What is that?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Powda, Apr 5, 2002.

  1. Powda

    Powda Active Member

    What is that little box in the bottom left hand corner of the screen when i'm fighting? There is one on the right side too. the one on the left is red and the one on the right is blue. any ideas??
  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    One says 1P and the other 2P if I remember right. I think they signify that you're using a VFnet card in the arcade version (in Japan only,) so all kumite opponents will have the little box. Try entering kumite without using a character off your memory card. If you don't have a little box on your side of the screen, then that's it. The memory card is your VFnet card on the PS2.

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