What's wrong w/ the world....

Discussion in 'General' started by GaijinPunch, Oct 13, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Snipers in the city, terrorists bombing CLUBS in Bali, and of course Bin Laden who's apparantly alive and well, although in hiding.

    The NYC bombinbs were dispicable. Bombing a tourist spot in Bali is just plain cowardly. They weren't aiming for anything political or economically motivated -- that's just plain murder of innocent surfers and low-budget vacation backpackers.

    Personally, I'm a pacifist, but my beliefs are in serious question. I met a guy (American) on a flight that lived in China (near a border) that said Afghanistans were trying to come into China all the time (I know -- people sneaking IN to China). He said he'd killed 11 of them himself. Weird -- wonder why he told me. I really don't think that's the answer, but something must be done.

    If you've got something to get off your chest - this is your thread.
  2. wintonmoy

    wintonmoy New Member

    Well speaking of snipers. I hope they catch that psycho sniping people in maryland soon, and pubically castrate that @$$hole.

    Just wanted to get that out.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah, I'm thankfully in a town that's 20 mins from the beltway ramp, but I go to manassas all the time and feel nervous just walking around. I'm sure that's his goal :/ or maybe it isn't. But either way I hope they find him and that he never sees the inside of a cell, if you know what I mean.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    What, the easy way out? I hope he rots in a cell -- that sucks much worse than dying.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Heh and just around the time Michael Moore´s bowling for Columbine is premiering in Belgium.
    Yeah we have a limit on handguns and you need a liscence, assault and sniper rifles however you can buy freely and as manny as you want, insanity...
  6. wintonmoy

    wintonmoy New Member

    It makes me sick, just thinking that this guy is running around thinking he's a god, but we all know he'll be burning in hell soon. If he doesn't get executed I hope he gets raped by Bubba 24/7 in a really really really small cell.
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    That's kinda messed up... in Poland it's very hard to get a weapon license if you don't work in law enforcement or security. And you can't get automatic weapons at all. Much safer here than in the US...
  8. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    You think bin laden is evil huh ? oh yeah he kill 5000 + who were in the WTC. But yet what about Hitler who killed over 60000 jews and not to mention starting a world war so dont hate osama cuz he is a muslim, hate him for currupting islam.
  9. wintonmoy

    wintonmoy New Member

    Actually I was talking about that psycho in Maryland. However, I do hate Bin Laden for what he did on Sept 11, and I don't hate Islam only the people who uses that as an excuse to kill.
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    This: Yeah we have a limit on handguns and you need a liscence, assault and sniper rifles however you can buy freely and as manny as you want, insanity...
    Is not the situation in Belgium BTW, its a quote from a weapons dealer in Virginia USA.
  11. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Living in Fredericksburg VA, our area's kind of become a
    little sidetrip for Mr. October, what with the woman shot in
    the mall parking lot mere minutes from my place and a man
    gunned down at a gas station twenty minutes south. Despite
    myself, I am wary of presenting me or mine in the open for
    very long these days...I can't help getting a terrific pain in
    my upper chest whenever I feel like a target, an anticipation of
    a bullet. Makes you sick because there's no way to stop it if
    you're the one being sighted on. A lovely woman I know saw
    a young black guy pumping gas at a station on Route 1, his
    shoulders hunched and his head ducked, looking around, and she
    burst out crying. It struck home with her how scared people are
    right now.
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    depends on the prison. Some are shitty, get-raped-and-beaten-all-the-time places, others allow cigarettes, magazines, even TV and workout rooms and basketball for an hour every day. Boredom isn't worse than death.

