WNF 4.2 - SoCal VF5:FS Tournament

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jul 16, 2012.

By Plague on Jul 16, 2012 at 4:35 PM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Y'all thought you could rest. Hah. No!


    Last week, Gamer Bee(!), L_A and GoatCheese Blues took the top spots and Rip earned $60 of IndustryVFX money by winning the WNF Weekly Rising Star Player Award. Don't sit on your ass at home and let that happen again. Come and do some BIG DAMAGE!

    Now there's more money up for grabs!

    Brisal73 just messaged a bit ago. He's putting his money on the line, too. He will pay players new to VF $5 every time they win a game off of him in the tournament. Send him to losers, you get $10. Meet him there later and kick him out of the tourney, BAM!, another $10 for you (or anyone else who does it).

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter the tournament.

    Last season saw 30+ players entered two weeks in a row. Looking for 40+ for 4.2. Let's do this!

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed at the Level|Up Live Channel.

    Update: Results and Archive of event are up.
    WNF 4.2 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    [​IMG] WNF 4.2 VF5FS Tournament - Part 1
    [​IMG] WNF 4.2 VF5FS Tournament - Grand Finals


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jul 16, 2012.

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