VF5REVO Command Lists

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Myke, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm pleased to announce that the VFDC Command Lists now default to the latest Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. version!

    VFDC Command Lists Updated.jpg

    The source data for these were obtained from the official Virtua-Fighter site's VF5REVO Character Frame Data lists, and these lists were based on the initial release of REVO beta / US Ver.2.0 but, frustratingly, have not been updated to reflect the latest changes from the REVO 1.0 / US 2.01 update. So, I went through the REVO Ver.1.00 Release Notes and manually applied them as best as I could.

    This took a lot of work, but there's still work to be done and maybe you can help?

    How you can help!
    I'm sure there are some errors that exist throughout the Command Lists. Some due to the original source, or some due to my interpretation of the same command being listed two or three times to show its variations. If you spot any errors, please post them as a reply below and I'll ensure they get updated!

    In terms of unfinished items, I still need to confirm/correct the side turned frame data (which, sadly, not even the official site is complete here). For example, Akira's [3][K] will crumple on Side CH (standing or crouching), but it's not currently being shown:


    In the VF5 Final Showdown Command Lists, we had all of these pretty much correct. If you have time to document these changes to be made, I would be really appreciative!

    Finally, the Command List images are currently missing. I'll be reaching out separately for help to produce these with very specific file resolution requirements, but again, if this is something you can help with then check out the Final Showdown Command Lists for a reference!

    Revision History
    2025-01-30: Initial release
    2025-02-12: Added Sabaki information, various Wolf corrections from Mister, and Pai's 3PK from Findu
    2025-02-13: Updated Vanessa's Brush Off from erdraug, various Goh corrections from Combolammas and Wolf's F5 throw renaming from YOMI.
    2025-02-19: Updates to Vanessa's Intercept Position from erdraug, Pai's Hakkeshou from Combolammas, Wolf's DD5 from Mister, and Side Crumple info for Goh and El Blaze from Combolammas.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2025
    svengeful, NDIS, Delta_06 and 4 others like this.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Some findings i noticed in the current frame data for the only wrestler in the game:

    46P listed as 13f exe but it's 30f
    Deadly Move K is listed as 16f exe but it's 17f
    While Rising P is listed without execution but it's 19f
    While Rising K is listed without execution but its' 20f
    While Descending K is listed without execution but its' 35f
    Wall 6 P+K+G is listed without execution but its' 40f
    Down attack 8P execution is 39f
    Down attack 8K execution is 45f

    All data has been checked in the training mode making sure i was the closest possible to the opponent to trigger the first frame of exectution.
    Myke, Chanchai and 40i4 like this.
  3. Findu

    Findu Member

    Pai's 3PK is full circular and fully charged 3PK is half circular towards her chest, these seem to be swapped in the command list.
    Myke likes this.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Sabaki information has been added to the REVO Ver.1 command lists, using the data from FS Ver.A. Please let me know if there are any corrections to be made. For reference, here's the consolidated list:

    4P+K+G: Sabaki vs HP, HE, HK, LP

    P+K+G: Inashi vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK
    64P: Sabaki vs HP, LP
    236P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL
    4K+G: Sabaki vs HK, HKN, MK, SK, KN

    4P+K+G: Sabaki vs HP, HK, LP

    El Blaze
    P+K+G: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE

    46K: Sabaki vs HK, HKN, MK, SK, KN
    4P+K+G: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL
    2P+K+G: Sabaki vs LP, LK

    4P+K+G: Sabaki vs MP

    236P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL
    4P+K+G: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL
    2P+K+G: Sabaki vs LP, LK

    Jumonji P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HE, HK, MP, EL
    Jumonji P+K+G: Reversal vs HK, MK, SK, KN

    236P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL
    Doku: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL, LP
    Nehan P: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK, KN
    Nehan P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK, KN
    Koko P: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK, KN
    Koko K: Sabaki vs LP, LK
    BT 8K: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK, KN

    214P: Sabaki vs HK, MK, SK, KN
    P+K+G: Sabaki vs non-knockdown HP, MP, EL
    2P+K+G: Sabaki vs non-knockdown LP, LK
    4P+K+G: Sabaki vs HP, HE

    Hakkeshou: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, ME

    P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK
    Flamingo P+K: Sabaki vs LP, LK
    Step P+K: Sabaki vs LP, LK
    Forward Slide 4: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL

    P+K+G: Sabaki (cost 10 pts) vs non-knock down HP, HK, MP, ME, KN, MK, SK

    Soukokukyu P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL
    BT Soukokukyu P+K: Sabaki vs HP, HK, HE, MP, EL, MK, SK, KN

    Reversal vs non-knockdown HP, HE, MP, EL

    DS 1P: Sabaki vs LP, LK
    DS 46K: Sabaki vs HP, HE, MP, EL
    DS 46P+K: Sabaki vs HK, HKN, MK, SK, KN
    BT DS 2P: Sabaki vs LP, LK
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2025
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Updated, thank you!

