WNF 4.3 - SoCal VF5:FS Tournament

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jul 23, 2012.

By Plague on Jul 23, 2012 at 2:21 PM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] A couple years ago, If someone had told me there would be weekly offline VF tournaments in 2012, I might have laughed. Turns out I'm laughing now... because we're having these tournaments AND they're awesome!


    Last week, L_A, DRE and GoatCheese Blues took the top spots and Rip earned $50 of IndustryVFX money by winning the WNF Weekly Rising Star Player Award, plus he took $10 off Brisal73! Don't sit on your ass at home and let that happen again. Come and do some BIG DAMAGE!

    The extra cash incentives continue!

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter the tournament.

    Last season saw 30+ players entered two weeks in a row. Now we've seen huge numbers for post EVO action: 16 one week and 19 the next. Looking for 40+ for 4.3. Let's do this!

    My favorite moment from last week.
    The whole fight starts here.

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed by Level|Up on the Level|Up Live Channel.

    Update: Results and Archive of event are up.
    WNF 4.3 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    [​IMG] WNF 4.3 VF5FS Tournament - Part 1
    [​IMG] WNF 4.3 VF5FS Tournament - Part 2
    [​IMG] WNF 4.3 VF5FS Tournament - Grand Finals
    Winners: L_A, DRE, Plague.
    Weekly Rising Star Player Award goes to BL in a run-off 2 out of 3 match with Floe


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jul 23, 2012.

    1. Wingman
      I agree, man. So cool to see weekly VF tournaments. It's been very entertaining to watch since the game's release.
    2. 00000000
      Splendid! It's very, very,cool to see VF5 on a regular basis. On a lame note, I probably won't be making it out tonight. Gas and money. Blah. Will catch it on stream.
    3. L_A
      No worries, we are there every week!
      I'll be there tonight for sure
    4. KiwE
      You were much better now Plague, the introduction was almost perfect with clear information and whatnot. Before it's been a bit like you've gone into panic state when you're left alone on the stream but just relax and talk about whatever. It is however more interesting as a viewer hearing AJ and Goat talk as you sort of shy off on discussing gameplay mechanics (Goat felt fresh and interesting in doing so).

      When you were with AJ you could talk a bit of frames on Akira and situations though so that was good. In other words the in between segments and when you talk with other players are better now - you also seem to leave your e-sport persona when talking candidly to others a bit more (something you don't really do when you're with Phantom I don't know why) and you seem genuinely engaged in the conversations which makes them likeable. You should study up a bit on the game so you can commentate better just a little on other characters. Start of with small stuff which will improve your own gameplay of the sort for instance against Sarah what is DC on block? What is her best throw? What moves does Shun get access to at 12 drinks? and build from there. It will also help you improve in VF as a player. Shame there were many people missing this week.

      All in all was a fun stream watching.
    5. Plague
      I appreciate the detailed write-up. Getting good at commentary requires the same dedication as getting good at VF.
    6. Tha_FeauchA
      Was a real good show. I look forward to these, would love to attend em. Yall that live near by this are lucky.

      Was wild to see floe get so close to beating such a good player like goatcheeseblue. If he had known some heavier damaging combos, he may have took it. Although his execution and combo knowledge isn't very strong yet, his fundamentals are up there. And those alone can get you far in VF, as seen. He'll definetly be somone to watch out for.

      Saw a little SFAE and caught him doing cats dirty with Guy.

      And was nice to see some customized characters on the stream.

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