who wins?

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by uk_kid, Oct 2, 2000.

  1. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    in the major vf tournaments, which characters usually do well. i assume jacky, but i'm always hearing about successful akira players......has anyone ever gotten very far in a fairly important tournament playing as someone usually considered to be inferior to the likes of kage, jacky, lau, et al - i.e. aoi, taka or lion? i for one would love to see an all-conquering taka champion! ;)

    anyway, just wondering...
    uk kid
    oh, and what's all this about thai boxing being introduced as the fighting style of one of vfx's new characters? just a rumour?
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    for one example kurita won the java tea tournament playing taka.

    and i guess you haven't heard.. akira, lau and lion get killed off in vfx.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Where did u get this information from??

    Thw Wall
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Do they replace the "now fallen Akira" with Kid Akira? Maybe if you do a code you can play Akira Kid and by adding 3 more coins it'll use an AI simulating him at a touch of a button? (in KI voice: "YA-YA-YA-YA-YUPPPPPPPPPPP-YYYYYYYY BBBAAAASSSSSSTTTTTAAAAARRRRDDDD!!!!!)

    Oh yeah, do you think they might do a crossover with Beasterizer (aka Bloody Roar) so Lion turns into a lion that's fighting with the mantis style? Oh wait, yous aid they kill off Lion.... I guess it'll be the ghost of Lion with the ability to be a lion. yay!

    As for Lau.... hmmm, guess Pai became the new Dural after all...
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    my sources.

    and don't argue with me, biznitch. my "sources" are _always_ right.

    oh and looks like sarah gets her ass back in vfx.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  6. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Mr. Bungle has a special Sega cereal box that gave out
    Yu Suzuki's "month at a glance" workbook. Page fourteen
    had these words written on it: "Akira, Lau, Lion...to
    remove?" So really it is almost a guess on our part but
    probably it will turn out to be so.

  7. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    vf without akira, lau and lion?! probably just a joke or misunderstanding. why would they eliminate their trademark character which they've developed so well over the different incarnations?i for one don't believe a word of it. if you'd have said sega has decided to replace aoi with a stronger character, then that would be (almost) approaching planet earth, but lau, akira AND lion? na. don't suppose anyone's got any genuine character info (vfx)...??:) hopeful, i know. and, does NOBODY know how i can translate am2's website??? please help. what about adam?
    uk kid
  8. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    i'll let you in on more...my source, "Captain Miki", gave me some technical descriptions. the characters now speak their native tongue - but, interesting, only when the machine is set to "export" or "USA" mode. same as in the vf3 games, there's an "asian" mode where the japanese taunts are muted out. and when it's in "japan" mode, they *all* speak japanese (however the chinese characters speak really poor japanese and they're referred to in a strange way on the vs tables - something about food products).

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    yes, some people _have_ actually chosen aoi in tournaments and done alright...though i admit i hadn't seen anybody else use her for more than an ocassional laugh until i went to japan

    "if you'd have said sega has decided to replace aoi with a stronger character, then that would be (almost) approaching planet earth"

    hmph :p
  10. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Aoi's good, evenly matched with Jacky in OB according to Hiro and 6/4 in favor of Jacky in TB, shes very strong. You just have to know how to follow on her attacks and trick your opponent. Harder to do the tricking thing to an intermediate opponent, rather do straight attacks.

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by adamYUKI on 10/8/00 00:48 AM.</FONT></P>
  11. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    i actually really like aoi, and thought she was great....until i came online and read all these people dissing her, claiming her to be weak...
    if hiro says she's strong and adam believes him, then that's good enough for me :)
    uk kid
    oh, and, by comparing aoi to jacky; does that mean jacky's the strongest in vf3, in hiro's opinion? isn't kage supposed to be slightly better, at high levels of play?
  12. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    yes, some people _have_ actually chosen aoi in tournaments and done alright...

    Haha...I wonder what this "certain person" is referring to.
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    brian mak?

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  14. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    brian mak?

    Ugh...no. I've never played Brian Mak before, though Mike (Skupa) told me a few things about him,

    I was referring to Bryan from Minnesota, who posted above in this thread. I actually stand by that Bryan is the strongest player I've met in the US. Yes, Hiro, for example, is strong too (and so is everyone else!...flame evasion). But Bryan made me feel despair like no one else did.

    When playing him in the tournament, I was so sure that his Aoi would rape me before the match began. Heh...a sure way to lose a match, I guess.
  15. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    uhh...okay. but. brian mak did do extremely well with aoi, tournaments included.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    lol...couldn't tell ya
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    lol! strength...despair...fears of pre-match molestation...
    this is what vf is truly about

    from all the comments i received a coupla years back, you'd think it was fear of boredom people were feeling before each match

    note to those all those people who were spared the misfortune of seeing my...um...unique (a.k.a. "annoying, "stupid," "unskilled" (pft to that)) method of using Aoi: think lots of bouncing, reversing, cancels, and of course, full frontal onslaught (weakness tends not to be as much of an issue when she hits you twelve times)

    now if i could only find a working machine here in ma...
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    seeing as how i've already posted twice in the past 15 minutes...

    i think (and this relates to another thread i saw) one of the main reasons why "the game" has such a cult following even now is because of the fact that the characters aren't really stronger than one another (more effective, that is; certainly some are physically stronger than others). every character can be just as effective as any other, so long as the person at the controls knows how to use them.

    jacky's not any stronger than anybody else, he's just much easier to use to fuller potential than the rest of the bunch. like most everyone else when the game came out, i used jacky for some time...he just got boring, because the learning curve wasn't too high. even after two years, people were still doing much the same as they were before. yech, who wants that? which isn't to say he's not fun to play against with aoi, knowing when elbows and kickflips are coming ;)

    no, a person new to jacky won't be able to do everything, but they will most likely beat somebody new and using any other character. in the end, things level out...
  19. clopin

    clopin Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Aoi's good, evenly matched with Jacky in OB according to Hiro and 6/4 in favor of Jacky in TB, shes very strong. You just have to know how to follow on her attacks and trick your opponent. Harder to do the tricking thing to an intermediate opponent, rather do straight attacks.


    i'm sorry, but i'm going to have to say on this one,... bullshit. if you "know how to follow on her[/his] attacks and trick your opponent" with any character, then you've already won with any character.

    // clopin
    join #vfhome on the EFnet IRC network
  20. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member


    I've gotta say, in OB, Jacky's the strongest char, while Aoi comes in around #11 (with only Taka being weaker, mainly due to his hit-into-guaranteed-throw subceptability weakness in OB).

    Ofcourse, when the person playing a character is skilled anough, any and all of the chars can be very strong... but in the end, at the highest level of play, she just doesn't cut it. (can't say about TB)

    - Jan

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