Which is better, VF Evo on S2 or X-Box?

Discussion in 'Console' started by VFLEGEND, Feb 16, 2003.


    VFLEGEND Member

    Definetely on PS2
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Let's have a bukkake party!

    1. There is no Evo for X-Box.
    2. Even if there were, you haven't played it so you can't make a fair comparison.
    3. You probably haven't played Evo for PS2 either.

    So who the fuck cares? If you're a PS2 fan, just make a new post saying "I'm a PS2 Fanboy!" and that will simplify things right from the start.
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Is youre real name by any chance Dwayne Dibley?
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    In any case, I can honestly say that the PS2 version of EVO, from what I have played of it and the footage I have seen from it, still looks awful compared to the Naomi2 original. A theoretical XBox version, while maybe not exact, would still look craploads better.

    But, you know, since XBox is marketed by an EVIL MEGALOMANIACAL CORPORATION (or something) that would make a potential XB version suck by default, right? </sarcasm>
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Dwaye I must say that I agree completely with Zero(who I dont know and have never met) here.
    She makes more sense then you ever will /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  6. SeriousGround

    SeriousGround Member

    Bro you've made ten posts and none of them were a particularly good read.
    If you wanna make friends on this board then don't make these kind of posts which are just trivial, and like Creed and Zero-Chan said, who cares?
    If you're gonna post,make it about why you're such a 'legend' at VF, what tactics and techniques you use for whatever character you play - do not brag about your skills compared to the rest of us however. Basically contribute more.
  7. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Cool Zero-chan you got the chance to play PS2 Evo? How does it compare to ver C PS2? Flicker/aliasing, load times ect.?
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Actually her impressions should have been up on http://www.the-nextlevel.com well over a week ago but I notice its still not up.
    Dunno whats up with that.

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