Virtua Fighter The Movie

Discussion in 'General' started by Bruce darren Acosta, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. So if Sega and Evan Cholfin would talk to Hollywood filmmakers on the movie rights to Virtua Fighter?
    Well other fighting games have been into movies are Tekken, Street Fighter Mortal Kombat and DOA Dead Or Alive and plus The King Of Fighters well they have failed but expect the first Mortal Kombat movie which it was a box office it and Mortal Kombat Annihilation went in a fail trainwreck of the franchise.
    So If Virtua Fighter would go into the film as the movie will be set in Virtua City where the corporations of the nation take over the World by the Virtua Corporation which they host the Virtua Fighter World Fighting Tournament run by Goh Hagashi.
    That's all I have to say for now we may do the polls for the live action VF movie
    Thank You
    Bruce Acosta
  2. rebelleon

    rebelleon Active Member

    If only they made this tournament like Bloodsport.

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