Will we see vf5r Console at TGS2008?

Discussion in 'Console' started by L_A, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Sorry if someone saw this forum topic and got excited thinking it was concrete info. I basically wanted to hear peoples opinions on whether they think it will be at the show next month (oct 9-12).
    Personally I really feel that we will see it there for a number of reasons.

    1. A friend of mine at am2 who i've been talking to on a regular basis all of a sudden stopped responding to me when I asked him in july if they are planning to release vf5r for console or not. I think its his way of telling me, yes, without getting fired and sued.

    2. Looking at the release schedule for vf4, vf4evo and vf5 arcade/console, one would assume they will be following the same timeline as the previous games with a summer arcade release and then a console release early the following year. For example, vf5 was released july 2006 and the ps3 version showed up february the following year. From what I understand, it was the same for vf4 and vf4evo.

    3. Tekken 6 and Street Fighter 4 will be hitting console early next year and I think it would be a big mistake for sega not to have a competing title out around the same time. If a vf player had even the slightest interest in those games and was told they weren't gonna get a console port of R, more than likely they would consider trying out t6 or sf4. New games means more competition and however shitty either of those two might seem to a VF loyalist, the idea of never seeing their baby come home might be enough to make them want to play something else. Most likely Sega does see this situation as a possible loss of their hardcore fanbase and won't let it happen. Let's really cross our fingers on this one.

    4. It would be an easy port. VF5 was already ported once and laid out the framework on what would be needed in terms of production for this title.

    Well, there's my 2 cents. I'd like to hear everyones opinion.

  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Bah, no way the ps3 can handle the awesomeness of vf5:r. It won't be as high res, controls will lag and online won't be there!
    Plague, I love you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Remove the PS3 from your tittle and put "on console" instead. You're just asking for another fanboi thread.
  4. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    those are good reasons to believe.

    i don't know, but i hope its announced and it shows up on any
    home console
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    all I know is I am prepared to slit my wrist if it's not at TGS. Sega better deliver. Honestly I think it will be there, it's basically like you said. They pretty much have no choice or face losing myself and many others to T6 or SF4 early next year.
  6. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Let's hope for a 360 port. A lot of us decided to go with 360 instead of PS3 just because of VF5 online- I just hope we don't get shafted.

    I think both consoles will get it, since it would be an easy port, and higher install bases now= higher sales.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Fudge those games... just keep playing VF5 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    First of all, I would like to say I have the same thought as LA AKIRA about the timeline schedule. It's obvious to follow this clue and we can expect that AM2 is still on that trail. But my question is, do they only announce on PS3??? Based on the situation now, most games are pretty much released on both consoles at the same time. And I'm sorry to say I have a stereotype about PS3 online ability.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif There is no doubt I prefer XBOX version in the future coz I have seen VF5 and it works pretty good.
    Then, most animation of VF5R is pretty close to VF5, so I believe it should be easier for AM2 to do their job this time. If they insist, they can launch in the end of this year for sure~ /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
    Finally, I really hope to see AM2 can do some patch works if the version needs to be revised. No one wants to play the previous version and it's not a smart way to fellow like ver.b on PS3 but ver.c on XBOX. I mean AM2 should take care of both side!!
    Well, all the answers will show up next month, let's wait and see~
  9. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    When VF5 was announced it was stated to be in development for home and arcades. I cant find data on whether or not this was the same for previous versions, but I do know that when FT was announced it was NOT said to be for consoles and of course never was released.

    VF5R is obviously more in line with the release of EVO in terms of content, BUT how was the announcement of the console/arcade version handled then?
  10. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I think it will be at TGS because SEGA needs to rep there somehow. They'll have Sonic and a few other games but this would be a big pull in terms of demonstration.
  11. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    With 360 selling a bit better in Japan. Sega would be foolish not to release R at the same time for both Ps3 and 360

    Of course the PS3 version will sell better in Japan, but by Sega creating the 360 version they will get some sales in Japan and be ready to go for the U.S. market as well
  12. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Sega is already being foolish by not advertising the game. With SC4 and Tekken 6 out there they are just setting themselves up for small sales. Its not a great time for games in the east as it is, they need to start pushing a wonderful game like VF.
  13. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    He wouldn't be able to tell you anything, because he most likely has no idea. The people at Sega who make decisions about and do the home ports of arcade games are a completely different set of people from those who work on the arcade titles. Believe it or not, AM2's involvement with the the previous home versions of VF5 was practically nil.

    If by some stroke of fate you live in Germany and/or read German, you might just want to check out the upcoming issue of Maniac magazine. No, there's not an announcement, but there's a bit more elaboration on how things work at Sega AM2 when it comes to home ports.
  14. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Actually for vf5 console he did seem to quite alot about it even though he was only on the dev team for vf5 arcade versions A, B, C and D.. He told me about some of the xbox vf5 features long before they came to fruition but obviously I shared this with no one because im not a jerk. I've known him for quite a while and if he didn't know, he'd simply say, sorry I dont know.

    Rod, just wait for me to get there and we'll do it together. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    It was only for a week, due to Tales, being exclusive on the 360. They spent more money on developing the 360 version(VF5) and bomb. The US version for the PS3 still sold better. How many of those folks re-bought the game for the 360? A lot. SEGA needs to do a S-E and release the game on multi console for the US and PS3 only in Japan. I'm getting the PS3 version. PS pad+VF5R=Heaven.
  16. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    If anything it would be MORE high res and a lot better looking port on the ps3. Due to the superior hardware/cell processors etc of the playstation.

    As for online lagging, PSN has improved a LOT more than it used to be, plus I assume the servers would be dedicated for online play.
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Staying on topic, I have a sneaking suspicion that your friend is no longer employed by Sega anymore.
    I have a pretty good idea who you were talking with, feel free to contact me in pm to verify if it is indeed the person I think it is.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Or Strana Igr in Russia, they will publish it in the end of month isseu as well.
    Or people could have a lil more patience and wait for the English version of it to appear on Kikizo.
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Funny, fact remains though that the PS3 is RAM constrained compared to the gigs of RAM the Lindbergh board has so please shove your silly fanboyism where the sun dont shine.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Doubt VF is very RAM constrained.

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