VF4 - multiple version question

Discussion in 'Console' started by Klif, Apr 23, 2003.

  1. Klif

    Klif Member

    Hi everyone,
    First-time post for me and to start, I just wanted to say that this is an amazing site for all things Virtua Fighter related.

    This past weekend, I was over at a friend's place and we got into a few rounds of VF4. I noticed something really strange. First of all, on his PS2 VF4 disk, in Arcade Mode, it had a clock at the bottom corner that tallied the total time it took to get through it. My version doesn't have that.
    Next, I noticed that reaction times of my character, (I usually use Pai), was different than I'm used to. You could almost say slower.

    There are obvious differences between his version and mine so that brings me to this question: is there a FAQ or document outlining the differences between the various PS2 VF4 releases?

    P.S. Before people flame me into a charred mass, I tried running a search but I'm not coming up with the answers that I'm looking for.

    Many thanks in advance!
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    You going to have to elaborate.

    1) Both of you have PS2 VF4, correct?
    2) What version do you have? US release? Japanese release? Euro?
    3) What version does your friend have?

    For the record, there's no difference in gameplay between the US and Japanese versions - I don't have the European version, however I'm willing to bet that there's no difference there either.

    As far as the timer goes, that's whacked - all arcade modes for all VFs have had a timer.
  3. Klif

    Klif Member

    Thanks for the response Llanfair.
    To elaborate further:
    1) yes, we both have the PS2 VF4 version (not Evo)
    2) I'm not quite sure how to differentiate further between the US, Japanese or Euro versions. Could you possibly tell me a way that I could check?

    It may sound weird but - yes - I don't have the timer on my Arcade version. That's why I was surprised to find that he had it. UNLESS, there's a way to turn it on and off that I don't know about.

    I don't know how much difference this will make but I bought my copy at Future Shop (in Toronto) about 4 months ago. My friend bought his copy about a week later somewhere else.

    I was thinking that maybe it had something to do with the different versions, (original, B, and C), but I'm really only guessing.
  4. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I think that all PS2 VF4 are version C. The U.S version has the NTSC-US, the Jap has the NTSC-J, Euro has PAL. And, of course the Japanese version is in Japanese.

    My best guess is that you have a glitch on your copy.
  5. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Ok, unless your friend imported his version, you're both playing the US release. You got yours at Future Shop in Toronto? There's a good group of VFers in Toronto. If you guys want to learn more about the game - send me a PM and I can let you know when the next Toronto get-together is.

    VF4 had various versions, yes, but that was limited to the arcade. The Japanese originally had Version A. Any VF4 you see in the arcades here will be Version B. The Japanese arcades got VF4 Version C and this is the version that's on the PS2.

    So - just to recap. With the exception of the timer (an explanation for, I have none) both you and your friend have identical VF4 versions.
  6. Klif

    Klif Member

    Alright. I think I may be narrowing this timer issue down. I won't know until later this evening for sure though.

    I think that I may have the Greastest Hits release of VF4. If I recall correctly, it may say that on the box cover. I will definitely check on it this evening and post back, in case there is anyone interested.

    Of course, this brings up another question: are the Greatest Hits releases different than the originals?

    BTW Llanfair. I sent you a PM (re: Toronto VFers) but I'm not sure if I did it correctly or not.
  7. Klif

    Klif Member

    Well, I've got to start out with an apologiy to everybody. If there was an award for "Mega Doofus", I'd win it hands down!

    It turns out that I have that timer in Arcade mode after all. I guess I just never noticed it until I was over at my friend's place. It's no excuse, but I don't usually play in Arcade mode that often. I don't know how I missed it before though.

    One good thing that came out of it was this: I phoned my buddy last night and he broke down and admitted that he's been having problems with the controller that I was using. That's why I was noticing a difference in gameplay as well. I let me buddy know that the next time we meet, I'll have my controller in hand. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Once again, I'm sorry for wasting everybody's time on this thread. It's one helluva way to start off in a new forum. I'll go crawl under a rock now. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  8. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Don't sweat it. Welcome to the forums.
  9. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Now taste our pain!

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