VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & more!

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Catch22, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter 4 Flyers (US): http://www.segaarcade.com/games/VF4/Sega_VF4_brochure.pdf

    VF4 Arcade Manual (US): http://www.seuservice.com/manuals/Virtua%20Fighter%204/VF4_KIT_Manual.pdf

    Betson Arcade Distributors: http://www.betson.com/MainDept.asp?currentPage=4

    Official Japanese Virtua Fighter 4 Arcade Stick and Buttons by Sanwa:




    First off, I came by these sites and pages on the internet by pure accident. I was going to build my arcade joystick with http://www.happcontrols/ but as things turn out....

    Next, the Flyers and arcade manual are of US origin and come from Sega Service. High Quality stuff. What is IMPORTANT is that by clicking the Beston arcade distributor link above, you get access to the US arcade cabinet art, marquee, joystick underlays, etc, that you see on the VF4 US cabinets. Those looking to build their own machine, or just want these as collectibles, should download the arcade manual, as the arcade manual has the parts numbers that can be input in the search field on the Betson site (see the included picture: http://members.aol.com/ctwentytwo/cabinetart.jpg ).

    Next off, Gamers looking to build a Japanese ball-style and button joystick or cabinet, you should look to the Sanwa link above. Sanwa has the joysticks and buttons that are on the Japanese VF4 cabinets (see picture: http://members.aol.com/ctwentytwo/sanwa.jpg ). Sanwa actually advertises a "VF4 stick and button combo." Again, gamers wanting Japanese style sticks should look further than Sanwa.

    Unfortunately, US buyers cannot BUY from the Sanwa website.

    Furtunately, a US distributor does have the Sanwa buttons: http://www.arcade-infinity.com/galother04.htm
    They are available in pink, yellow, and green only... /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif. But they don't have the Sanwa sticks. I searched other places on the net, and you have to buy em in bulk...50+.

    If anyone from Japan can get me the Sanwa VF4 sticks and buttons (2 sets in Green), I'd gladly send the cash... maybe we can work out something... Zero Chan? Gaigin Punch? c'mon.

    Anyway, it's now possible to have all the real parts at home. Questions? Don't hesitate. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  2. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    try www.ultimarc.com
    they have the same style of sanwa joystick. I bought two from them. One is in my MAS stick and the other is for replacement or future projects.
    The stick rocks too btw. Now I know how people in those vids can crouch dash so easily. Spoding, DLC, and double tap buffering for kage's knee from TFT is easily done too. Thanks go to misato for his preaching on the superiority of japanese joysticks.
  3. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I recently bought the Hori VF4 stick... and SPoD came out for the fist time. It was like, one of the best moments of my life. Trying to SPoD with VF2 and saturn gave me a nightmare... didn't try with the Agetec and VF3TB w/ DC... got around to trying SPod with the Hori stick. I actually landed a SPoD in match against my brother, and I will ARCHIVE that replay. I'm normally a Sarah player. After using the Hori sticks, I'm motivated to build my own joystick with Japanese parts.

    anywayz, much MAHALO's for the link. I'll give it a try.

    Thanks, Catch22
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Have you checked http://www.arcade-infinity.com/ ?
    It seems like the sticks and buttons you mentioned are pretty much the standard in almost all JP arcade machines, with a few exceptions. (Some of the old SNK models are different.)

    In any case, one of my teammates has a part-time job at an arcade so maybe I can ask him for prices and stuff. (No, he can't felch the stuff for free. XP)
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Ya im currently looking to build a joystick right now also, i bought 2 sidewinder pads and 2 psx pads on ebay for a total of $26 with shipping, not bad for 4 pads.

    Any how im also looking for good jsticks, i was looking at the ones at ultimate arc for a bit but the length on the shaft looks a bit longer than normal. I cant really tell with that skew.

    So I emailed arcade infinity my local arcade, They do sell official sanwa sticks for $20 each, even though its not listed on their page. So you might want to check that out.

    Another Thing about AI, lets increase that board forum petition to bring evo to there.

  6. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    That's why they made spacers. Go to your local hardware store and get some spacers and use them to make the shaft lenght however long you like it.
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    ultimate arc costs too much shipping wise anyhow, might as well get the offical sanwa stick and not pay shipping , save me money in the long run
  8. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Hey Phoenix, how do you order the sticks from Arcade Infinity online then? Man, I'm tempted to buy that 50+ lot from a Hong Kong source, and start my own business. Looks like it can be a profitable one.
  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    well i just drove over and bought some parts, buttons are extremely expensive here $3 a button, but its sanwa buttons. The good non indented kind.

    I bought a sanwa stick too, Its $20. Im staring at it and its real confusing stuff. I think i have to do power tests on it. Because there is no connectors on the bottom of the joystick. Theres 5 pins im sure thats to plug directly into the megalo cabinets, and 8 solderpoints on the top of the joystick, which would make mounting it a bit more difficult. I think the 8 solder points control the 8-way but theres no way i can tell for sure.

