Virtua Fighter 5 sales numbers.

Discussion in 'Console' started by powerincarnate, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter 5: 53,000 in February. Resistance Fall of Man racks up 20 more thousand than VF5. Gears of Wars some 5 months later still in the thousands. Other than a PS2 game, there are no playstation titles in the top 10. And to make matters even worse, while PS3 sold some 20,000 less than the 360 in January (in the mid to uppper 200 thousands.) this time around the PS3 sold Half as much.

    NOW, I know Virtua Fighter 5 came out on Feb 22 and thus, they don't have numbers for a full month. But who are we kidding, games are like the box office. Some 40% if not more for some game's sales come from the first initional 1-2 weeks. a PC expansion pack cremed those numbers, an expansion pack!

    Not that we didn't know it, but with those numbers, It's a wrap for any ideas of Virtua Fighter, in the short term (next 5 years), ever being exclusive. VF5 NEEDS the 360.

    Off topic though, is anyone seeing a big difference between 720P and 1080P?? When I forget to go back and uncheck it, sometimes I don't even notice.
  2. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    I'd be surprised if VF5 sold much better on the 360. I hope it does though!
  3. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    I see a difference between 720p and 1080p. Not big, yes, noticable.

    ANd I hope 360 dies.
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I think 5'll sell better on the 360 because of the much bigger installed base, and because there hasn't been any really good fighting game release for the system since DOA4.
  5. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    You'd be "surprised" if VF5 sold better on 360? 360 sales will KILL PS3 sales. The user base is about 10 times as large. I was even at Best Buy today playing the game, and I had a guy saying that he was looking forward to it on 360 and asking me when it would come out.

    PS3 sales are just disgusting... they sold 127k CONSOLES. Their combined sales for the month in both US and Japan are STILL about 10k less than just the US sale for 360 this month. GAF is going nuts, the world is going nuts. Sony needs a pricecut IMMEDIATELY if they want to stay around and make it to the next console cycle.
  6. GreatDeceiver

    GreatDeceiver Well-Known Member

    What the world needs is less rabid fanboys throwing fits over video game charts, and more people actually playing VF5
  7. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

  8. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Isnt vf5 720p and just 'supports' 1080p, therefore just upscaling it?
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I agree that VF5 will sell much better on the 360. At least I hope so.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    On the sega virtuafighter site, in the interview with one of the producers of VF5 he made it clear that VF was putting out a 720p signal. I know this has been discussed at length elsewhere but
    The analogy would be

    You have a jpg that has been rendered saved, etc as 1024x768
    Then you bring it up on a monitor that is 1440x900. The monitor is not going transform the 1024x768 image into a 1440x900 image.

    If VF5 is putting out a 720p signal thats what it is. If anything looking at it at 1080p might stretch, or distort the graphics a little (very little). Maybe this distortion or stretching looks better to some people.

    I have a sony 1080p I've looked at on both resolutions. I keep my setting at 720p.

    Maybe the people of VFDC that are getting 1080p output have some other version of VF5 than I do and different than the production manager at Sega talked about....
  11. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Yeah because choice sucks.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    From a gross sales point of view 127k units at $599 (most people I know if they can afford one they buy the big hard drive)

    Thats $76,073,000

    Xbox at

    228k * 389 thats



    PS3: $76,073,000
    360: $88,692,000

    We won't even talk about profit for the 360. Each 360 unit costs more to make than it sells for!

    Also it is important that VF5 came out in the end of February if you're going to talk about Feb sales. Its also a bad analogy between box office sales and Game sales.

    First movies are in theatres for a limited time span.
    If a profit is going to be made it has to be done
    within a narrow interval

    Games are on the shelves until sold. For games you have
    to look at sell through (totally different metrics than movies)

    The fact that VF5 consoles sales have already grossed over $3 million dollars and it hasn't been 30 days yet since released in the U.S. Sega is getting phat. Considering what it actually cost to do this barebones port, VF5 for the console is already highly profitable!!

    Because the PS3 costs a wii bit more its sales will be slower but
    they will still be larger at the end of the day considering gross sales and profit. Also the PS1 is still selling here and there.

    So PS1 + PS2 + PS3 sales kicks the S#@! out of WII and Xbox.
    The PS3 gear & games cost a wii bit more means there going to sell a wii bit slower but the race is not to the swift but to he who endureth to the end..

    This is a Playstation World!

    Fux the 360
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    The same is true for the PS3.
  14. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Fine, then you prefer your monitor doing the "stretching" rather than the ps3 doing the "stretching". Still being stretched either way; true 1280x720 monitors are pretty uncommon these days.

