Virtua Fighter 5 FS Exhibition at MLG Raleigh

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Aug 8, 2012.

By Plague on Aug 8, 2012 at 7:33 PM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    The MLG Summer Championship will feature an exhibition tournament in Virtual Fighter 5, powered by PlayStation3!
    • The expo tournament will be held all day Friday and Saturday (August 24-25)
    • There's $2,000 on the line
    • Anyone with a Raleigh Spectator Pass or Competitor Pass can participate
    • Play in B-o-3 matches, winner stays at the station till they're defeated. Re-enter as often as you like
    • On Saturday, the players with the two longest streaks will play in the Finals on the Fighting Games Main Stage
    • The Finals will be broadcast live!
    Here's the thread.


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Aug 8, 2012.

    1. Yuki-sensei
      I'm out of that. no cash for a trip down there <.<
    2. MLGCarlos
      I really appreciate you making this a front page story. I hope everyone thats able can make it. Also that people watch the stream and support this so we can bring it on as a full fledged tournament game! 16K for VF5 champ sounds derishuss..
    3. Trykt
      I'll definitely be there to support VF as an MLG game. Looking forward to meeting all the strong players that are sure to show up [​IMG]
    4. sekaijin
      I might try to make it, will know more next weekend.
      adamYUKI likes this.
    5. MLGCarlos
      The players being eligable to play for the cash is probably being expanded. Also there will be a 1st and 2nd place prize. Both Cash.
    6. Chief_Flash
      WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT MENTION THIS WEEKS AGO?? this is the worst promotion for a major tournament i've ever seen man. I'LL SEE EVERYONE AT SUMMERJAM!
      Tricky likes this.
    7. MLGCarlos
      Maybe because this isn't a tournament, It's an exhibition so relax. Second of all I get the information to you guys when I am allowed to release it. The reason it was expanded was because I faught to try and get more matches for YOUR game streamed than just a best of 3 . The solution to that was increasing the player pool for the cash prize opportunity. If I was allowed to release this info 3 months ago I would have let everyone know. Have fun at Summer Jam.
    8. Chief_Flash
      LOL my bad. i only raged because i planned on driving down there, but things just didn't fall through due to missing info. thanks for sharing the love though! :D
    9. MLGCarlos
      If you can come down I'll get you in for free.
    10. Chief_Flash
      CARLOS! this is a very nice offer indeed! dude, it's a 5 hour drive there from VA. By the time i get there, the booths will either be closed or noone will be around for me to streak on. LOL :D
    11. MLGCarlos
      Come by tomorrow a little earlier then you can play.
    12. Chief_Flash
      are you saying, even if i come tomorrow morning, i still have a chance at getting to finals?
    13. MLGCarlos
    14. Tricky
      Love the support and the fighting you've been doing. I still wish your higher ups would make these decisions sooner to make things easier on the participants.
    15. Rodnutz
      So who went to this? I heard GT was going?
    16. Dennis0201
      $2,000!!! worth it!!
    17. Chanchai
      Hey Rod! Here is Drift's report of day 1! It's covered in the Tournament & Events.

      I'll quote it here for all to read hehe:

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