    I think the ideal for this guy is maybe a year of getting raped and beaten every day, then he gets to look forward to execution, and it will be in one of those states that still uses nasty methods of execution... hanging or the chair or something.
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    For cases like this im all for the death penalty.
    Wich is weird since by manny Americans im considered a bleeding hart commie bastard
  14. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    I believe that Mr. October is a football fan, by the way. You will note there are no sniper killings on weekends. If he's a loner with no family, you can bet he's die-hard into football. Saturday is college gameday. Sunday is the pros. Then there's Monday Night (no killings on Mondays either I don't think). Then it's back on the road Tuesday through Friday for more human hunting.
  15. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Just want to make a point about gun licences. Here in Australia a law was passed to make all automatic and semi-automatic weapons illegal to the public. It was a knee jerk reaction because there was a shooting in Tasmania that killed i think 15-20 people and the shooter was using an automatic weapon. The law was passed, I think partly because if it wasn't the government would have been given hell by the public and the families victims. Since that law has passed, murders by handguns and other firearms has gone up. The gun clubs in Australia all have the same view, that of all the firearms used in these murders, only a small amount are registered and are under someone's name. The majority of firearms in these murders are imported illegally, most of them in shipping containers. Searching each and every shipping container is impossible, so for now they have a good system.

    I think that firearm laws have little to do with the amount of murders from firearms in a particular country. I wonder even if all firearms were banned whether it would make that much difference. I believe that if someone wants to commit murder then they will find a way to do it. It's the individuals want to commit murder that should be stopped. Firearms are a tool used by a murderer. The tool could be a blade, a screwdriver or a broken bottle, but the fact is that in all these cases the person is still a murderer. I believe that it's the want to kill, not the weapon that makes a difference.

    I hope they find a solution soon though. Those sniper shootings make my blood run cold.
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    A six year isn't very likely to be able to kill a grown man with a broken bottle or a carving knife, and it's pretty seldom he/she will kill themselves accidentally with one.

    The "if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns" argument is an old one, but if your argument is it's gonna happen anyway, the government might as well make it as tough as possible.
  17. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, there'll never be a hand-gun ban in the US. I think hand-guns are pussy, myself, most guns in general, though if you think you need one then get a shotgun and load it with light load that maims and not kill...though if someone's in your home and you are there they have VERY bad intentions, and you SHOULD kill them. With all the weapons in this country there would be no way to enforce the law, just as much a fraud as illegal pot. The argument about registered guns not involved in most homicides I don't know about (in US), though it's telling somehow that most homicides occur between people who know each other and are familiar. Random violent acts are like comets, seen every now and again. And serial killers move effortlessly through a world of guns and murder, committing acts of calculated evil.

    My theory about guns is that in a certain tense, violent situation, a person will use whatever physical means they have imprinted...if it's your fists, you use fists, or feet. If it's slaps, or throws. If it's a gun...so on. That's what you'll resort to. For a large percent of US folks, guns is the most extreme reaction to a situation, and mostly inappropriate. What you end up with is a situation where a guy should have called the police, or dealt with it diplomatically, or learned some self-defense, and instead they shoot somebody in the gut and run like cowards. That's our culture in this country.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    This: Since that law has passed, murders by handguns and other firearms has gone up.
    Kinda answers youre question doesnt it?
    Amount with other weapons went up becouse one kind of weapon was illegalised, so yah laws DO have an effect.
    In the end the amount of damage being possible will be dependant on the acuracy and availability of whats available trough legal channels.
    Illegal weapons are bought legally and then transferred to the illegal circuit, limit or ban theyre availability trough legal ways and you will automaticaly decrease the amount that go into the illegal channels as well.
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yes, an old argument indeed. I think it's true that there will never be handgun abolishment in the states unfortunately. And I do think a ban on them at this point would only fuel the black market. I do KNOW that if you don't have handguns around, people don't get killed with them. Look at the homicide stats in damn near every other country where guns (even rifles) are illegal -- a fraction of the US. That's why I got the fuck out! Hehehe.
  20. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Doesn't Japan have a handgun ban? IIRC only the keisatsu can wield firearms.

    Kinda weird, considering all the guns, weaponry, and military otaku there are. Of course, those guys are too dorky to actually kill anyone. XD

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