    If you want to contact arcade infinity just email them. I also talked to the guy who worked there, and he says theres no way they can do the card system because US has no vfnet, and that might cause problems in the game trying to connect to it. And he said maybe for getting evo in the near future.
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    I think you'd do a lot better to hunt down a panel from a Japanese Naomi cabinet. That's where the connector is (for the buttons at least) and they'll be spaced 'properly' as well.

    They're set up in Japan where they can pop in a stick or button on a moments notice. Unlock the cabinet, roll it over, pop out the bad part, pop in the new -- they're very good about keeping up with that.
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Only if i lived in japan =/

    well i figured out how to solder the joystick connections, but trying to mount the buttons is going to be hard. the distance between the clip and the buttons is just under a 1/16th of an inch. Thats going to be hard to route and have have something that sturdy at that thickness.

    I might consider upgrading my plexiglass top to lexan, then reinforce it with a wood backing. If i print some fancy image and paste it upon the wood it will cover up most of the shoddyness with my mediocre hardware skills. The plexiglass or lexan top should keep the image from wearing down.

    I'll probably make a page on my joystick project once im done with it.

  12. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Yeah, please make a page. When I get the materials, I'll be posting a page... an FAQ and such.

    I can't wait to get started. Luckily, finals is next week, and I can get started.
  13. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Yesss!!! Just got a reply from Sanwa about the VF4 arcade stick and buttons set. Yup, I'm gonna spend the money. 4 sets for $100. Not bad eh?.....

    Hello Mr. E. Tomas

    Received your order with thanks.
    I would like to inform about payment and hope to confirm order again.

    EMS charge to USA \2400
    Total amount \12840

    So please arrenge payment at JPY12840 or USD100.00

    We will accept Registered mail orTT.

    Our BANK : Sumitomomitsui Bank
    Ohtsuka Branch
    AC No.173617

    Our ADD : 20-15 Saiwai-cho Itabashi-ku Tokyo Japan

    Thanks again for your interest in our parts


    ......just edited this post... site cant' post japanese display.
  14. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Did you get the sticks and the buttons, or just the buttons???
  15. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m


    The VF4 SET comes with a joystick and 3 buttons as a set.
  16. Skippy

    Skippy New Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    are you making a vf4 arcade cabinet or are you making a controler for a home system. i will pay good money for a good ps2 controler.
  17. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Skippy, look on ebay periodically until you come across the old namco psx stick (grey base, yellow stick, 6 yellow buttons) make sure you win the auction and you'll have the greatest stick you don't have to build.

    If that fails just buy yourself the T4 joystick from www.therage.com its a good jap stick.

    you can always build one but good luck on getting japanese parts. Not to say its impossible but its more costly and wayyyy more time consuming
  18. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Skippy, I'm planning on making home console joystick controls. I'm gonna make it so you can plug in the type of console plug you want... making it more flexible to pretty much all consoles. But in short, yes, it is mainly going to be for VF4. I'm also planning on building one with Happ Controls for my friend, who is gonna use it for Street Fighter and the like.

    I'll let everyone know how it goes once I get the materials and parts.

    BTW, nothing beats the real arcade parts, but the VF4 stick from HORI and the Agetec DC stick is pretty good if you want ASIAN ball-type controls, which I prefer for VF. Anyway, I opened up both sticks and found some pretty interesting stuff. I'll post more on this later.
  19. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    Here is an inside look at the Hori VF4 Stick, and the Agetec DC stick.

    Hori VF4 Stick:
    The components and parts that make up this joystick is comparable to this Sanwa joystick that I bought on eBay:
    Notice the shape of the pushbottons and the joystick's wire connectors. You can use connector spades with this stick instead of soldering. Both this Sanwa stick, and the Hori VF4 stick are use similar connectors... similar to Happ joysticks.


    Agetec DC Stick:
    This Agetec DC stick is similar to the VF4 Sanwa sticks. So are the pushbuttons... This is the Sanwa VF4 stick and pushbutton set below:
    Notice the pcb board on the stick used to connect the wires from the stick to the another pcb board used for the logic on the Agetec stick. Both have the Agetec and Sanwa VF4 stick trait. Since there are five wires from the stick, there are five connectors from the PCB on these sticks. It can be safely assumed that one of them is a ground connection (black wire), and the others would be "left, right, up, and down."

    Looking at the internals of the sticks, the quality of the parts used in the Agetec stick are quite superior. With this in mind, it would be a good idea to just convert the Agetec stick with a hacked Playstation controller if you want to save time and money making a good VF4 stick for the PS2.
  20. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    building a stick

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Looking at the internals of the sticks, the quality of the parts used in the Agetec stick are quite superior. With this in mind, it would be a good idea to just convert the Agetec stick with a hacked Playstation controller if you want to save time and money making a good VF4 stick for the PS2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is not a bad idea at all. Here's a quick looksee at my stick...I chose to go with an optical happ stick instead of keeping the agetec parts. My buttons are also happ competition buttons. These buttons are identical to what you'd find on a VF3 cabinet. Imo, they are better than the default buttons on Versus City cabinets. I thought the agetec stick to be rather flimsy and it pales in comparison to a japanese stick on a Versus City machine (sanwa). Converting a PSX controller is not hard, and I would recommend doing this.





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