Virtua Fighter Storyline?

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Poptart, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Poptart

    Poptart New Member

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this thread, but I didn't see any better places for it, so here goes. I'm trying to find a complete storyline of the VF game series, at least 1-4, understanding that VF5 wouldn't be complete yet. I'm looking for official cannon, so please no personal opinions or guessing on what may have happened. Already checked sources include the wiki articles and the official US VF5 website history (which only covers the direct background leading into VF5). These sources have proved to be less then complete. Any help or at least a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    There isn't so much a storyline as there are a list of motivations for each character offered when each game is released. Within those sort of vague outlines you are free to imagine whatever you would like.
  3. Ninja_Turtle

    Ninja_Turtle Active Member

    Well, yes, mainly motivations, but there are also some other info like who won which tournament and so on. Nevertheless I don't think there's much of these informations :p VF is not storyline killer, and is exact opposition of KOF for example, where story is so long and complicated they deivde it to four sagas /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. KSD22

    KSD22 Member

    I don't know why Sega doesn't invest some money in making some CGI endings for the VF series like the Tekken series.
    Everyone knows Tekken is a inferior fighter but the only reason it's more mainstream than VF is of the fancy bells and whistles aka actual endings.
    I really think Sega should invest in story line of the VF franchise just to get it into the mainstream
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    If VF5 reaches the level of popularity that VF2 had then Sega might release a CD on each character like they once did with those "gold discs". Damn... remember when VF was popular? There used to be keychains, plush toys, etc.
    >sigh< I miss those days.
  6. KSD22

    KSD22 Member

    They need to invest some dollars in making some ending, not everyone digs the old Game Over Credits.
    At this point even stick figure drawings will do.
    Stick figure Akira cries over losing to stick figure Kage again, while stick figure Dural runs away.
  7. Ninja_Turtle

    Ninja_Turtle Active Member

    Well, yes, endindgs would make VF more popular series, but I don't think it's enough to make it so mainstream game like Tekken. Tekken and Soul are more popular because of frendlier gameplay and more explosive and amusing to watch flow. Virua is for elite, Viftua is for Us! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. Reznor

    Reznor Member

    It would be nice if VF had a storyline and endings.
  9. Poptart

    Poptart New Member

    Well we know that there is at least SOME kind of storyline. After all, each manual had a blurb about the preceding year leading up to the current year. Someone at SEGA took at least five minutes to write that, we just need a compilation of that story to look up.
  10. Kay

    Kay Well-Known Member

    Knowing who won each tournament would be enough for me, really. At the moment, I thought it was Lau, Akira, Kage and Lion, in that order from VF1 -> VF4. Though Jeffry's VF5 blurb seems to state that he won the fourth tourney, as it talks about him spending the prize money?
  11. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    Lion or Akira didn't win a single tourney. The order was Lau, Jeffry, Kage, 4th tournament interrupted, and I don't know who won the 5th tournament
  12. WrathX

    WrathX Well-Known Member

    5th time's a charm for Akira? :p
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Akira won the second tourney not Jeffry.

    Jeffry has never won a tourney but according to the storyline he does receive prize money between tourneys.
  14. KristianTNA

    KristianTNA Active Member

    VF2 had the secret movie if you remember for finishing it on hard of Dural breaking out of her "metal" and revealing a woman.

    It would have made sense personally to put her in as a playable character from VF3 onwards and create a new "end of game" bonus round character. The likes of Bahn from Fighting Vipers would make an interesting VF style competitor and from the Fighters megamix intro "in story" has some history with Akira.
    Because the story hasnt really moved on in VF at all, Jacky still trying to rescue Sarah, Kage trying to find his mother, Lau killing his wife then kicking out Pai and Pai getting revenge,
    In terms of any depth apart from the blurb thats about your lot.

    There is also hidden in VF3 is a video much like an intro and it is damn good. but is only unlocked once you finish the game. and if you don't save the game manually before you watch, when you do decide to watch it it resets the game as if its just been turned on then you have to reload the save data.
    And you have the history videos too, featuring the tech demos of VF2 and VF3.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lau killing his wife </div></div>

    Get your fucking facts straight buddy.
  16. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    VF storyline in a nutshell:

    A bunch of people have different motivations and find themselves fighting each other in a tournament hosted by J6, some evil corporation (capitalist pig-dogs?). One person wins each episode, but J6 always hosts another. In this latest episode, J6 kidnapped the "Devil Shark" prompting Jeffry to join in.

    VF storyline in a smaller nutshell:

    Who the fuck cares, it sucks really badly. A corporation stole a shark, the nemesis of a character that has been in the series since the beginning. Fucking stupid; play the game instead.
  17. Poptart

    Poptart New Member

    Sebo, how about a non-nutshell version?
  18. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I thought the tourny winner order was Lau, Akira, Kage that's as far as I know, in that order.
  19. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    I also agree that Akira won the second tournament. I think in the booklet of VF3 says something like he goes back home all cocky and his grandpa tells him that he has achieved nothing anyways. Or summat...

  20. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    They really did that for VF2? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif

    Any pics/links?

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