    Updated, thank you!
  6. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Myke likes this.
  7. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Goh 236P+K sabaki vs MP and EL

    Goh 4P+K exe is listed wrong, should be 22 instead of 11

    Goh 236P+K and 236P+K (Deflect) have their names swapped with each other
    Myke likes this.
  8. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Not that anyone really cares, but they changed the name of Wolf's F5 throw (270[4][P][+][G]) into "Verdict".

    Myke and erdraug like this.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Updated, thank you! BTW, is Intercept Position only available in Defensive Style?

    Updated, thank you! Hopefully the two sabaki entries now makes sense. I believe the second entry is just showing the additional damage from the throw when successful?

    I care! Did they rename it because the animation changed? Interestingly, Wolf's Command List on the official site still calls this throw F5:
  10. echodalia

    echodalia New Member

    i'm pretty sure the animation is the same. maybe WWE has "F5" trademarked
    Myke likes this.
  11. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Yeah the animation didn't change.

    I'd also wager it's due to WWE or other North-American wrestling associations and their trademarks or whatever. Same reason Wolf's Pedigree ([1][1][P][+][G]) was changed to "Double Arm Face Buster".

    There however doesn't seem to be any exact conformity for this as his Standing Neck Clutch [4][P][+][G] is still called Jackhammer.

    Also doesn't relate to Japanese pro wrestling as he still has throw names like Burning Hammer and Emerald Flowsion.
    Myke likes this.
  12. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Yep. Shift to to throw, get 20 damage and +13 instead of what it does on normal hit.
    Myke likes this.
  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Short version yes.
    Long version: Offensive Style can also access it when falling face up feet towards. But, yeah, the moment Vanessa is in Intercept Position = she is in Defensive Style. Maybe some clarification could be addedd in the command list?

    We could add:

    Intercept Position (Defensive Style)
    and then add replace "To Intercept Position" from the notes (which is redundant - Intruder Step doesn't have it) with "Also available when knocked down in Offensive Style".
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2025
    Myke likes this.
  14. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Pai Hakkeshou P+G catch throw is missing the frame advantage afterwards which would be +14.
    Hakkeshou itself is missing what the sabaki works on which should be HP, HE, MP, EL and LP. I think they only added LP on it in REVO but not LK?
    Myke likes this.
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    I just noticed that DD5 listed in the throw section, is missing the arrow inputs. It just shows "fastest input" and P+G.
  16. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    K will cause side crumple on standing and crouching counter hit. It also causes back crumple on counter or recovery counter hit to the back.

    3K will cause side crumple on standing or crouching counter hit. Can cause back crumple on counter or recovery counter hit.

    4K will cause a stagger on side crouching hit or side crouching counter hit (which funnily also stops it from being an NC vs Taka). Also has back crumple properties on CH and rCH.
  17. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

  18. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Just what the name says, you hit someone in the back with certain moves such as most basic sidekicks on CH or rCH and you get a crumple. Try recording Kage 3K+G and punishing it if you want to see it easily.

    It's not a common thing to see since FS but it's been there at least since Vanilla 5 where you could get one by hitting OM K in the opponents back.

    Quite a few different stun / crumple / collapse / whatever-wanna-callits aren't on the list.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2025
    40i4 likes this.
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In this particular case, I'd prefer to omit "(Defensive Style)" from the Category title because that implies the stance is a pre-requisite for it, which it is not since you can enter Intercept Position from any style via a particular knock down. I have, however, removed the "To Intercept Position" from the main stance entry command.

    Added the +14 (wow!) to Hakkeshou P+G and updated the Sabaki list to add LP (was previously just showing HP, HE, MP, EL.

    Updated, thanks!

    Updated for Goh and El Blaze. Unfortunately, there's no neat way to capture RCH or Back Hit outside of the Notes.

    BTW, I think the general rule with any attack that causes a Side Crumple will also produce a Back Crumple under the same conditions (NH, CH, etc.), right?
  20. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I'm not entirely sure but I believe so although the sidekicks also cause back crumple on rCH and a side crumple only on CH. Blaze 4K can not cause a side crumple at all, only a back one.

    EDIT: Oh, I see you marked 4K as crouch stagger from front too. It does that only from the side.
    Myke likes this.

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