Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by WINBACK, Feb 8, 2007.


    WINBACK Active Member

    VF Evolution is outta the picture. If this game is gonna get any love around here, VF5 will make it happen.

    <u>SoVA Roll Call</u>:

    -So who actually still plays VF from time to time? Whodat, Blackula, Tiamat, you guys still here???

    -Who's actually getting a PS3 and this game? I'm looking to get it around the 21st, as long as I find a PS3 at the same time. They've been kinda easy to find lately.

    -And how many people are interested in trying the game out? Millionz? Aries?

    Drop a line when you guys get the chance. Hopefully we'll get some gatherings and Play-A-Round events going in March.
  2. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Blackula will ALWAYS remain faithful to VF! Viva la VF!!!!!

    I'm not sure when I'm going to buy my PS3 cause I'm also saving to get a Mac Book or Mac Book Pro depending on how much I have saved up when I get the rest of my tax returns. If I have enough after that, I'll get the PS3 as well. However, I'm going to buy my copy of VF5 regardless if I have a PS3 or not just to make sure I have my copy.
  3. laidlocks

    laidlocks Active Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Unfortunately I am among those that is going to buy an insanely expensive system to just play vf5. But what am I going to do. Not play vf??? Yeah right. Don't have a ps3 yet but will pick one up when the game comes out to the states. Glad to see theres more of us VA players out there but damn does anyone live w/in a few hundered miles from me (Richmond)?
  4. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Where are you laidlocks?
  5. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    he said Richmond lol

    What's up VFers...I am way too poor to buy a PS3 cause Sony can suck my dick but that's a different story. I'll play.

    you gonna get Gohwned
  6. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    My student I order you to buy a PS3 and VF5. Especially if you want to out class yo daddy.. and no I was drunk that night. Next time our paths cross. Next time..

    P.S. How is that business going Mr. Washington

    and remember grasshopper practice makes improvement

  7. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Don't forget our last session son. It was I who schooled you. I am the master and you are the student! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Business is somewhat on hold for the moment. At the moment, I'm contemplating ways of pursuing my real dream............... MUSIC!!!
  8. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    my only dream here is to gohwn you all ^_^
  9. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Hey guys!

    I'm wondering if there are any of you in the Virginia Tech area that are willing to get some games in.


    -- Jeff
  10. Wargod

    Wargod Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

  11. keensab

    keensab Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Um... a friend and I have both PS3's and Virtua Fighter 5. So who wants to play?

    VA Beach.
  12. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Keensab, I'm going to PM you my phone number. Give me a call. Ask for Jamie. I feel like gaming tonight. Maybe I can try to get a hold of Winback.
  13. keensab

    keensab Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Was good times playing with ya Blackula. Your mastery of Brad was astonishing. Wish we would have saved some of those vids.
  14. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Definitely dude. Next time, I'll bring my equipment and I'll cap some matches.

    VF5 rulez!!!
  15. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    I wanna play too ^_^
  16. Wargod

    Wargod Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Invite the wargod next time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif 214 5703 ask for ariez
  17. Millionz

    Millionz Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    I'm definatly up for some VF5. If the game is nice I may consider buying a ps3 (for DR and VF5).
  18. keensab

    keensab Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    This saturday was sick. Blacula, Auvii, and I showed up from these forums, and about 3 guys from our neck of the woods made it out. I would really love to see a real scene come from this gen of VF.

    We are trying to setup another session this saturday around 9:00 in virginia beach depending on location availability.

    If someone wants to offer to host...we could discuss that.
  19. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Oh man Saturday was SICK! It was great just getting to play somone else in VF. Blackula nice skills with Brad, you were able to make me hate him even more then before.

    Keensab, sick competition as always! I still think you should lighten up on the elderly though.

    I will def be there this saturday as long as the location situation works out. I hope more can make it too. So everyone contact me via email, on the forums, or Keensab and let us know whats up!
  20. Wargod

    Wargod Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Blackula do these kids no what they up and millionz will be there

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