VF5, R, and Final Showdown Music on iTunes

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Aug 3, 2012.

By akai on Aug 3, 2012 at 10:05 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Music from the original Virtua Fighter 5, R, and Final Showdown are available for download at selected countries on iTunes! You can check out which country are these soundtracks available at the Sega Blog.

    For those that imported the VF5 complete soundtrack, there are a couple of music tracks that were not present in the CD set. This includes the alternate "Selector" music tracks and "New Entry" and "Continue" music tracks.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Aug 3, 2012.

    1. Daydream
      Ofc you have to buy the whole thing to get the alternate selector tracks. If you imported the album with all the songs but like 3, I doubt you will pay for three new separate albums just to get 3 mins of alternate select music.

      Otherwise cool. Some great songs on those soundtracks!
    2. cobratron
      Still no 5R alternate stage tracks. [​IMG]

      I think these tracks would only activate in the arcades when a star player was playing. At least Sega was cool enough to include them on console release but why did they have to get rid of the corresponding Vanilla versions. Oh well Kage's vanilla music sucks anyway.
    3. Konradinho
      HI I have just noticed that there are alternate BGM for Akira, Aoi, Kage and Jean. How can I unlock them? Or they're just in, i often change music settings for various series bgms and rarely have VF5FS music on. Are there alternative tracks for any other character ? I'm talking 'bout PS3 version of the game.
    4. cobratron
      u have to choose vanilla music in the settings to hear 5R alternates for Kage and Akira...no alternates for jean and aoi but you can listen to them on youtube still im pretty sure
    5. Konradinho
      Yeah, thats where I've heard them, on yt. Thanks !
    6. Chanchai
      Who else hopes that more VF Soundtracks will be made available to purchase on iTunes? ^_^

      I am happy with and have picked up the 5 Series of soundtracks. But would love anything and everything from VF1-VF4FT (heck, I'd probably get VF Kids also, though I can probably just play the Saturn Kids soundtrack off redbook on the Saturn disc :p).

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