What do you think about the tutorial mode?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Tha_FeauchA, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I think it's pretty good to give beginners some tools for starting out. Although it doesn't really say anything (that I remember of) about being in frame advantage or in negative frames.

    I think a section (i.e. lesson #9 etc.) to have you interupt the CPU with an elbow/[6][P] in between two [2][P]'s would have been a good one to have in there. Just to show you can't spam the fastest move (or one of the) over and over, and teaches them one of the ways to beat that tactic since it's fairly common. Or any [P][P][P] etc. type stuff.

    Don't get me wrong, [2][P] and [P] is a great interupter. But it just gives a little idea as to what it means to be in advantage or disadvantage.

    I also think a lesson to teach how to recover from a stagger would have been a usefull one too. Have em recover from something to be able to block in time. Nothing as strict as say recovering from Akiras trip throw in Vanilla to block the double palm. But something with a little difficulty. But mainly have it to teach people how and when to recover from a stagger. I'm pretty sure 99% of the beginners don't know that you have to wait till the stick is red to have your inputs count. And that spinning the stick in a circle (along with hitting some buttons) is the best way to recover.

    I was also kinda shocked they didn't include ETEG in the lessons [​IMG]
  2. Chestnut_Bowl

    Chestnut_Bowl Member

    The tutorial in FS is okay. Better than you'd get in most (all?) other fighting games, but not nearly as helpful or complete as the tutorial in EVO.
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    It is the start of a great tutorial and for a beginning that is good enough. It shows you all that you need to beat most of the people you see online right now easily but it ignores the finer details of the game in high level play.

    The training evo showed you everything about the game in great detail and if you could clear it with 1 character you were ready for anything VF had to offer with that 1 character guaranteed. It even makes you perform advanced combos and told you what you were doing wrong instead of just telling you to start over if you failed it. Some cool stuff I wish this version of the training mode would introduce is how to beat a rising attack by attacking it directly (attacking it with an attack that does more than 21 points of damage I think) or that anyone with crouching grab can grab a person out a 2p on react every time if the person jabbing tried to rise before they attacked again as 2 examples. They introduced so many advanced character specific aspects that I feel it should still be used to prepare people for a high level VF play now. The training mode in FS is still good I am not complaining about it, it is better than nothing but they could do so much more with it than what they did.
  4. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    I do with there were some tutorials with an 'if'. Like doing a launcher into a combo if it hits, or into TEG if it's guarded.

    You can set up all the useful stuff in free training, but something to introduce advantage/disadvantage would be very helpful.
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Tutorial was garbage, not that I expected to learn much from it but it's difficulty is waaaaaay easier then evo was from what I can remember.
  6. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    How is it garbage? A majority of the tutorial was created for new players from other fighting games and those who have never played VF before. It's also important not to overwhelm noobs with too much information.
  7. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    A real tutorial should cater towards both sides not just the noobs, and to me it just seemed way too basic. All I'm saying here is I heavily preferred the evo one. If it helps beginners then cool.
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I think SEGA should be applauded for creating such a solid tutorial mode. I'm entirely happy with it, since it shows beginners where to start and even goes into the essential more advanced stuff (Fuzzy Guard, Lazy-TE(G), Evade-Cancel-Guard), which new players may not grasp at first conceptually, but which they are free to come back to at a later point when they are more familiar with the game mechanics. It's great that it's all there.

    Don't forget that tutorials like this are still rather an exception than the norm in the industry.

    It's incredible how much value you get for just $15 with this game.
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Then say that. Just that.
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    If you were making the training mode, what technique which ins't there would you add?
  11. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Finished very abruptly for me. But I figure the license tests will continue on from there.
  12. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    They probably didn't have a huge budget to work with, so you're not going to get the individual character tutorials like in VF4Evo. It would've been nice, but I think that's a bit too much to ask for with a game like this.

    The main thing missing from the tutorial in this game is the okizime stuff. I would've liked a similar set of exercises from VF4Evo where they teach new players how to crush wake up attacks with certain moves, applying pressure when opponents tech roll, explaining knockdown properties in different situations, etc.

    It's weird how the tutorial has hardcore stuff like evade cancelled into fuzzy guard, but they don't have fundamental things like okizime training which I feel is just as important. This includes the new okizime stuff that is unique to FS. Other than that, the game does a good job of explaining the basics.
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I was too lazy to respond to LA so I'm happy you addressed what I wanted to say DRE. Evo training > FS training end of story.
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Would I like to see them have more stuff in? Sure. They should have showed how to get up from the floor faster by mashing inputs and then hold guard.

    You guys have to remember that they had to fit the base game to 2GB's to make it a digital download. For what they put in with the size limit issue I think they did a great job.

    But I realize they wanted to get this game on XBL and sell as cheap as possible to get more people incentive to buy the game. I hear a lot of people on other forums saying. "Hey, this game is only $15! I'll try it out."

    If VF5:FS had been a full disc release I'm sure they would've followed more in suit with Evo's training mode.
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    If this game does well enough I suppose we could cross out fingers for vf6.

    I thought the tutorial mode was short but it hit all the key points. anything extra people will pick up from vfdc if they decide that they want to learn the game.

    Why aren't Sega paying to keep VFDC up anyway? It is the hub for their title, I would think it'd be in their best interest to support this site as it does their game.
  16. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    You are too lazy to type out what you would have wanted in the game yet you are not too lazy to complain about what's in it right now. How about this? Sega is too lazy to put in a full training mode into VF because people are too lazy to buy it. :p
  17. sibarraz

    sibarraz Well-Known Member

    I would have loved a better explanation on how to attack rather than defensive tools
  18. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    The tutorial mode - is catered toward players not familiar with VF5 system.

    Free training mode - is catered toward players familiar with VF5 system.

    Overall it is an improvement over original VF5.

    To be very honest, I think we are too politically incorrect to have that type of relationship with SEGA [​IMG]
  19. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    i have to agree with L.A akira!!!:)
  20. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    In L_A I trust. [​IMG]

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