VF4 in Maryland

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Jiraiya, May 12, 2004.

  1. Jiraiya

    Jiraiya New Member

    If anyone is interested in meeting the weekend of June 26th, I am up for hosting an event. III_Demon, who has been desperatly trying to get you guys to come down will be assisting. I live in College Park, Maryland. As of now, we have demons I guess 29" tv, and my 34" widescreen Wega. We have been talking about this forever, but never gotten around to it. This is plenty of time to make plans to come down. In any case I expect at minumum Shadowdean and his crew should come, plus my guys. If anybody is interested just let me know and I'll get you directions and specifics. I also figure this would give us time to plot how to take over the VF4E machine at Otakon this year, to prevent the idiots from ruining it

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