Which Version of VF has the Best AI?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I heard there were some problems with the AI in VF5 , although I've never really seen anything in particular.

    But in general which version of VF has the best AI, or the hardest AI?
    Wolfguardian88 likes this.
  2. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Tough question.
    I'd say it's either VF2, VF3tb or VF4/VF4 Evo.

    PS: Wait,.....do I only have to pick one?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
    masterpo likes this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Well, if we could rank them:ROTFL:

    I personally felt that VF4's Kumite mode AI was the toughest, but that could be because VF4 was my first VF:LOL:
    Tumbling Dice and beanboy like this.
  4. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member


    Speaking of tough AI, I heard that the AI in VF4, was tougher than the AI in VF4 Evo.
  5. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    I would say either VF4 or VF4Evo.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I 2nd this.
  7. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Or which ever version dont allow excuses to dictate the matchup. Lol
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    @Jason Elbow This has nothing to do with my post.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The AI in VF4 Evo, particularly in Quest Mode, was pioneering in the fact that it had such a huge variety of "skill levels" and habits, never before seen in previous fighting games to my knowledge. It was a genuine "training ground" to hone your skills, both offensively and defensively. I literally spent hundreds of hours grinding away in Quest Mode for this very reason, even after everything had been unlocked.

    What was also great about Evo's Quest Mode was that the arcades were organised accordingly to skill levels (or Rankings), which made it a great place for players of all skill levels to immerse themselves in a hunting ground while not feeling overwhelmed.

    However, I'd like to also give a special shout out to VF5FS's Special Sparring mode. While you don't have the selection and convenience of the virtual "arcade" playground, the AI present in this single player mode is extremely varied and very nuanced. So much so, that I'd even tip the scales in its favour for the "best" AI in a VF game, simply for the reason that they modelled a greater variety of playing styles, even really annoying ones that would constantly abare.
  10. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    I would say VF4Evo's Quest mode A.I.
    I wish i knew more about VF4FT's A.I, apparently VF4FT introduced an improved A.I system which would adjust to your skill level using your stats and rank as a base but sadly since VF.Net is dead and cards are no longer being made for VF4FT this feature is pretty much lost media, to make matters worse there is no way to emulate VF4FT cards.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    It seems liked the ranks associated with the AI in VF4 EVO also really indicated how much challenge the match was probably going to be. Seemed like AM2 spent a lot of time giving the AI a believable rank. Maybe it was all psychological but facing some of the higher ranked AI VF4 EVO would bring on a little extra anxiety.

    Agreed, the AI in VF5FS sparring mode is also imo good. The AI just has a certain feel to it, they could almost be real players. Some of the AI in sparring mode are better than some human players I've played. But for some reason AM2 didn't give them ranks :confused: If they had ranks, i dunno that might make some of them a little more menacing.

    But in VF4 EVO as with Sparring Mode you can decide which arcade or group of AI you decide to fight. On the other hand the Kumite mode in VF4 you just have to deal with the AI as its presented and some of those just seemed particularly nasty at the time (but it was my first VF4) I couldn't do throw escapes yet:ROTFL:

    Does anybody know if there are any interviews with the AM2 team where they talk about the AI?
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  12. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    i would say VF4EVO for sure and then VF4!!
    Blitzball Champ likes this.
  13. I miss VF4 Kumite mode.. Gotta' play VF5FS Special Spar mode more. ✌
  14. good question~ i think its VF2~ :33
  15. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Like I said. Which ever version dont allow excuses to dictate the match up. I guess the hit dog always bark the loudest. Lol
  16. JSM

    JSM Active Member

    The one thing that bugged me in VF5FS's Special Sparring: I couldn't find a way to play on the "2 player" side (right hand side). Is it possible?
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I'll can say this., I've playing some VF4 today in Kumite Mode and the

    Pai, Aoi, and Akira AI is wayeeeeeee nastier , wayeeeee more vicious than their counterparts in VF5 and VF5FS. Maybe its because my Lei Fei doesn't have the moveset back in VF4 that he does in VF5FS. But I've been routinely getting my a$$ kicked by those three in Kumite mode and not necessarily high ranks either. Now I'm afraid to look and see if I have VF4 set to normal mode. I'm hopin its set to hard:ROTFL:
  18. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I know that feeling. In your case, let's hope it's on hard. Lol!

    And in a way, that reminds me of capcom vs, snk 1. You get your butt kicked, and later you discover, that the game is on 1 or 2 block(s) super easy.:p

    I remember Maximillian Dood and other gamers complain, that on easy mode, the AI difficulty would get super ridiculous, and even predict your every move. I recently experienced this for myself the other day, when I started playing cvs1 again.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
  19. smbhax

    smbhax Well-Known Member

    The Difficulty setting under Options / Settings / Game in VF4 is only for Arcade mode. VF4 Kumite does not have a difficulty setting. It is always set to... Kumite. : o

    And yeah I have way more trouble against Akiras in VF4 Kumite than I do in VF5 Quest Mode or VF5FS Special Sparring.

    We won't talk about Akira in VF2. 8 o

    On Very Hard in VF5FS Special Sparring, the AI does sort of human-like stuff I haven't really seen it do elsewhere, like shimmying to try to get you to whiff throws. It's also much more aggressive. It isn't the hardest AI in the series, but it is maybe the most dynamic. I need to play against it more; I've been slacking on just Hard, which isn't really all that hard, for the most part.
  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    VF6, code name: MasterPro!
    masterpo likes this.

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