Why does it have to be 9 kyu??

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Mr. Noisy, Jul 4, 2002.

  1. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    I really want to get an item called "Back Style Cap" for my Lion
    I need to beat a 9-kyu Lion called "Teimoyan" in his 1st outfit
    That character just never show up..
    I tried enter/quit kumite serveral times (with a 9 kyu Lion) but..never
    He never shows up unless I play other character than Lion

    Anyone here has any trick to lure low rank opponent?
  2. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member

    Hey man your best bet is to just wait it out. My Kage is a 7 don now. I was after a sword that a 3don kage named Balfry had. it felt like it took me forever to finally fight him to get that sword. Now I'm in the same corner as you. I'm looking for a 3 kyu named shuriken so that I can take a pouch from him. and kyu's almost never challenge me now. but hey there was this one time i was trying to get a ninja sroll from a higher rank fighter, but i lost a fight against him. i fought my friends character in VS and got the scroll from him. And his character isn't even a kage.
  3. ono

    ono Well-Known Member

    Ya got me

    i've never even seen 'Teimoyan' before.......

    hope you find him
  4. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    "Teimoyan" is the name for Japanese version.
    US version has different name (but still 9 kyu)
  5. ono

    ono Well-Known Member

    ah, i see...didnt know you were from there

    well any luck?
  6. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Nope, still couldn't get it
    Maybe, I'll get it through orbs
    My friend told me that I can get items I still don't have through orbs

    I think the quota for orb is 4 items ...so I have to get other items first
  7. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Please check the items FAQ first if it says the item cannot be won through vs. mode then you can only get it from that Kumite opponant , not even from the spheres believe me I wasted many hours trying to get Aoi's Japanese ponytail from the spheres....not possible:(
  8. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    So I cannot win Battle Arena Items by collecting orbs?
    The FAQs doesn't have any detail on this (a method unconfirmed item)
    but the complete guide says I have to win from the 9 kyu Lion
  9. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    If you have another memory card, you could start a new character just to get the item off that 9th kyu guy, then beat him in VS. to get it back... I think.
  10. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    For creating dummy characters to store orbs or win low level Kumite only items, that then have to fight your main character you only need one memory card. Check the ranking FAQ out for the memory card swapping procedure. Hell if you think about the process, after your low level dummy character has won the item and your main character takes it of him/her they can both keep it! just be smart with the card! PM me if you need further assistence.

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