Vote Kerry or Burn in Hell!

Discussion in 'General' started by DissMaster, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    This was the headline of the Philly Independent recently. It’s melodramatic, but it does convey the necessary urgency.

    If you are registered to vote tomorrow, please do it. We must get rid of this guy. Oh, how fucked we are if he wins or is able to again steal another four years in the White House.

    Since perhaps the biggest source of Bush’s appeal is his perceived strength in fighting terrorism, I’m going to briefly try to refute this perception.

    First, Bush was President when we suffered the biggest attack in our history. Maybe he could have prevented it, maybe not, but he appears to have been blissfully unaware of terrorism. It is worth noting that the departing Clinton people were warning the National Security team that most of their energy should be put into anti-terrorism, especially bin Laden, and the Bush people still did… nothing. Kaboom! This is why the 9/11 widows mostly endorse Kerry.

    Second, the Iraq War is a disaster in many ways. A recent study puts the number of Iraqi casualties in the Iraq War at 100,000. Remember that all the justifications for the war have vanished. We are seen throughout the Muslim World as an imperialistic occupying power. This feeds Anti-Americanism and thus the strength of al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad. We are seen as having blood on our hands. Those people did not deserve to die violent deaths. Thanks a fucking lot George.

    Third, at the end of the day, Bush cares more about getting his conquer on than about killing terrorists. Bush passed on the chance to take out Zarqawi , fearing that it might undermine his case for war. On behalf of the 50 recently executed Iraqi Security Force Troops and the foreigners who have had to bid adieu to their heads, again I say, Thanks a fucking lot George.

    Fourth, let’s not forget their terrible incompetence in executing this whole affair. The missing explosives illustrate this dramatically. Tons and tons of explosives that the U.S. military should have secured, gone. We are already accounting for their whereabouts. We discover about one or two pounds at a time, whenever another roadside bomb or improvised explosive device detonates. It’s hard not to feel blind rage when one thinks about the kids coming home amputees or in coffins thanks to the Bush Administration.

    Fifth, there's Abu Ghraib. The American Media might be done with those photographs, but they aren’t done with us. They will likely feed the ranks of Islamic Jihad for decades. The tragedy there was a predictable result of the Bush Administration’s incompetence and desire to skirt international law. On behalf of the guys in the “Man Pyramid,†and the guy with the light bulb jammed up his ass, I say one last time, Thank You Mr. Fucking President.

    Please Vote on November 2.
  2. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    My guess is that the situation will be reversed from last election, with Bush winning the popular vote but losing the electoral votes. Just seems like karma. In any event, I think the fact that the race is so close despite all of Bush's mistakes shows how weak of a candidate Kerry is. If it was most any prominent Democrat instead of Kerry, they'd be walking away with the race by miles. Shit, Clark would probably be at least 8% ahead in the popular vote. Just my two cents. It's a shame I live in Louisiana, where our electoral votes are safely in Republican hands. I'll still be at my polling place bright and early in the morning though, and I hope others do so as well.

    Edit: Check out Eminem's new video. Even if you're not a fan of rap, it's the best publicity I think Kerry can get. Eminem is also quoted as saying, "Bush is definitely not my homie." I love it.
  3. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    I don't vote.
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    if you're a U.S. citizen and don't vote because you're not of legal age, then: oh well.

    if not: your mother sucks cock in hell, you STUPID novotarian filthy asshole dumbfuck. go suck the withered teat of mama ignorance and the limp 1" dick of papa apathy, you impotent retarded whore-felching cunt trash scumbag.
  5. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Listen you cock sucking faggot moron, I don't vote because I don't want to. After speaking to a friend earlier I decided that I was going to vote, now after reading your retarded remark here I don't think I am going to anymore. You homo fisting retarded sack of monkey crap.
  6. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ...I don't vote because I don't want to.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Fatalrose - for the sake of the rest of the world, don't let Bungle keep you from voting. However, make no mistake, he has a good point. Go and vote - it's beyond long as you're voting Kerry of course... /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    after i posted i talked to a friend who convinced me that some people can't be convinced no matter what i say. i was going to delete my post! then i read your post and..aaww fuck're too much! GGAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHHAHAHAH
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Not Voting? Don't brag about it, silly!

    Yeah dude, What's the point of saying, "I'm not voting?" That just seems like an attempt to provoke and irritate. I mean, FatalRose is in Cali which will never go for Bush anyway, but it's still good for Kerry to have as much of the popular vote as he can.

    There are many reasons to vote against Bush. By now we should know them. I also think that there are good reasons to vote for Kerry. Yeah, he can seem inconsistent, but that is better that consistently dead fucking wrong!

    And I think that Kerry's perceived weaknesses come in response to the ridiculous stances that a candidate must take when seeking the presidency. Being overly honest will get you railroaded. Just ask Howard Dean. I really do feel that Kerry has his heart in the right place and that he is a smart man who cares about people and understands government and the world a hell of a lot more than Bush. So what are you waiting for? Let's get him into the White House!

    Oh, and the Eminem video is actually really cool. The animation and the message are just what we need.

    Let's Lick Bush and Dick in '04!
  9. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Re: Not Voting? Don't brag about it, silly!

    No worries, just got caught off guard and kind of pissed at the basement troll Mr Bungle or whatever his name is for being a total fag for no reason.

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