Virtua Fighter 2 Online PC

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by JohnDavids, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. JohnDavids

    JohnDavids New Member

    Well who's up for it? Anyone that "WANTS" To play Virtua Fighter 2 for PC online. Download Hamachi.

    Download that, Type virtua fighter 2 as Login and sega as Password. All lower case. You should see me in that room
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    sounds interesting and will be a nice option for those who can't connect because of their routers.

  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    whoa, i only used this for fps games , never though it would work for vf2....

    VF2 online is Back!!!

  4. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    Nice, he took exactly the same words I said from the other forums. I much prefer Xlink because it has a buddy list and users names. We can all be connected and goto a room. Hamachi is limited on the users.

    My name is Kidvid711 in there, add me. Also, try to figure out how to use it. It has a chatroom, buddy list with rooms. IF you can't get connected, you would have to learn how to open a port.

    Also add your Xlink name on this forum so everyone else can add you and play.
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    i think ill go with hamachi since you dont have to mess around with your router and ports, easier imo..
  6. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Mr. Sudden_Death, let me know if you get it up and going - I'm itching to play.

  7. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    Okay, Hamachi it is. It is easier. But if the room gets to full, I'll create a new room. Possibly vf2 room 1 than so on if we get more players. Pass will always be sega
  8. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    it seems VSHG no longer works on PC, can anyone confirm?? this is really fucked up. maybe the latest windows update broke it....

    i can no longer get joy2key to recognize the VSHG. im not the only one, trag on vfhome also has problems with this..

    so anyone with the VSHG can confirm this?
  9. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    The game works fine. I played against Godeater and he is pretty good. He has a bit of mind games with Kage. Funny how Kage roll kick is unblockable when your blocking high. Also, I am suprise that he remember all the moves for VF2. We had a little problem at first, but I guess we both solved it. We couldn't figure out what it was. Must be a combination of our efforts on solving that problem.

    In the mood for more VF2. Godeater and I will be on. I'm off today and tommorrow this week. I have a random schedule.
  10. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Hey! That was a lot of fun and I wanted to say thanks for gaming for a bit.

    I think the problem may have been on my end, when I learn how to port forward I think it will run just fine.

    VF2 is still my favorite VF (sometimes it changes places with 3TB) so I know every move. It has been burned into my brain and hands.

    Thanks again, it was a lot of fun!

  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    is this thing still going on or did it die?
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    still going. I had a couple of games a week or so ago.

  13. NykkoMT

    NykkoMT Active Member

    VF2 should be a arcade game for xbox live...
  14. JohnDavids

    JohnDavids New Member

    I am still, but actually I cant see no one online....

  15. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    I'm down to play this. Looks like you guys play infrequently, so drop me a PM or email if your still playing, I'm interested.
  16. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Sega would fuck it up...
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    how'd u guys download the game itself?
  18. Pedro

    Pedro New Member

    oh if anyone is still interested, I am online right now ready up for a match!

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