VF5 Ver.C Aoi Combo Video

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 10, 2012.

By Myke on Apr 10, 2012 at 1:48 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    For all aspiring Aoi players out there, this video is a definite must-see. Resident Aoi expert, kingo, has been hard at work in the background with not only updating the Aoi Combo List and Aoi Strategy page, but has recently put together this great video showcase of Aoi's combos in Version C.

    For a more indepth discussion on these combos, please refer to kingo's original post Aoi VF5 vers. C combos video in the Aoi forum.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 10, 2012.

    1. Sozos
      Amazing video..i started practice aoi those 2 days and this video made my day!!!thanks a lot!!
    2. Genesis
      I'd prefer if it was organised the same way as that Kage video, awhile back, but it's still a great video for reference's sake.
    3. Rodnutz
      No offense bro, but comments like this seriously irritates me. While Myke's combo video has set a new standard I just feel like if you didn't have anything nice to say then don't say and then try to add fluff at the end of your statement. If you think it's so easy to organize and accomplish what Myke has done then by all means you are more than welcome to remake the video. You can even use this video for reference sake. Just saying!

      Kingo... great vid man. I'm always amazed at players like yourself who can memorize all these crazy character specific combos. I'm a one trick pony and a very lazy one at that, so I just memorize the max damage for each character and a few standard universal combo. [​IMG]

      I haven't played Aoi seriously or even on a casual level since VF3, but I'm definitely considering it for FS. I'll be looking forward to your madness as inspiration when FS drops.
    4. kingo
      Genesis : you can read the Aoi VFDC combos section for more information about characters specific or stance specific combos.

      Myke, thank you for putting my video on the VFDC homepage [​IMG]

      rodnutz: Aoi combos are just easy to do and to memorize, nothing fancy or big.. [​IMG] Looking forward to play some mirror FS Aoi with you this summer.
    5. Mikiway
      Kingo, great vid, gg's

      Still, I would have been happy if you posted it on the french board too, y'know? We're not as good as VFDC I know, but we're still active so please don't give up on us cause we're not good enough for ya... (makes me feel sad) or did you forgot french? can you still speak?

      Anyway, we'll discuss that next time I pass by, seeya.

      PS: I did post the vid for you.
    6. Genesis
      I never said it was easy. I suppose I should have noted that it's a pretty unfair comparison. I was just expecting something similar going in, so it was a little jarring, at first. It's not really a big deal, which is why I didn't get up-in-arms about it, and the second part of my sentence was intended to clarify that I still enjoyed the video. It's not fluff by any stretch of the imagination.

      I appreciate your concern and willingness to defend the work put into this video, but I wish you weren't so abrasive about it.
    7. Myke
      Genesis, if you were paying for a service then you'd be somewhat entitled to your preference. But in this particular case, where someone's work is being provided for free, then you don't really have a stake in that work.

      So stating your preference of how that work is to be delivered comes across as ungrateful. We know this wasn't your intention, and as you said, you fell victim to your own expectation.

      Rod's just looking out for fellow contributors. He knows more than anyone how thankless our efforts can be.

      I think any aspiring Aoi players out there are loving this video! Thanks again to kingo for a sterling job! [​IMG]

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