why is online vf so toxic sometimes?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wolfguardian88, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. i wish more virtua fighters would be more friendly
    masterpo likes this.
  2. The FGC I read is commonly toxic. Im guilty of this too. BUT, move on & keep playing. GG
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You could say why are people toxic sometimes. Most people are fine and some as jerks, it's not a unique problem to VF but a humanity issue.
    beanboy, MarlyJay and MadeManG74 like this.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Not everyone is toxic in the FGC. And its something about the anonymity of online. Once upon a time VF was only played in arcades where people played each other face to face. Its a lot less easy to be toxic when you standing right next to or sitting across from the person you're playing.

    Also, before VF was online, e.g. in the days of VF4, VF4 EVO, and people played consoles at gatherings (face to face), there was always lot of camaraderie nothing toxic going on.

    So what happened? Well, I think its totally different crowds. The people that are toxic online are not the same people who would go to the arcades or gatherings. These toxic folks play online though and hide behind distance and anonymity. In most cases these folks have some mild psychological issues, that they are working through by playing a fighting game online:meh:

    Think about the kind of people that play FGs in the first place. There are several common categories:

    Wimps (many that have been bullied or ridiculed)
    Martial Art and combat sport enthusiasts
    Those living vicariously through their characters
    Loners with anger management issues
    Individuals with inferiority complexes or other types of social insecurities
    Those who just happen to like Fighting Games

    Guess which categories have toxic representatives online:cool:

    Disclaimer: I prefer playing against the AI
  5. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I always thought the VF's community was more respectful, generally more intelligent and way less toxic than the rest of FGC. It's way smaller mind you.

    But I honestly like playing local with friends and AI rather than online.
    beanboy and MadeManG74 like this.
  6. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    Maybe VFers don't have time for you spamming them with 8 hatemail messages everytime you get your ass kicked, which happens often. Wolf Guardian acts like Stl Tim, only with 1/10 the skill.
  7. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    I hear that the VF community isn't as toxic as other bigger named fighting games, but me personally, my main complaint with the VF community, and just mainly speaking for myself, but I have dealt with too many situations where I am bashed for having an opinion or because there are certain moves/skills that I don't have that others may have in the game. There are a select few that I flat out just don't like, but I always try to do my best to respect everyone in the community regardless of what they think of me.
  8. SlowCast

    SlowCast Member

    Then how do you explain the "F*** YOU" message you send to me after i played you a few times?
    Tricky, MadeManG74 and Jason Elbow like this.
  9. hey, i get angry, got a problem? idk about you but i play vf in my own way, very few ppl i play with say gg after i get my ass kicked alot.. its infuriating when people think its okay to leave me hanging without a "gg" when i battle then for a long time, if you dont habe time to say gg, why the hell are you playing vf online..? xD

  10. because you probably never say gg to me after a long session, and everytime i ask you if youre busy or just dont wanna msg me at all, thats fine and all, but if you dont tell me then i just start to think you wanna win alot of games and then leave me hanging without saying gg, youre not me so i dont expect you to understand that vile feeling
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    We all like to play the game. But everybody has different skills. There is no one right way to play VF, accept to have fun.

    But just understand what we're up against. FGs started out in Arcades. Typically you went to the Arcade with your friends or family. ppl, rarely played complete strangers. As friends you all learned the game around the same time, and put in about the same number of hours playing. As friends your skills were more or less on the same level. And even if somebody had more skill than somebody else at least they were your friends or family.

    This online thing is a whole different animal. You could end up matched with total strangers, from different parts of the world who may have thousands of more matches than you. Who might be 10 times better than you. Online they're not going to cut you slack (like a friend or family member might). Online, between strangers is f@ck or get F@cked. Everybody just trying to boost rank, or humiliate some other stranger.

    The arcades and the VF gatherings are face to face affairs. People get to know each other. Respect is given and earned. The chemistry is different. The game play is a lot more about fun and mutual enjoyment and respect for the game.

    In 2020 Its all about e-sports and training to be a killer and putting in 70 hours a week and learning every got damn frame, setup, combo, whiff punish, wall punish, wakeup strategy possible. Kill or be killed. Sharks circling, Knives-Out. Bring that mutha fuQking life bar down to zero as quickly a possible, with extreme prejudice.

    It use to be about hanging out with your friends and typing your initials in the highest score slot. Now people are trying to keep their lights , gas, and cell phone bill paid by playing FGs.

    IMO playing the AI with family and friends is the best way to play VF. And if you're going to play online, do it with friends and family.

    I'm not saying that every stranger online is an asshole. I am saying a lot of the toxic thing you're getting, is because you're playing strangers online. M8 I hope you're not getting the toxic treatment from friends and family:ROTFL:

    VF online can be fun as hell if you know and like the people you're playing with. On the other hand VF online could make you want to drop the game if you're constantly running into toxic players, or strangers that have thousands of more matches than you and have 10 times your skill level:eek:

    But sometimes you're between a rock and a hard place. You don't have local friends or family interested in playing the game. Or your friends have a different console etc. In those cases I really suggest playing against the AI. Seriously, playing against the AI is much more fun and rewarding, and legitimate than playing against toxic players, or players that are 100 times better than you. IMO Virtua Fighter has some of the best AI ever put into a fighting game. Not only do I think they have the best, I think VF has the most diverse AI of any fighting game. And not only do I think they have the Best , and most diverse, I think they have the largest quantity of unique AIs in comparison to the other fighting games.

    Sometime we make way too much of online play:rolleyes: Keep in mind VF didn't even have online play until VF5;) And VF5 for the PS3 never got online. For us playstation owners VF5FS is the only version of VF with online :ROTFL:
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
    Wolfguardian88 likes this.
  12. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Never feed a troll.
    / Thread
    beanboy and MadeManG74 like this.
  13. you think im a troll..?
  14. what do you think of: godokunodan?
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    never ran into him.,.,.,.,:cautious:
    Jason Elbow and Wolfguardian88 like this.
  16. @Masterpro: The arcade I went to to play VF2 in Oceanside, CA at Woolworth's was stranger VS. stranger a lot of times and it was competitive. Players would sneer at each other, cuss in game, slap the joystick, mash buttons, and talk trash in game. Everybody was competitive and we all sucked at the game. EXCEPT this one black guy who dressed like business casual a lot and could get 75 wins in a row at the arcade. The tokens would line up trying to beat him. He'd eventually have something else to do, ring out or hand one of us the controls to his game, then leave. So the old face-to-face arcade seen wasn't always respect. But, I take it you know that- this is my 2 cents. You remember or see SF2 in the arcade days? Guys would get into fist fights.
    @Wolfguardian88: The FGC isn't a perfect place, you should expect some aggressive behavior from competitor's. Ever get the vocal rage scream from a pre-teen male online when they've lost? That's another day in the FGC.
  17. SlowCast

    SlowCast Member

    I didn't know you'd feel so strongly about not responding to your messages. It's never my intention to disrespect. But still, swearing was uncalled for
    Jason Elbow and Wolfguardian88 like this.
  18. good xDD :33
  19. well im sorry for swearing..
  20. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Lol. Are you serious?!

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