VF4 EVO small videos

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by akira_lee, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    hi everyone,
    since i love vf so much ever since the 1st series, i'd like to contribute a little something to the comunity.
    sorry my level is still beginner, and i don't think i'll get any better until my vf4 stick arrives err.. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
    there are so many combos that i can't execute under the ps2 pad (incl most of my favorites), but anyway, here ya go...

    Akira Vs Akira -Arcade mode, Very hard

    Akira Vs Sarah -Arcade mode, Very hard [another boring match...]

    AkiraVsWolf - 50+ damage evade tetsuzankou

    AkiraVsWolf - 80+ damage (i think...) evade tetsuzankou, lovin it!!/versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    comments or tips are welcomed
    thanks for watching
  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Thx for the matches. You play very fast on a pad. Things like SDE(block), Shrm seems to be buffered without a delay( I don't know how you do it on a pad).

    Where do you live?

    P.S. Arcade mode plays totally random. Very hard just means "very random". I'd like to recommend you to stay away from it as much as possible. =P
  3. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    thanks for the comment.
    i don't know. i don't think i play that fast, i think it's because the cpu is moving constantly, i just try to anticipate their moves.
    i'm holding the buttons like i'd on the arcade sticks, that's why i couldn't do things like akira's knee, or other fast combos just because it hurts my thumb so much /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif

    i live in canada, and i don't go to arcade (not that they have this game anyway).

    hehe, the randomness in "very hard", u mean random moves?
  4. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    maddy said:
    Things like SDE(block), Shrm seems to be buffered without a delay( I don't know how you do it on a pad).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sorry i'm not that familiar with the terminology anymore(now that i'm not so active anymore due to the school works these days).
    by "shrm" did you mean double palm?
    anyway, i use a lot of crouch dash, and sometimes if my left thumb is not fast enough to do [3_][3_], i use [1_][1_].
    hope that helps
  5. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Shrm is [3][3][6][P]+[K]. I see you doing this move after an evade. ([8][3][3][6][P]+[K]) It seems like you got pretty good at buffering a crouch dash on a pad. I wish you'd started playing Akira on a stick instead though. You would of been much better than you are with a pad now assuming you'd put the same amount of effort with it. Anyway, just expressing my suprise.

  6. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif yea i wish i had the stick a long time ago.
    so i can do one of my fav move: [2][4][P]->[K]+[G]([G] Cancel)->[2_][4][6][P] or [4][6][6][P]+[K]
    but as you have noticed already, i use the above type matches for warming up my fingers /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    canada, eh? I know Llanfair took the FT out of the arcades but if you post in our seemingly abandoned jamboree thread you might get some responses from players.

    Doubtful but you never know.

  8. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    yea...i dunno...i don't even know where the local arcades are.
    not too many canadian players either in this forum. are there?
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    no, not any more. I'm here but I rarely play anymore. Are you in Toronto proper or in the outskirts?

  10. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    yep. i'm in downtown.
    you're from canada? where about?
  11. OAG_3K

    OAG_3K Active Member

    I'm from Toronto Canada (scarborough) I got VF4 evo 3 weeks ago I love the game too sadly everyone rocks Tekken here /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  12. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    yep. vf4 is not even in the arcade anymore (ie. pacmall)
    i hate tekken so much and everybody seems to be good at it.
    it's sad... /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif
  13. OAG_3K

    OAG_3K Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akira_lee said:

    yep. vf4 is not even in the arcade anymore (ie. pacmall)
    i hate tekken so much and everybody seems to be good at it.
    it's sad... /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I use to go to Brimley they have it. Sadly it closed down. So when I go to pacific I only play the 2d fighters.
  14. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

    so i suppose there are no more arcade places that carry vf4 anymore ey
  15. akira_lee

    akira_lee Active Member

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