***VTYME 3 July 22nd/23rd 2006 Washington DC***

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Jinmaster, May 31, 2006.

  1. Jinmaster

    Jinmaster Well-Known Member

    VTYME 3 – 'East Coast Elite Gaming Event of the Summer'

    VIRGINIA TAKES YOUR MONEY EVERTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    --= www.VTYME.com =--

    VTYME 2 had over 200 attendee's. This year, I expect over 500!!!!

    Where: George Mason University
    4400 University Drive, MS 5A3
    Fairfax, Virginia 22030

    When: July 22nd and 23rd 2006
    Registration Time: 10am
    Venue Fee: $15

    Virtua Fighter 4: Evo
    Tekken 5
    Soul Calibur 3
    GG: Slash
    Smash Bros Melee
    3RD Strike
    Street Fighter AE
    Halo 2 (TBA)
    Entry Fee: $10 Per Game


    SAVE TIME!!! When you register online, we will have a dedicated 'express' line for attendee's who are already registered!!!!!

    For hotel and travel info, please visit the official site at www.VTYME.com

    More info tomorrow !
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    even though I won't make this, its' nice to see that fans of other games are down to include VF in their events!

    Thanks for the support of the VF scene!

    VF tourney organizers should learn a lesson from this!

  3. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey the site of the school that made an incredible run in the ncaa tournament.
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Yep, thats GM. I am going to be there...I think Shag said he is down to come as well.
    Its not enough to say its nice to see the event, come on down people!
  5. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Josh, what up? I'm definitely going to this. I need to catch up on my vf plus I haven't seen Shadowdean in a long time.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    i think i might go to this... just have to see how much housing is going to cost. If it's reasonable, i'll attend.
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Well, my home is open to anybody who wants to come down, up, over, whatever to this tourny. I am definatly going, thats for sure. Holla atcha mao!
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Well, my home is open to anybody who wants to come down, up, over, whatever to this tourny. I am definatly going, thats for sure. Holla atcha mao!
  9. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I think I will attend as well
  10. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    I will be there. I will probably be the one running the brackets for the event.

    Josh, you and I are going to have to get together before the tourney so we can do some training.
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Yes, the rapage will now commense!!!
  12. Jinmaster

    Jinmaster Well-Known Member

    Online registration now open!!!!


    SAVE TIME!!! When you register online, we will have a dedicated 'express' line for attendee's who are already registered!!!!!
  13. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    I registered for the tournament. I'll have to refresh myself a bit beforehand.
  14. VA_Whodat

    VA_Whodat Member

    I will attend this tournament. I'm looking forward to owning up on everyone.
  15. Jinmaster

    Jinmaster Well-Known Member

    Things are looking really good for VTYME.

    I have been promoting like crazy on SRK and TZ. Now I would like to see some good players make it out to DC for VTYME.

    There are a lot of great players up and down the EC, and Washington DC is a great meeting ground.

    Registration is up!


    Here are the numbers I have so far who have PAID ONLINE.

    3rd Strike - 36
    Tekken 5 - 32
    Capcom v SNK 2 - 30
    Guilty Gear - 28
    Soul Calibur 3 - 28
    DOA 4 - 11

    I know there are MANY more who havent registered online who PLAN on coming! PLEASE MAKE IT EASY FOR MYSELF AND REGISTER!!!!

  16. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Ok people, here's the format for the VF4:Evo tourney.

    Double Elimination
    3/5 rounds
    2/3 matches, 3/5 matches Winners/Loser's Finals, 4/7 Grand Finals
    Button Mapping will be allowed. This is on console and the buttons are already mapped by default. If you want to rearrange the mapping, you are allowed to do so.
    Life will be default, 200.
    Time will be defaut, 45 seconds.
  17. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Ok people, I'd like to comprise a list of participants to see about how many people to expect.

    1. Blackula (VA)
    2. Whodat (VA)
    3. Tiamat (VA)
    4. Winback (VA)
    5. Xavier (VA)
    6. Flash (VA)
    7. Daniel (VA)
    8. Millionz (VA)
    9. Shadowdean (DC)
    10. Akira Zero (NJ)
    11. Perfect Legend (OH)
    12. Konjou Akira (NY)
    13. Denkai 84 (NY)
    14. Smurf (NY)
    15. Shag (NY)

    Feel free to IM me on AIM at Blackula1981 if you have any questions. As more people post up, I'll update the list.
  18. PerfectLegend

    PerfectLegend Member

    This will be fun
  19. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Put me down on that list. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Ok people. If your going to be comming down and want/need a place to stay and want to share some of the driving..I am going to arrange for as much space in my house as possible for people to crash. I can take 4 (four) other people in my car. Let me know whats good.

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