    You fail at math as well. Maybe the ps3 cost $699 in 'playstation space', but I bought one on launch day for $499, and retail price for the mostly-pointless 60gb model is $599.

    Oh, and the ~$800-in-parts-cost ps3 is free to make?

    Seriously, sales numbers are bullshit w.r.t. VF. If you were going to take anything away from these figures, it would be that Sega should port VF kids to the DS.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I stand corrected on the math, have changed my original post to reflect that. Thanx.

    The 60g hard drive is important for a three of big reasons:

    1) Lots of us have installed Linux on the PS3. I have red hat
    running. That took 10 gigs right off the top

    2) While the first batch of next gen games didn't use the hard
    drive much, the next one will.

    3) It gives you virtually ulimited space for creating those
    8 meg images of the PS2 games (which are still selling
    alla God of War II)
  16. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Yay another 360 vs PS3 thread. The internet was starving for atleast 1 more. Just fuckin' buy one of the consoles, and shut up. I don't care why you did or didn't.
  17. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    oh by the way, this has nothing to do with the 360 as a system, and everything to do with Virtua Fighter needing higher numbers. yes I know PS2 had a way higher install base, but 600K to 53K is a huge different. Mortal Kombat gets with all the systems over 1 million. So, Why not spread it out through multiple systems. Especially if You are interested in VF competition locally. We need it to spread.

    Now it wasn't necessarily a bad analogy with the box office. Sometimes when a movie is a phenomenon, it can stay in the box office for 4, 5, 6 months like titanic. and while the game window is much lager and I admit that. It isn't bad to say that the majority of it's profits are through the first 2-3 weeks. Not every game can be a Madden where it can continuously trickle in sales for months on end. Not every game can be a New Super Mario Brothers. Take Final Fantasy XII for example, The VAST majority of it's NA sales were in November the month it came out. (Oct31 don't count really and only a few got it then anyways). Now take it's november sales and now check it's lifetime sales. Then take it's nov and dec sales and check it's lifetime sales. I bet some 85-95% of it's lifetime sales will be that two month it was released. And this is for a game from the franchise that is 3rd on the all time sales list. Yes I do understand that eventually, some year or two later, a heavily reduced FFXII will sell, but Square Enix hardly care by then. If you go to your local Ebgames or GAmestop, you'll see Tons of collector's edition 10 bucks cheaper FFXII sitting on the bench. And quite frankly, if you go to best buy, eb games, and so on, you'll see that Virtua Fighters Never was even sold out and there are TONS sitting there.

    Any mention of games sales were just to show that VF5's was bad, Any mention of System sales is a guage to see what was the trend from jan to feb, and because it was included on the site. Finally, It also helps to show just how much PS3s are in people's hands since NOV. 600+Gs at the end of december. about 250G in Jan, and 125G in February. That's nearly 1 million PS3 bought but yet 5% of them brought Virtua Fighter 5. THAT IS THE PROBLEM. Looking back at the PS3 games targeted releases. WE all look at Virtua Fighter 5 as the Second AAA title that will be released on the PS3, that is a Must have title, that ISN'T currently on a competitor.

    And for That, it is a disapointment.
  18. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We won't even talk about profit for the 360. Each 360 unit costs more to make than it sells for!</div></div>

    This is actually FALSE. MS is making money on the 360 and has been for MONTHS now. They are making over 40 dollars per console (this was the figure I heard about 5-6 or so months ago, so maybe they are making even more now). They can afford to price drop the system at any time they choose at this point. They are just leaving it there to continue to make money until PS3 has a price drop or they feel it is the right time.
  19. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    And for That, it is a disapointment. </div></div>

    Maybe everyone heard about the barebones package, and the likelihood of a version C on the 360 with some additional functionality (possible downloadable ghosts, leaderboards, transferrable player data), so they decided to wait for the 360 version.

    BTW, when I made my first post, I hadn't read all of masterpo's post. Now that I have I wish I didn't. Fanboys sound DISGUSTINGLY stupid. ESPECIALLY when they are wrong. I'm not even going to continue the debate. Like Srider says, we need to HOPE that VF5 does better on 360. We want a large fanbase so that we have more people playing the game! We want larger turnouts for tournaments, and continual inclusion at EVO. What this may mean for the PS3 owners though is that eventually (if they don't have one already) they will need to buy a 360/VF5 combo so that they can continue to play competitively (granted that Sega brings a solid stick, preferably the VSHG, to the 360). Hardcore fans shouldn't care about the system their game is on. I myself will buy a PS3 if it turns out that it is the tourney standard. At the very least, when I move to the bay area in august, if the guys up there still have PS3 versions going up alongside 360 versions, I may even just buy a stick for both.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    If I *need* to buy a 360, vf5, and more sticks I'm done with VF.

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