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vf6 nerfs and buffs

Discussion in 'General' started by aoi ameindei, Jan 29, 2013.



Poll closed Feb 19, 2013.
  1. AKIRA

  2. LION

  3. JACKY

  4. SHUN

    0 vote(s)
  5. LAU

    0 vote(s)
  6. JEAN

  7. TAKA

  8. VANE O

    0 vote(s)
  1. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    it seems like i have attracted ALOT of hate with this thread sorry everyone but i dont know how to delete threads
    so i have simply edited the post
    if you all want to make your own lists go ahead i not going to until im winning tournaments
    i am starting to agree with mdsprimes point that instead of nerfing anyone just buff weaker characters
    i actually used to think that but stopped because i thought it wouldn't work but when you think about it that way everyones happy
  2. Guyjin

    Guyjin Member

    VF6 would be a sequel, not a revision of an existing game. Hopefully there would be enough new content to make nerfs and buffs in the context of FS not really worth discussing. It's also pretty strange that you think a C-tier character like Lau should be nerfed for some reason. The more I read VFDC, the more I hope everything is left to AM2. I don't mean to shit on your thread, this is just how I feel.
  3. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Kind of sad when your whole intent for these unreasonable (and really quite moot) requests is just to make your personal matchup problems easier to deal with.

    Anyone could bullshit a list of ways to make their favourite characters AMAZING while nerfing the crap out of everyone else they have trouble against, but that would defeat the purpose of self-improvement that's quite simply inherent in the enjoyment of fighting games - Virtua Fighter, in particular.

    I'd say you should instead practise against these aspects of the characters you're so quick to look at as overpowered or unbalanced.
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member


    People actually knowing what they are talking about when it comes to VF.

    People showing up to offline events within a 1 hour drive of a venue.

    More people posting, whether it be in Character forums or Match Making.



    People "respecting" VF but not playing it.

    People making accounts here when a new VF drops, post once, then go back to whatever forum they usually go to and bitch about no one playing.
  5. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    This^.... Also it just sounds to me like you need to practice more. VF is a legit fighting game. Even the worse character in game (Jeffrey) can be lethal if used correctly. l mean your complaing like this is MvC3 or DOA5 with its constant updates to gameplay. Just stop talking and hit the lab.
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I don't like the idea of sega listening to comments about balance in VF6 from people who have yet to scratch the surface of FS. In this regard I'm glad we'll likely all be ignored.
    Zekiel, MadeManG74, Koenraku and 2 others like this.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Unless Sega wants to take the Capcom route in balancing.
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  8. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Man get this bullshit ass thread the fuck up outta here.. Your a noob and want sega to tone down the characters that stay beating that ass huh? Take ur weak ass to dojo and get lost in there.
    Zekiel and Chibiaya like this.
  9. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    yeah i want to delete this thread now its getting tons of hate but i dont know how
  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Damn VFDC, can't folks have a light-hearted conversation on "If I owned Sega this is what I'd do..."? No one here is under the delusion that Sega actually reads these forums, and I'm sure no one here is naive enough to think their ideas in such a thread are in anyway balanced.It's just light conversation, or atleast should be taken as such...

    But, good lord folks, lighten the fuck up. No need to come in here and shit all over the dude's thread.
  11. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    I don't agree with nerfing any characters in fighting games at all, they should just buff the weaker characters and/or adjust elements of the system to make the game better/more balanced for everyone overall, fixing the netcode would also be beneficial as online FS is a joke imo and the reason some of the characters you listed appear to be stronger than they actually are.

    it would be a mistake to follow the Capcom business model of responding to popular complaints, SFxT 2013 update only came out yesterday and they nerfed characters like Bison and Guile beyond all recognition because of complaints from low level players, while at the same time buffing characters like Jin who was already stronger than them, It's totally idiotic.
    The simple changes to the system however have made the game much better overall, and is the same way I see VF being improved upon.
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  12. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Yeah, no shit. Tired of they "Elites" poking their ugly heads in just to talk shit. Don't be apologetic Aoi. Start all the threads you want, and people that don't like it can eat shit. Y'all heard me, take your self important ass where people will kiss it.
    BeastEG and aoi ameindei like this.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Everybody Mad now huh? Good spend all that penned up frustration in dojo learning the match ups. This is the same reason why capcom stay nerfing characters every iteration over every new generation fighter they make. Im giving tough Love.. If you don't like it quit.
    soke likes this.
  14. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Haha, Pai isn't even on there. No further statement :p
  15. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    lol i though pai was fine as she is
  16. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Your forgiving mind is admirable, Dingo. Abrasive though we may be, there is still a lesson to be learned through that method of thinking, just not in so many words as he prefers.
    Zekiel likes this.
  17. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Exactly what players of all levels ( even veteran) need to do. People complain about how much they suck and how complicated/technical FS is but no one practices in dojo. FS's gameplay is so deep that even easy characters like jacky or jean take a loooong time to master completely. I spend so much time in the dojo and always learning new about jacky.. Ya'll need to listen SDS. FS has the best dojo compared to previous installments imo. Its a literal practice simulator allowing you to test your techniques. Gets no better then that
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    thanks Bro.. Im tough but Fair. anybody tune into the streams know i speak from the heart and is a straight shooter. This post makes no sense.. Its obvious this dude is not spending time with the game. If anything people should know Pai is the most dangerous online. This is the same reason why i don't play games all that much no more. People complain because they can't get over and these companies are quick to make nerfs because the customer is always right smh!!! FOH!!!

    Dont hate the character... Hate the game..
    nou likes this.
  19. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    FS is pretty good but it still doesn't light a candle compared to VF4Evo dojo.
  20. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's why I hope VF6 is a retail disc release. The limited storage kept FS dojo from being truly great.

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