WNF 4.4 - SoCal VF5:FS Tournament

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jul 30, 2012.

By Plague on Jul 30, 2012 at 5:18 PM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] OK! Got a new challenge to overcome: It's Persona 4 Arena. The key to victory over this upstart is a bunch of entries to the VF5:FS tournament! We've got the stream this week, so let's make it count.

    An even greater challenge looms with TTT2. This is the time to show up and support all the games you love.

    Good news! We've got word that Akiralove (that's Spotlite to all you old-timers) will be here this Wednesday. Don't miss out.


    Last week, L_A, DRE and Plague took the top spots and BL earned $50 of IndustryVFX money by winning the WNF Weekly Rising Star Player Award. Don't sit on your ass at home and let that happen again. Brisal73's money is on the line, too. Come and do some BIG DAMAGE!

    The extra cash incentives continue!

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter the tournament.

    Last season saw 30+ players entered two weeks in a row. Now we've seen huge numbers for post EVO action: 16 one week, 19 the next, and even more this last week. Looking for 40+ for 4.4. Let's do this!

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed by Level|Up on the Level|Up Live Channel.

    Update: Results and Archive of event are up.
    WNF 4.4 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    Winners: L_A, DRE, Phillip S.

    Weekly Rising Star Player Award goes to Phillip S! Dude got PAID! $50 of Industry VFX money and $10 off of Brisal73 AND whatever the payout was for 3rd place.

    VF was bumped off the WNF stream for SFxT because of new DLC. Too bad. Crazy fights tonight. Fortunately, we should rectify the no-stream problem by having our own stream next week.
    Stay tuned!


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jul 30, 2012.

    1. L_A
      I'll be there from 7pm if anyone wants some casuals.
    2. KiwE
      For those wondering what this is all about:

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Alex, I understand you are still running tournaments for all the titles, but will Persona replace Virtua Fighter's stream time slot for the moment?</div></div>

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">#4

      During the week of Persona 4 Arena, yes.

      Should have more news on P4A soon!

      - Valle</div></div>

      Note; this starts next week the 8th.


      Will VFS compete with TT2 for its timeslot when TT2 is released? Sorry to say there is simply no way in hell it will survive if that's the case if you're realistic about it. Biggest hope would be SFxT being dropped and not even the new characters being able to help it (will be interesting to see the turnout for SFxT this week).

      Thanks for the timer.
    3. Plague
      New games will (and should, in my opinion) always get the first slot on the stream. The goal is to build the scene no matter what. That way, when the new game hype is gone, VF comes back on stream if it has the numbers.
    4. Brisal73
      I wouldn't say the stream for wnf is completely over just yet. [​IMG]
    5. Lord_Hollow
      Branching off would be best, imo. I was looking forward to hot, sexy VF matches this week.. [​IMG]
    6. KiwE
      So you were 22 peeps this week? Is it just me or did SFxT take the streamslot this week (no matches in the archive?)
    7. Shag
      Looks that way. They trying to push a SFxT comeback since Capcom finally released the 12 extra character DLC last week.

      I think L.A mentioned in the shoutbox earlier today that VF will have its own separate stream starting next week.
    8. Brisal73
      no $10 from me. Saving up for the event on the 25th

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