We're Back!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

By Myke on May 31, 2012 at 10:44 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Thanks for everyone's patience. We're now on a new kick-ass server which should hopefully result in a more stabilised experience from now on.

    Most of the VFDC features should be back to normal, however, there are some remaining kinks in the system that I'm trying to work out, and a minor forum update was also necessary. You can read more about these in detail after the jump.

    And of course, if you find something not working the way it used to, please let me know in this thread!


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

    1. Myke
      Minor Forum Upgrade
      A minor forum upgrade was necessary to ensure compatibility with the new server environment. While the upgrade essentially comprises of bug fixes, it does have a cool new feature: at the bottom of each thread you'll find buttons to Facebook Like or Tweet the thread.

      There are some other cosmetic changes that I've yet to do, <span style="text-decoration: line-through">like re-enable the display of GamerTags in your post details</span>. This will be done soon.

      International Forum - Closed
      The International Forum now no longer exists. All existing threads from that forum have been moved into the Match Making forum. All non-english speaking VF fans are welcomed to continue using the Match Making forum from now on!

      PSN Forum - Opened
      In preparation for next week's console release, a new Community forum has been created for all things related to playing online with the PlayStation Network. Expect the usual gamertag lists, along with the obligatory Good/Bad Games threads!

      Should be working as normal, except that it's all read only for the time being. The wiki had to be upgraded to the latest software version in order to be compatible with the new environment. As a result, it will remain read only until I fix user authentication with the forum user database again.

      Command Lists
      Should be working as normal. In case you missed it, the Command Lists now include VF5 Final Showdown Ver.A data. If you spot any errors in the VF5FS command lists, please post in the VF5FS Command List thread found in the specific character sub-forum.

      Combo Lists
      Should be working as normal, except that editing privileges (for those who previously had access) have been revoked for now. I need to overhaul the combo list engine to make it compatible with FS.

      Twitter Feed
      The twitter feed in the right side bar has been brought back. Those who may recall it's initial introduction will remember an issue that prevented the text editor buttons in the full reply screen from functioning correctly. Well, that's now fixed! As a reminder, anyone tweeting with the hashtag #VFDC will have their tweet appear in the feed. For example, you might use it to let people know you're playing online right now!

      Forums Reorganised NEW![/size]
      You will notice that there's a new category of forums called Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown. In this category you'll find:
      • Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
        • New Starter: brand new forum[/size], with some sticky threads re-created.[*]Dojo (and Character sub-forums): brand new forum(s)[/size], and any existing "FS" related threads can now be found here.[*]General: existing forum, carried over.[*]Arcade: existing forum, carried over.[*]Console (and Joystick sub-forum): existing forum, carried over.

      All the old New Starter and Dojo content from the past can now be found under Virtua Fighter 5 forum, in the Archive category.

      If you find any threads are in the wrong location, please use the "Notify" feature and a mod will take the appropriate action.
    2. steelbaz
      Alright site is back and we got a PSN forum now [​IMG]
    3. Kamais_Ookin
      Absolutely amazing! This was well worth the wait!

      For the first time since registering to vfdc I can browse throughout the website pretty fast. I have tears in my eyes, this is more surreal than FS coming out on consoles. FAST shoutbox, FAST thread to thread, no more CRASHING and waiting for 10 mins to reload vfdc, no more frustrations... now my surfing of vfdc around the clock will be stress-free. [​IMG]
    4. Kidvid711
      Wow, I notice a difference. Usually VFDC takes a while to load each page.
    5. Chanchai
      I'm hoping/looking forward to a better connection to VFDC with the update ^_^

      I don't know how it was for others, but sometimes I just couldn't connect to VFDC [​IMG]

      This should be awesome preparation for the expected surge in traffic ^_^
    6. MarlyJay
      Goo work Myke [​IMG]

      When will we be able to start updating the down states in the command list with crumples and suggest notes?
    7. Mister
      First, good work Myke. We have VFDC back and that's great [​IMG]


      That will be great and i would suggest if the moves has some bound properties and which one is it (big or small bound).

      And i noticed i don't see anymore gamertags and ps names under people's avatar.
    8. Myke
      Marly, soon!

      Mister, XBL/PSN Gamertags now display as previously.
    9. Myke
      The forums have been reorganised. Read the original post for details.
    10. Aion
      Thank you for your hard work Myke!
    11. slutzinc
      Definitive improvement in load times. Great work!
    12. SilentMantle
    13. steelbaz
      I think the avatars are a bit funky, tried to switch mine out, but it wasn't happening. Could just be user error on my part though [​IMG]
    14. Myke
      steelbaz, give it another try!
    15. steelbaz
      Thanks a ton Myke [​IMG]
    16. Myke
      BTW, I'm aware of the CAPTCHA issue for new registrations and currently looking into it. Sorry for the inconvenience for any soon-to-be new users!
    17. Unicorn
      I have repeated problems with viewing VFDC in Google chrome after the update.

      Most times, I see homepage only as white page with header title "Relax" and text "Hello, World!" If I try to go directly for forum, I am getting 404 Not Found.
      This is not 100 % issue, but like 90 % of the time it seems to be broken. Right now it is like that in chrome, while in FFox, everything is running smoothly.

      PS: VF wiki pages are OK every time i check them.
    18. Myke
      The "Hello, World!" text is from the old domain's IP address.

      If you're seeing this, then it either means:

      1. your browser cache needs to be flushed, or
      2. your Internet Provider's DNS server is not yet up to date.

      All I can recommend you do is delete all temporary internet data, caches, and browsing data, and try hitting the virtuafighter.com website again.

      Otherwise, I just ask you be patient until the DNS server information will eventually and automatically get updated.

      BTW, I mentioned this on twitter but forgot include here that the CAPTCHA issue with new registrations has been fixed.
    19. Unicorn
      Thx for quick answer [​IMG]
      I deleted all data, for some reason is tart working after that in FFox, but chrome was still broken. That is why I tought it is some chrome issue.

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