a contentious topic)

    This is why i prefer to play with only those I know who won't play machi!

    Haha...I guess I will never be able to play you then.

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