"VirtuaFighter-BushidoBAttle" in Hamburg , autumn 2004 !!!

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by stpROCK, Feb 22, 2004.

  1. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Hi all there!

    Check out www.vfbb.com ! This is the first german Virtua Fighter Evo-tournament to strengthen its own scene. All of you who want to come are invited. The location in Hamburg will be decided in the next 2 months! I especially head for european competitors! we try hard to make a good tournament! I will post if site is updated with important news!
  2. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Location will be announced end of this month! Probably it will be "Haus der Jugend Bramfeld" in Hamburg; nice location > easy to get there! Check out our site in the next 2 weeks please ( new media stuff will also be added! ). Then we will post final dates!!!
    I hope some of you will come !
  3. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Hi Rock, it's Ryan, remember me? We met at Absolution in London. I am just posting to say that I am interested in joining your tournament if possible. Let me know if it's okay. If I can come I will start looking for flight tickets. Also please let me know when you have more information.


  4. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Whaaahh SUGOI !

    It would be incredible if you could come! I would pick you up at Hamburgs airport directly > promise!

    Our last location said at last "NO" to us for getting our tournament started, but i have a new one!
    So more will come soon!
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I'm posting on behalf of Rock;
    k4oru said on vfbb.com that this tournament will be held earliest in january 2005 due to problems in finding a location for the tourney.
  6. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    VFBB 28.01.2005

    So our tournament is set on january the 28th in 2005 here in Hamburg / Germany! For further information plz check our site!!! www.vfbb.com

    New matchmovies will come soon!

    Finally it is done so look forward to it! I hope i see many of you.
  7. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    Hi Rock,

    We met at Absolution when you told me about your plans for this tourney. I remember your Goh being very strong. Regrettably, I won't be able to come to Germany, but good luck with the tourney anyway.


    P.S. Are you still wearing that bandana?

  8. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    This tourney is going to rock! You should come Jeff!! It doesnt matter how much it costs, you have to be there! ^^
    Im wearing my bandana`s not that often anymore; using simple thin headbands or open hair style....well do you really care? :p
  9. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    Guudn Rock,
    Wenn keine last minute Geschaeftsreise dazwischenkommt (was allerdings leider immer eine Moeglichkeit ist) freue ich mich darauf die deutsche VF community bei diesem Event zu unterstuetzen (ausserdem habe ich Bock mal wieder in Hamburg feiern zu gehen). Mein Jacky, Jeff und Brad freuen sich schon darauf fett einen auf den Sack zu bekommen!
    Also viel Erfolg mit der organisation.
    Hau rein.
  10. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    Yeah cool! We hope to see you ScS and the other guys from vienna.....i think you have some pretty good players there.....
    PLZ sign up at our site!

    Wär echt cool wenn du es schaffen kannst zu kommen!
  11. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    28 Januar. Cool, merke ich mir vor. Sollte klappen. Melde mich an sobald ich Januar besser planen kann.

    Ich bin leider zu selten in Wien, asl dass ich von der guten human Competition profitieren wuerde (folgerichtig gehoere ich auch echt nicht zu den guten Vienna VF Playern). Egal, ich liebe VF auch so.

    Viel Erfolg weiterhin mit der organisation.

    Tschoe mit oe.
  12. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Brackets for VFBB 28.01.2005

    Here is information about brackets, settings and rules for our tournament!

    Brackets: First we will play group games where everyone faces everyone in his group. Depending on how many will paticipate the first two or four will advance.
    Then we will have a winners and a losers bracket.Players will do Singleelimination-Best of three; final: best of five. The player who reaches the final through the loserbracket will have no kind of disadvantage!

    Settings: -3 Winrounds for every win
    -45 seconds roundtime
    -Default vs-energy
    -Pad-bindings like p+g, p+k or k+g on one button are allowed

    Rules: -Dural is not allowed
    -Insults or any kind of aggression to your opponent will lead
    to disqualification
    -Also do not distract your a opponent during a match
    -Pausing during a match may lead to disqualification
  13. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Re: Brackets for VFBB 28.01.2005

    JUst for info: VFBB is on SAturday the 29th january!
    Not 28th, this would be a friday!

  14. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Re: Brackets for VFBB 28.01.2005

    Just wanted to wish you folks good luck with the tourny. I'm on duty travel in Central Asia at the moment, so can't be there myself. Anyways, hope all goes well. N.
  15. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Re: Brackets for VFBB 28.01.2005

    Unfotunately I'm not showing up either cuz they as much as quadrupled the ticket prices o_O which is really ridiculous. Anyways hope to meet ya somewhere not as far and Neno I'll see ya in Vienna on some Virtual-Combat Season Cup. Hehe you could act another character in the show fight, you'd do for a good Lei Fei if you'll keep that haircut :p
  16. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

  17. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    Hi this is Ryan, I am just writing to ask if someone can come to pick me up from the airport as I don't know any German or where to go once I get to the airport or anything at all /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif So if anyone could help I would really appreciate it. If not then don't worry I will try something else. I just dont want to miss the tournament as I arrive on Saturday 29th in the moring and I've never been to Germany before. PM me please, thanks.

  18. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    See pm; i can pick u up. PLz tell me when exactly you arrive!
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: VFBB 28.01.2005

    I wish I could've come, but unfortunately I'm dug deep at the university right now. I hope you have great time in there. Remember to record a lot of matches!

  20. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    VFBB Results!


    1.Ryan Hart ( Akira, Jacky, Kage )
    2.rOck ( Goh )
    3.Hear Dalis ( Akira, Lau, Kage )
    4.Myst D ( Shun, Vanessa )

    This was our first pure VF-tournament here in germany. We`ve played a lot of VF but also had many confusing moments for which i want to apologize! I wanna especially thank Ryan for coming to Hamburg to win our tournament ^^ and showing us nice stuff in VF and i think in 3s also....
    I never forget these 2 matches when i said "plz take Kage and be cruel to me" ....
    im sorry for that adventure-trip to your motel; driving with me is not good......

    I think we all still had fun and enjoyed playing VF. MAtchmovies and Pictures will be posted soon on our site www.vfbb.com!

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