Where can I get VF character pins in VF candy?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by siLEpai, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Hey y'all,

    Sorry about the non-VF-related post, but does anybody know where I can find/buy VF candy that has VF character pins? I went to SVGL today and had so much fun playing VF4 that I lost my Akira pin off my bag *sniffles*. Luckily, I still have my Pai pin. If you're at SVGL and see it by the VF, SF, PF, DDR, or Point blank machines, can you puleaze hold onto it and message me so that I can pick it up! I'll trade ya some yummy curry dumplings for it!

    take it EZ,

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