Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Reviews Roundup

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 5, 2012.

By akai on Jun 5, 2012 at 12:18 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] Still not sure if Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is the right game for you? Want to see a fair review of the game? You most likely won't get a neutral opinion from the regular VFDCers, so we are gathering up reviews from other websites to help you with your decision.

    Click on the news headline for the following reviews!

    Note: PS3 Only Deal! - For two weeks you can get VF5FS Complete Edition for just $30 dollars ($45 dollars afterwards).


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 5, 2012.

    1. akai
      Reviews - form outside websites
      Note that while this is a list of reviews from other websites, some may contain wrong information. It is best to read multiple reviews rather than just one.

      Gamers Daily News - Jim Cook - 9.0 / 10.0
      Level Save - Brad Beach - 9.0 / 10.0
      DigitalNoob - EGM Partner Program Member - Rich McGonigle - 9.0 / 10.0
      Videogamer - Jon Denton 9 out of 10.
      Gaming Truth - Shawn Long 9 out of 10.
      PS Nation - Raj Mahil - B+ (Tentative, May change after playing online mode)
      Capsule Computers - Jahanzeb Khan 8.5 out of 10.
      Game Reactor - Gillen McAllister 8 out of 10.
      Eurogamer Germany - Martin Woger 8 out of 10.
      Cheat Code Central - Angelo M. D'Argenio 3.8 out of 5.
      Gamer Limit - Francisco H. Salanga III 7.5 out of 10
      EGM Now - McKinley Noble, Contributing Editor - 7.0 / 10.0
      Just Push Start - Grant Gaines - 7.0 / 10.0
      Gamezone - Vito Gesualdi - 7.0 / 10.0
      Game Revolution - Eddy_DS_Fettig - 3.5 / 5.0
      Official Xbox Magazine Nic Vargus 7.0 out of 10

      Shoryuken Review - Red Rick Dias - no scores are given.

      Last Updated: June 11. 2012
    2. Krafty Matt
      Krafty Matt
      The Game Revolution score failed to mention that the DLC is does not affect game-play balance like DLC characters do in other fighting games. It was a very unfair review.
    3. synapse
      "As a 3D fighter with a very loose basis in real-world martial arts plus a few ’performance arts’ like sumo or pro wrestling, the differences between most characters are subtle".
      Gamers Daily News.

      "Loose basis"? "Subtle"?
      When read that paragraph I thought "this guy is retarded". But then I was pretty satisfied with the rest of the review. Actually, that paragraph sounds like it doesn't even belong there.
    4. Andhika
      You sure about this? Is this for PSN Plus member?
    5. VFhayato
      Xbox where are you..... [​IMG]
    6. saelz8
    7. Ribx
      These news just in: Fighting Game Reviews are most frequently written by people who don't even know what startup frames are.

      They're directed at casuals, and the point is pretty simple: the game either has "pizzazz", or it doesn't.

      Virtua Fighter actually has plenty... But discussing the myriad of factors which make reviewers and their reviews completely inconsequential when choosing a videogame due to their preconceptions and whatnot, would definitely make for a gigantic post.

      Here are the three steps to knowing if a game is worth buying:
      Step 1- Play the game
      Step 2- Look under the hood of said game and see if there's anything interesting underneath the superficial stuff (ie. find "hardcore gamer" stuff beneath the veil of casual-friendly-gameplay; e.g. Pokemon's IV/EVs)
      Step 3- Judge it (everything, based on your tastes, ideals and feelings)

      There you go.

      If you can't complete Step number 1 (no demo, no friend with the game, nowhere to rent, etc), then you'll have to gamble. Just make sure you take that chance based on what you read about the game in game guides + gameplay videos, rather than reviews.
    8. Tocuh
      Source: Gamasutra

      it's for normal users. plus members have the game for free +20% discount on the dlcs (-> 24$)
    9. Ribx
      24€~ for Complete Edition if it applies to Europe as well.
    10. Kamais_Ookin
      Does anyone in VFDC even care about reviews for FS? People writing the reviews are casual scrubs like jcblack or erdraug-ish.

      If the game was being reviewed by someone like fuudo then that's cool but other then that... MEH.
    11. nou
    12. SDS_Overfiend1
      First off... A review from a website call "Just Push Start" should'nt count. then by calling the game :Virtual Fighter 5 The Final Showdown" you already lost credibility by adding words to the name.
    13. Alstein
      I care about the reviews because I want hundreds of folks to come into this game, I figure 2 or 3 out of that 100 will keep at it and become good, and it's more revenue for Sega so we get VF6.
    14. TeeZed
      Amazing review from the "Just push start" guy. The fact that the title is so cheap is do enable people who wanna get it cheap and not customize a chance to do so... I'm guessing he perfers entry reading AI that beats him via knowing what you've pressed. Faaaaantastic. Although to be fair if you don't know the series well enough (Last time he played was 17 years ago...) then i'm not suprised he has no idea what he's talking about. I'm guessing he's an eddy player from the tekken 3 days. SKILL!
    15. akai
      Thanks for the link - that is actually reviewed by a partner program of EGM Now - Digital Noob.

      The EGM "official" review is here:

      EGM Now Review - 7.0

      The second post in this thread is update with additional reviews plus the reviewers name:

      Gamezone - 7.0 / 10

      PS Nation - B+
    16. tonyfamilia
      No offense to you but that Gamezone review shouldn't even be on this site.
      Not because it's unbiased but because it's biased as hell against 3D fighters.
      Furthermore the guy suggests that you're better off picking up an used copy of VF5 than shelling out a whole $15-40 for FS... really dude?
      What the motherfucking fuck is this asshole talking about??
      For seriously.
    17. SydneyLovesAoi
      when u purchase this on psn however u do that... lol.... and how will u go to play it once u baught it i've only baught disc before is there like a code they give u and when u get on u put in that code? o_O
    18. synapse
      Can anyone confirm that the OSTs from previous VF games are actually available?
    19. Jide

      They're in the sound settings.

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