Discussion in 'Console' started by Nashi, Mar 22, 2003.

  1. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Folks! IGN is saying Virtua Fighter (i suppose it's the first one as it didn't have a 4 next... nor an evolution..) is coming out for ps2? Will this be Virtua Fighter 5?? Maybe they won't use the 5, lol. Check the news on Virtua Fighter 4. IGN-Virtua Fighter 4 News page
  2. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

  3. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I believe that would be the PAL version of Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution coming out in July. We'll find out just prior to E3 in May what the US is going to get.
  4. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    uh...pardon me but..why is Europe going to recieve Evo first?... When was that first announced? A long time ago?? Maybe this whole conversation about "When is it coming out? Will it come out??" was just about the US. Virtua Fighter 4 was released in Portugal in March 2002. When was it released in the US?
  5. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    There's been absolutely no release announcement for VF4 Evo in North America. There has been an announcement that VF4 Evo is being released to the European market.

    Why is this the way it is? We. Don't. Know. Pretty clear.

  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Why is EUR getting Evo before the US?
    No Idea .. Either it is Sega or Sony's choice.

    It was about a month or 2 ago that it was talked about the PAL version definately coming out in late spring/early summer.

    The "will it come out" convo's have definately been about the US version.

    VF4 was released 03/20/2002
  7. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Sorry but i really needed to express my emotions in a post:
    I'm in heaven!! I'm so happy!!! To complete all this state of happiness the arcade stick would come out too.. "dream dream dreaamm..dreeeeeamm.." /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  8. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Don't waste your time on that Hori stick. Use Catch's site Joystick Builder and build your own or if he gets back in the mood have him build you one.
  9. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    LOL!! I know catch rocks (if you're reading this catch: You're the man!! lol) but: I live in Portugal, kinda far away to import one of his sticks. Secondly, i DO like Hori's sticks (though catch has a really big advantage: Big bases mean: the whole arcade stick won't be moving while we play, and we can put it in our legs (i think they must be heavy enough..) ) and, besides liking hori's sticks, my grandma just sold her house, and gave me €250. LOL Enough to bring one from Japan to my house. ^^ yay
  10. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Just to add my two cents...I've had a Hori VF4 stick since March of last year and it has served me perfectly. They're definitely good enough for someone who doesn't have the time or desire to build their own.
  11. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    i second that. hori's sticks are fucking great for VF. I really dont know what some guys are bitching about horis (VF4's) sticks, they do their job. if you're not getting results its cause proly you suck at doing stuff :p, either that or you got a faulty one.
  12. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I third that. Love the Hori sticks. Got three of the things. Again, I say that they're the best money can buy for VF, since they have the distict 3 button layout, the other buttons don't get in the way of comfort, and confusion- which, for some gamers like me, happens.

    I also got to say that they are quite durable. Me, my brother, and friends who use the stick, whack those buttons really hard, especially on the TR's. They've taken quite alot of abuse, and it's still ticking.

    I have to give one tip though, to those who are experiencing "grainyness" on the sticks. The best maintenance you can do to your stick, since the "half-ball bearing" that is on the shaft of the stick, sometimes gets dirty. You can see it by lifting the black plastic ring around the stick's shaft, and you'll see the flat top part of the bearing. The bottom part is round, and this is what "ride's" on the housing of the stick. Dirt gets in between the plastic half ball bearing, and this is what ruins the "smoothness" of the stick. Clean it, and use silicon grease to lube it. Silicon grease is white, and Sanwa's sticks come prelubed with tons of it. Yes, sanwa's JLF VF4 sticks have a plastic bearing, although their deluxe "heavy duty" sticks do have a metal bearing.

    The sticks are quite easy to take apart, and I highly recommend this maintenance.

    If you guys want, I can make a step by step guide for those who are scared off by the process.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    c22 buddy..i need ur help

    I recently purchased a *whori* (haha) vf4 evo stick
    I was using it quite happily, found the stick much better than the T4 stick

    until I stumbed onto a stupid fuck up.

    U know the black round pad that the sticks go through...I lifted that n discovered that my thingy has been scratching the face of my stick!

    It got to the extent that U can see white lines around the stick...

    (oh boo, I discovered it too that pretty face plate that came with the stick isn't so crash hot any more)

    U got any advise on how to fix this up?
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "The sticks are quite easy to take apart, and I highly recommend this maintenance.

    If you guys want, I can make a step by step guide for those who are scared off by the process. "

    please do! i like to keep my stuff nice and neat

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