VF5FS Pre-Launch Party in Los Angeles

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

By akai on Mar 22, 2012 at 2:04 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    [​IMG]A VF5FS Pre-launch Party on May 19th, 2012 at Los Angeles, CA hosted by Level|Up's Alex Valle. This is an invitation only party with star players - Chibita and Fuudo attending!

    Go to Iam8bit Website to request an invitation! Limited capacity only so good luck to those that can make it and were able to get an invitation! If you are one of the unlucky ones, you can still watch the event live on Level|Up Live.

    Original Story came from Sega's Blog. Discuss travel plans and arrangements in the Tournament/Event Thread.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

    1. Plague
      Alex Valle is the man. I hand my VF Event Organizer Hat to him. This is too bad-ass for words. I hope Catherine and I get invited.
    2. Dennis0201
      Plague, you should show SEGA that Socal DVD! I believe free pass will on your way!
    3. Shingin
    4. akai
      Thanks for the link Shingin
    5. GY_Beta
      This looks nice.
    6. Dennis0201
      They both play side by side on the video, and we can expect Fuudo interview coming.
    7. JHow77
      Does anyone know if this was all Sega's doing or did Alex have something to do with it as well? I've known Alex and many of the other west coast SF crew for ages and none of them ever seemed that interested in VF. Either way... AWESOME!!!
    8. Reno
      I would say it's a little bit of both. I know that the producer on VF5FS in America is a hard worker and has reached out to a lot of people (including me) about how to effectively market the game, so I'm guessing someone name dropped Alex as a possible opportunity.

      Also, Alex has played VF in the past! IIRC he played VF3 a lot back in the day.
    9. VF2011
      So what are the chances of the game coming out the week after this? It is a pre-launch event after all. Doesn't make much sense to wait long after.
    10. GodEater
      Now this is damn exciting. I need to see if I can score an invitation.

      Well done sega and Alex.
    11. BlackGeneral
      Gonna be hype... And yes, isn't a pre-launch party indicative of the release of the game?
    12. Zero-chan
      Not necessarily. Look at how many Fight Clubs Capcom has held pre-release of their titles...
    13. Kiuju
      I wonder if it's the same iam8bit venue that is in Silverlake. If so, that is pretty small and I can understand why space would be limited. Anyway I threw my name in the hat. Let's see what happens.

      You will, I have no idea why you would think otherwise. You guys and L_A are like the spine of the Socal scene. If I get invited first round of drinks are on me.
    14. Dennis0201
      The speculation date earlier was at the end of June, and I thought SEGA push forward when I see this pre-launch party news.....
    15. Autobotdan
      Thanks for the link! I plan on going! I was at the Sonic 20th anniversary party event in LA last summer hosted by Sega and I plan to go to this
    16. gl0ry
      Looks like fun, wish I was in Cali [​IMG].

      Having these type of events is good for VF awareness. Hopefully the game does come out shortly after that "release party".
    17. PineTree
      Now this is really cool. Threw my name in see what happens. I travel to Los Angeles all the time so can definitely make it.

      Amazing how this game takes away from all the other games I play. This is the only video game forum I participate in, and even though I'm average VF player I can't play any other fighter, I don't know why....it's like street fighter and everything else feels like playing checkers and VF is playing chess? The game never gets old.

      Hopefully I get invited and get some matches with those guys. And like others have stated, Plague and L_A should be first guys invited no question, without them I wouldn't have started VF!
    18. Zero-chan
      psssst... a lot of these events tend to be open bar :3
    19. GodEater
      in that case I have a few suggestions for some drinking games.

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