VF4 Evo 10th Anniversary Impressions

Discussion in 'Console' started by Llanfair, Jun 29, 2003.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    After playing the 10th anniversary edition for a few hours yesterday, I thought I would post my impressions on it. I've been absent from the forums, and IRC, for the last month or so and a recent search yielded little on the Anniversary edition - so if you've heard some of this before, I apologize in advance.

    First off - no tech rolling. Yes, as I had heard, this game can become essentially pounce-city, pick-up-city, ground-throw-city. The pouncing aspect is not so bad - anyone who was a fan of previous versions (1,2,3,etc) can easily accustom themselves to being pounced on following numerous combos. Lots of damage, sure, but not an issue. When you add the new VF4-isms to that kind of mechanics, it's quite the damage roll. Aoi can ground throw you virtually after every knockdown, making her a terror with a sweep mix-up game. Wolf and Jeff can pick you up seemingly at will following a devastating air combo. Lots of 'ouch' going around. Not to mention Goh's ground game...

    Secondly - No throw escapes. A la VF1 engine, throwing has no whiffed animation, are 1 frame executables, and cannot be escaped. The timing is of course not quite the same as VF1 throwing, but it's also not VF4 either - this took some time to get used to, but overall it's nasty as you basically pick your throw and worry not about it. Certainly makes for very VF2-esque games with high high damage inflicted on those who make mistakes.

    Third - Floating is different, but not markedly so. There's few situations that will allow for moves to hit on-the-bounce. The floating, I thought, was quite high and combos seemed to be quite easy. Modifying moves, ie DbPms, was no issue and we weren't sure if the VF1 modifying techniques (qcf, etc) were active - I know I tried a number of m-UpKns using QCF but I remember the results being inconsistent so I stuck with df,df.

    Fourth - Moves for characters are somewhere between VF1 and VF4. All characters who have had their 'knees' changed in Evo now have their old knees back - Jacky, Wolf, Akira. For those wondering about how to do Akira's knee, it's back to VF1 baby: ff+K+G(G) within throw range only. Jacky got his old shin slicer back as well. I'm not sure what all the changes would be as we just picked up and bashed away - I'm sure there's some more that I'm missing.

    Is it fun? Yes. Quite actually. And it's more fun for those who are familiar with the high damage games, like Virtua Fighter 2. It's a novelty game, much like Kids was and playing it is a nice change. If you can get a copy, I'd recommend it personally. Seeing the old rings and music was nostalgic and I enjoyed it very much.

  2. HyperD

    HyperD Member

    Nice..i cant wait to play it when EVO comes out in august.
    I got a question tho, is this game going to be a Limited edition Pre-order gift or do you get it anytime you buy it/
  3. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    damn, how do i get a copy o this? i hav had the jap evo since day one, is this a western exclusive?
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I gotta say, after sifting through the tape of versus play from saturday its fun to see the stages, listen to the music and watch VF1 models run around but its pretty hollow as a game.

    I would have prefered a VF1 re-release to the anniversary disc. It looks fantastic though and watching the life bar dissapear during combos is a complete hoot. I'd say its small dose fun.

  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think I more follow GE's view of this novelty game. It's fun. I would of preferred vf1 period...after about an hour or two, its not collecting dust...a question though, any polygon count comparisons compared to 10th anniversery to original vf1? just something I'd like to know.
  6. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    hell is there any mpegs of this game up?
    hope fully it looks as solid as vf1, the saturn 30frame one was lame!
  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I'll have a couple of captures ready to go in about an hour.

  8. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    acutally, I won't. I think my card finally realized how old it was. I'll see if I can't get it to perform properly but anniversary captures aren't happening right now.

  9. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I got word today that in the US version of Evo, this game is actually on the disc!

    According to my homie, it was even playable in the US version of Evo they showed at E3, but no one bothered to look, DOH!

  10. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    So it's not a separate disc ala the Euro version?
  11. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    So it's not a separate disc ala the Euro version?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is easily possible considering Evo is on DVD, but I think we need to see it to believe it, I mean I thought that Evolution would have progressive scan too.......
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Actually it should be on the Euro version as well then as both are identical from what I heard.
    The 10th aniversary disc is a promotional giveaway.
    A nice lil collectors item if you will.
  13. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    is it on the jap version?
    hell, if its on the euro version 4 sure, i'll hav to get that
    but i still hav my jap version u see:)
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Nope, not on the Japanese version.
  15. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    VF 10th Anniversary

    Zip of images

    Images on site

    Some of the images show that you can select 50khz and 60khz , PAL and NTSC. I also found a thread on GameFAQS that said that the 10th anniversary dics were released in Japan for a short while, and a small amount of discs at that.

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